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Can the GTN not function when you use "of" in any search for items?


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the search requires at least 3 characters as input per word and blanc space is the separator.

So using 'of' disables the option to search.


Not sure why it needs to be 3 characters.


Especially sinc some items have of in their name. Example. Holocron of ancient masters. Hard to find on the gtn.

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If you are looking for something in particular, all you have to do is delete or not use any title parts that are two letters.


For example, if you are looking for a Relic of Uber Leetness, all you have to do is type Relic Uber Leetness...or really you can type Rel Ube Lee and it should give it to you right away.


Numbers don't follow this. If you search for Leetness Mod 43, you'll get the 43's. If you search for Leetness Mod 4, you'll get any mod with a 4 in it...4, 14, 24, etc.

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Especially sinc some items have of in their name. Example. Holocron of ancient masters. Hard to find on the gtn.


Delete "of" in your search and thats it.


Its annoying, but its easily dealt with.


I guess they concluded that nothing coherent can come of only 2 characters search and it just makes many calls to database for nothing. Of course, if you search the whole name that consists one of 2 letter words its not true.


The solution i guess would be to have minimum combined number character search which would ignore "2 character" limitation.

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Nope GTN works of batches of 3 characters


But then GTN was obviously designed by someone with no knowledge of databasing & needs to be brought into reality asap.

Originally it allowed words of any lenght. I think there were performance problems or something with very short words, so they added the limit of three characters. As originally implemented, the exception for numbers didn't exist, so it became impossible to search for particular grades of mods.


I agree that the GTN sucks big time. Pasting an item name into the search with shift-click includes any short words (such as "Account of the discovery of Korriban") so you must manually remove them in order to search for it. Sorting is also broken; after the first search the UI incidates an ascending sort by price, but the entries are actually in a random order (probably whatever came out of the database by default). To actually sort by ascending price, it's necessary to click that column twice. Sorting by unit price used to break when making a new query, but I'm not sure if that might be actually fixed.

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