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The fairness in Preferred Status, or lack thereof.


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I don't use the monthly CC for that, I use them to unlock things in collections.


I only have to sub at this point because of the credit cap. I have enough credits in the game to buy every unlock and pass I could ever want off the GTN. The only place CCs are needed are to unlock stuff in collections, but I don't do that all that often either, just once in awhile.


But I get what you're saying, you're suggesting the sales of items on the GTN would be better if F2P could buy expensive stuff off the GTN from subs.


That is actually a fair point, but it also likely would kick inflation up a notch, because a whole new customer base would open up, raising prices further. But I don't need the money. If I could have no credit cap, I'd unsub tomorrow, I frankly I have all the credits I'll ever need. That is why there is a 10 million credit vehicle for sale on Odessan, for people like me to spend our credits on.


The prices would maybe be higher, but it really wouldn't be a probem for those with cool stuff to sell since big prices mean people are buying - usually.


Well, i'm not that rich since i always find a way to blow my in game money, but I guess i can see now how the credit cap restriction removal may actually get someone like you to unsub.

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Remove credit cap and the credit sellers are the beneficiaries. Not Bioware, not subscribers and not even F2P players as inflation would make even simple things out of reach.


The request to remove the aural notification the best one Ive seen in this thread. Should suggestion box it, it makes sense.

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Remove credit cap and the credit sellers are the beneficiaries. Not Bioware, not subscribers and not even F2P players as inflation would make even simple things out of reach.


The request to remove the aural notification the best one Ive seen in this thread. Should suggestion box it, it makes sense.


If people can't/won't buy the game, i doubt they'd spend RL money on those spam duches

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Yeah, but I fear you'd lose subscribers....people would be at least tempted to spend their 15 on credits, then spend the credits to unlock account/character stuff.


I'm speculating, of course - but I'd wager to say it wouldn't help anything to remove the limit.


I'm all for making the Preferred/F2P as nag free as possible though.

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Even if i was completley selfish, I'd still remove those pesky credit caps so someone would actually buy the gtn mil worth stuff you get from cartel market only lol. Srsly; are we not going to talk about this?


I would rather see them give fair warning then lower the credit cap for everyone to 1 mill and let the market adjust. This would make items affordable for everyone. I doubt they'd do this since it would probably mean people spending less money in the cartel market just to sell items for in-game currency.

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How about this: if a Preferred player wants the cred cap removed, he or she subscribes.


Did you even read the whole thing, or did you just stop there and get all angry? xD


Really though, i'm starting to sorta joke at this point because of course this fantasy where everyone is happy and gets no spam mail as a bonus isn't going to happen lmao

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Did you even read the whole thing, or did you just stop there and get all angry? xD

The only angry person here is you. If a Preferred player does not like the restrictions, they can subscribe or go play a different game. In the latter case, no great loss, since they were not paying for the game anyway.


Some of you still seem to be stuck in the mode of thinking that Preferred should be a viable alternative to subscribing. In LotRO, for example, it (Premium status) is. In TOR, it's not.

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The only angry person here is you. If a Preferred player does not like the restrictions, they can subscribe or go play a different game. In the latter case, no great loss, since they were not paying for the game anyway.


Some of you still seem to be stuck in the mode of thinking that Preferred should be a viable alternative to subscribing. In LotRO, for example, it (Premium status) is. In TOR, it's not.


If you actually did read it then maybe you should try again, because I don't think you're getting it. And it would be a loss in fact.

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I wouldn't mind about removing SOME restrictions from Pref players.

But only in one condition - Bioware must increase bonus for Subs.


It can be unique (I SAID UNIQUE DAMMIT! NOT RE-PAINTED VERSION OF EXISTING!!!) armor. Or special buff that will increase credits gained by X%. Or even increased CC gained for subscription.


But you know what? Bioware will never gonna do it.


So... Will i vote for remove restriction for Pref? Absolutely not.

Unless Bioware will give Subs something in return. Period.

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Well alright then dude who isn't angry and I am.


I guess this is where I wave my good-bye to this thread since I have nothing new to say, except I was never really looking for a fight lol. Just thought I thought of something that would make everyone happy is' all...by everyone It's mostly me tho but you know...human nature. No but really, it wasn't just me. Look at the paradice I imagined! Or don't.

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So... Will i vote for remove restriction for Pref? Absolutely not.

Unless Bioware will give Subs something in return. Period.


Take a look at the comparison between f2p, pref, and sub access and rewards. Throw in time dependent subscription rewards and the free insta-60's. You're saying you want even more than what you receive just due to a single restriction possibly being removed from pref?

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Take a look at the comparison between f2p, pref, and sub access and rewards. Throw in time dependent subscription rewards and the free insta-60's. You're saying you want even more than what you receive just due to a single restriction possibly being removed from pref?


Why not? Any restriction preferred gets removed lessens the value of my subscription.

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Why not? Any restriction preferred gets removed lessens the value of my subscription.


I forgot that everyone was inherently selfish and can't perceive the benefits for others unless they themselves receive something. Especially if it's somehow something that no one else can get.

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I wouldn't mind about removing SOME restrictions from Pref players.

But only in one condition - Bioware must increase bonus for Subs.


It can be unique (I SAID UNIQUE DAMMIT! NOT RE-PAINTED VERSION OF EXISTING!!!) armor. Or special buff that will increase credits gained by X%. Or even increased CC gained for subscription.


