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<The Jedi Enclave> Is an Rp Jedi Guild. Padawan/Master system.

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<The Jedi Enclave> Is an Rp Jedi Guild Padawan/Master system.


Ranks : Initiate - Padawan - Knight - Master.


Events : Classes - Trials, RP events, Guild Story progression events


Other: Character progression help - Backstory help


Base of operations: Yavin 4 Enclave temple


About us: We are The Yavn Enclave sect of the order..We teach classes and we send our Knights and Masters on missions. If they have a padawan they tag along and learn in the field.. In the field we help those in need from being a diplomat to problem solver. We Answer distress calls even if it is in the middle of a class.


Time Line: before The knights of the fallen empire.


If interested reply to this post or contact Morelda or Laumiaca via in game or mailbox in game.


We are in desperate need of rpers. If you have a Jedi character and have any interest in rping We would love to have you. We are also looking for Knights and masters. If you want one of those positions we will give you the knight trials or the Master Trials depending on what one you want to try for. We are struggling to keep our current members happy. We need more people to fill the gap and make our events and classes more full. If you are interested Contact Morelda in game or rely here.


Thank you

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Sorry about that. We kinda went on holiday mode and been quiet for a bit.

We are returning this weekend. Will be on different planets recruiting.

Weill be 3pm - 11PM CST Either Morelda or Ki'tiero will be on during that time.

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