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Hey guys. I just started playing the game again after 2 years. Last thing I recall doing ingame was raiding hardmode Dread Fortress and Dread Palace.


I was wondering where to even pick back up and start gearing up again.


Also... what happend to that Sith warrior skill that reduced armor? They removed it?


Welcome back. There are quite a few changes to the game since the last time you played. On your ship, there should be a BRIGHT purple / pink triangle for new missions. I would start there.


Alot of skills have been moved, altered, polished, or changed since you played last. Read them all, and get back into your new rotations while getting gear / levels.


Raiding is in a strange spot at the moment, no new raids yet for KotFE, however with level sync the old raids are doable again.


Basically just dive back in :)

Posted (edited)

Hard to dive back in....


I might need to learn how to play a sith warrior all over again lol


So I'm guessing since I'm pretty far behind gear wise that Flashpoint gear is better than what I have right?


Also, what are the main stats for a tank to focus on now?

Edited by Daknel

I'm not entirely sure. Looks like you should be working towards Shadows of Revan gear, which is 190 - 192 rating. So what you are wearing should carry you through that line up until about Yavin when you can get some decent upgrades.


But run whatever you want to run. I was running FlashPoints and getting KotFE gear (208 rating) with one of my level 65s last night.


So you can rock out a quest series, or start looking for a group, both will get you geared up. FlashPoints will scale you up to 65 so you can pull your own weight with the group. Unless you run the Fleet starter ones (Black Talon) then you will scale down to level 12 and still get gear for your level.


I am a terrible tank. I admit it. I run her with about 30% each absorb, shield, and defense. Then for my own giggles I stuff her full of power augments. I won't be raiding on that Sin ever.


With that particular formula she facerolls pretty much everything she touches, but I tend to solo play. Grouping is few and far between for me.


You'll be able to pick up where you left off. If you've completed oricon story, then you'll start at Shadow of Revan prelude.


Don't worry about gear, just jump right in the story. The whole companion situation is reversed right now so your companion just kills everything while you assist it. Companions don't need gear for stats either.


Of course, the game is really buggy right now, so you might be missing a few missions, but don't worry. Just open a ticket or call CS and hopefully they'll be able to sort everything out for you.


Welcome back and happy hunting.

If for some reason you dont have a story mission quest in your ship, level up. Happened to me. Wasted an entire day looking for a quest to continue the story ... turns out old accounts are bugged and leveling up fixes it.
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