But you know what? Bioware will never gonna do it.


So... Will i vote for remove restriction for Pref? Absolutely not.

Unless Bioware will give Subs something in return. Period.


unique armor? that'd be a horriable sub bonus given you could aquire it and then unsub. I think if they where lessening restriction on F2P (something I support BTW) I'd like to see more QOL changes for subscribers. maybe giving you legacy benifits for free (so if you're legacy leve 20 you get any and all legacy benifits that require that legacy level to unlock)


that said I think BW has found the restrictiveness works. most of the restriction don't detract from your ability to play from level 1-50. (just impact you cosmeticly) and it's always been clear BW sees the Elder game as something for subscribers

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I forgot that everyone was inherently selfish and can't perceive the benefits for others unless they themselves receive something. Especially if it's somehow something that no one else can get.


It's a business arrangement. I pay for X, you get Y for free. When you start getting some of X, what am I paying for again?

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The only angry person here is you. If a Preferred player does not like the restrictions, they can subscribe or go play a different game. In the latter case, no great loss, since they were not paying for the game anyway.


Some of you still seem to be stuck in the mode of thinking that Preferred should be a viable alternative to subscribing. In LotRO, for example, it (Premium status) is. In TOR, it's not.


Nobody suggested that! Stop with the strawmen and the dishonesty, and it's not just you. It goes without saying, even though it was obvious from the original post, that this is not the issue at hand. It's perfectly possible to make the PS experience a lot better with some 'minor' tweaks without doing the slightest damage to the game and the subscriber base. Truth is, people get triggered by the slightest indcation that the ''pleb'' could be getting something else than what they already have. For the most part it's an irrational and prejudiced attitude. Seriously having a hard time reading through all the condescending talk.


I don't know what's so hard to understand. No one, and I mean no one is calling for equal content between preferred status and subscribers. Rather that the gap between F2P and PS be enlarged. This could be done without affecting the status-quo for subs and BW itself. How on Earth will you be affected by, say, PS having the credit cap increased from 350k (only 150k more than F2P) to a million? If anything, as another poster suggested, subs will be able to have a larger GTN customer base. There would still be a ridiculous amount of exclusive perks to make it worthwhile to subscribe.


For all I know, the current state of affairs with regards to preferred status (and obviously I don't mean people who've spent 5 bucks) sure as hell ain't encouraging me to re-subscribe. I'd also make a case for the rude player base, but that seems to be a minority. I expected most of this reactions, hence I made sure to write in the OP that none of that was intended in a give me stuff-for-free kind of tone. Five pages later it's implied that we (subs talking about preferred) are acting like beggars. I'd bet the farm 80% of people didn't even bother to read the start of the thread, and instead decided to get in super-emotive mode God knows why. I get it, ''you get what you pay for'' and having burnt large amounts of money in the game ain't making you any different than someone who's payed five dollars, and almost on-par with those who haven't spent a dime (people whose demands I, too, have no sympathy for. Not sure why they were brought up though, must be more dishonest tactics, inability to read or simple carelessness) - it's an overzealous corporate model that won't make their costumers' lives any easier once they stop feeding the cow, even though they may have had prospects of returning. I get it. That would beg the question of right or wrong, still, but I, for one, have no interest in contrubiting to this model - and there went a [possible] sub.


And you're absolutely right if you say it makes no difference, me being a drop in the ocean. A coin in McDuck's gold pool. But that's a different discussion.

Edited by richiesilva
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It's a business arrangement. I pay for X, you get Y for free. When you start getting some of X, what am I paying for again?


More people to group with. More people to pay for CM items to also support the game. Increased ability to purchase items on the GTN to directly support others with creds from CM items. A higher QoL for others that doesn't make the game feel like it's punishing you for not subbing, thus retaining those players instead of driving them away, again resulting in more people to group with.


You also still receive subscriber bonuses. I don't think any one is suggesting that f2p or pref should receive those. People are suggesting that the restrictions, or a specific restriction as I think many are suggesting a credit cap increase for pref, be lessened.

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Rather that the gap between F2P and PS be enlarged. This could be done without affecting the status-quo for subs and BW itself.


You're absolutely right it could. It could be done by taking more away from F2P. But I never see anyone suggesting that, oddly.

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You're absolutely right it could. It could be done by taking more away from F2P. But I never see anyone suggesting that, oddly.


Yes. So strange. Why aren't we encouraging BioWare to change it such that even less people have a desire to even try the game?

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Yes. So strange. Why aren't we encouraging BioWare to change it such that even less people have a desire to even try the game?


I love how you guys are couching this as if BioWare is really hurting bad and the F2P/Preferred systems are failing miserably. I assure you, if that were the case we wouldn't be having this discussion on this forum.


I suspect the truth of it really is "I just want more for free" after all.

Edited by hadoken
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I love how you guys are couching this as if BioWare is really hurting bad and the F2P/Preferred systems are failing miserably. I assure you, if that were the case we wouldn't be having this discussion on this forum.


I suspect the truth of it really is "I just want more for free" after all.


We're all subs here. Your rationalization for it being "I just want more for free" is patently false by the fact that I'm posting here. We do know that you want more if someone else gets a lessened restriction. Please try to create more specious arguments and deflections in your next response.

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