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Disable PvP completely checkbox


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Hi All!

first a bit wining, you may skip it :)

Today I experienced something that I've never met before.

One guy tricked me into PvP. It was in a heat of PvE fight, I have autotarget on. I didn't understand how exactly that happened, but I think I autotargeted him when he was deliberately standing close to me.

After that I tried to run away from him, didn't resurrect until they leave even tried to hide in rackgoul tunnels starting base

but he got me there too. Just sneaked by and killed deliberately me.

All that time I didn't struck a single blow at him, tried to run away from him.

And when I was waiting for pvp flag to go off, he killed me again and again

Due to game mechanics everything seems fair. I attacked him first so autoflagged for pvp.

I thought rakgoul tunnels is a sanctuary but it was not.


My Idea:

Add some checkbox in settings or in UI that disables pvp COMPLETELY! no matter what I do


I don't want to think about pvp-ers (specially on rp server) when I do some solo quest. Why do I have to wait or run away from such bullies?

why do I have to waste my time traveling to sanctuary (which maybe another location with loading screen) waiting for pvp flag go off (5 min) just after one misclick?

you would say "disable autotarget". Great! Because of some jerks I must modify UI so it become inconvenient as hell, thx a lot.

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I also don't like being tricked into flagging myself, so I avoid all the things that can cause this. I also abandon any quest that pushes me into Outlaw's Den or other unsafe areas (sorry, HK). Until recently I avoided PVP events as well, but I'm slowly trying to get into them to at least grab some of the achievements (I stick to the fringes as much as possible). Sucks that I have to do these things on a PVE server. Nothing will probably come of it, but I'd also support being able to fully disable open-world pvp with something simple like a checkbox in the settings. Even that is annoying, as, again, we're on PVE servers and if we wanted to be ganked in the open world by sadists we would have chosen the PVP servers.


I like queuing for PVP WZ's, because I'm choosing to participate in those and I'm choosing to kill or be killed freely. But hate the open-world stuff :mad:

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You see someone in yellow, just stop using your AoEs.

You see someone in green, don't heal or buff them.

This isn't that hard.

1. as I was told aoe doesn't raise pvp anymore

2. He came from behind when I was fighting mobs. that was a long fight so he could sneak upon me. And btw he has sneak ability. So I couldn't see him until last

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Autotarget has nothing to do with it, attention does.


Rakghoul Event is a PVP event, to an extent. It is one of the few events when I can engage in OWPVP and I love it - that being said, so, you want to be able to damage someone and not get flagged? Or heal someone being attacked and not get flagged? That would totallly unbalance OWPVP because you can't be bothered to watch your targets.


Treat PVPers like CCed targets. When you are on a tough trash pull in a flashpoint, do you tab-target every which way? No, you check who is CCed before hitting them (or you should). Treat PVP like that. You are attacking a group of mobs, and you see a flagged person there. So, take a breather before attacking and don't attack.


If you end up dying, activate the GSF tutorial and exit, that resets the flag.

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you want to be able to damage someone and not get flagged? Or heal someone being attacked and not get flagged?

No, you don't understand.

I don't want to even be able to do with them anything (accidentally). I want that pvp players (allies and enemies alike) would be like non-pvp for me. No healing, no damaging, nothing. They go their way, I go my way.

Edited by OverDrone
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These things happen. Not such a big deal.

If you got flagged by accident you can just launch a GSF tutorial and abort it. Your flag will disappear, saving you time travelling to sanctuary to deflag.

Edited by wmst
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No, you don't understand.

I don't want to even be able to do with them anything (accidentally). I want that pvp players (allies and enemies alike) would be like non-pvp for me. No healing, no damaging, nothing. They go their way, I go my way.

MMOs won't and don't work that way.


How is it, I can do the event on more than one character and not once trigger the pvp flag?


Amazing isn't it?

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