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Expertise @ 50 does nothing...sad PvP days


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Expertise is a fine stat... but it doesn't turn you into a PvP superman. lol


Other Devs have made the mistake in other games of jacking PvP boost stats WAY too high and have ended up with a PvP end game gear grind that is both unfun and very contradictory too solid competitive PvP. Yes you can get yourself a 5-20% dmg bonus and mit... any more then that and we have the unfun end game pvp gear grind that I don't think anyone wants.


Learn to kill people and evade and stop trying to rely on some fantastic piece of gear to make up the difference for you. Also keep in mind that our wise Bio Devs have forced you too trade some possible other stats for that Expertise... don't just assume the Expertise is the way too go. Depending on your class and playstyle you may not want to worry about stacking any expertise at all.

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Not to mention, expertise isn't the only stat...


What if the person shooting you has 30% crit chance and 75% crit multiplier? Or over 100 Accuracy? (I say this because it seemed the OP got DPS ranged)


Expertise is just an overall stat, there are others though. If your defensive stats are below part, you're going to get hit like a ton of bricks regardless of your expertise.

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29 Sentinel and I already have a 20% chance of crit (that is without buffs from other players or from fucus tree that gives additional bonuses (up to +30% actually). So you can get a solid 50% crit on some attacks (and 100% on selected few). Add to that armour penetration abilities classes have and ....

Still, 12% is 12 %. Nice to have at least that much ^__^

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maybe instead of crying you could try to improve as a player. Instead of crying on these forums do something more productive such as:


-stop using s key to walk backwards and rebind it to an abillity.

-bind all your abilities and stop clicking bars.

-stop keyboard turning.

-stop complaining about hutball and actually try to use some kind of strategy, actually pass the ball instead of trying to power walk it from middle to end.


I've seen so many, ahem, not-so-skilled players crying in bg's when it was rather obvious they didnt have much of a clue what they were doing. gear only gives you a small advantage.


Thats funny, I've been a pvper for about 5 years now and never once thought of rebinding my S key and never really realized just how useless it is.

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whatever you guys are prolly like lvl 35 and have no clue wait till 50 and get some epic pvp gear and get mad cause u get trucked by ranged lvl 15's and still die in seconds...Least in WoW resilience is actually noticeable.


unfortunatly for you they don't want gear to decide outcome of a battle want skill to be the deciding factor. Already said that expertise wouldn't mean automatically won any situation. The problem with resilence was and always has been that once you have it, anyone that doesn't is dead plain and simple no matter how hard they try.


Expertise gives you an edge but won't compensate for poor skill or bad team cohesion. That said alot of balance issues will get addressed in future lets ya know give game a few months to mature...

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Stream or cool story bro or your a rogue and only look for 1v1's...like i said 1v1 w/e but being trucked by 2 lvl 15 inquistors and dieing almost instantly is retarded.


Notice how just about no one here agrees with you. Shouldn't this be an indication that you're the bad one here? You're not the only 50 with expertise, yet you don't see the majority of them complain. Think about it... just think about it for a minute.


And making up scenarios for someone's story just because you can't believe it, is pretty childish. That just means you try to find fault in the game, and not yourself.


Well, consensus says, you're bad. Now learn not to be.

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If you are a level 50 with 400 points in Exp gear... one I would say you don't understand the game mechanics... 2 you don't understand pvp mechanics if you are getting tangled with 2 or 3 enemies of ANY level with out backup. You deserve to die in that situation. A good PvP player with a level 15 toon will still beat up level 50 players that don't treat the field with respect. There is no issue.
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Stream or cool story bro or your a rogue and only look for 1v1's...like i said 1v1 w/e but being trucked by 2 lvl 15 inquistors and dieing almost instantly is retarded.



Dude...Really? 2 Level 15 Inquisitors?


Were they sin's or Sorcs?


Disregard that last question about classes...2 level 15's really?

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I heard there's some more expertise behind those pillars.


Couldent have said it better my self.

Expertice is rediculessly good vs anyone whos not 50 if you are one your self.

Its not ment to be a god mode stat its ment to even out the dmg done and recived in pvp but counting anything if your not 50 is kinda silly but also if your dieing with that much expertice then its you thats the problem no doubt.

People at 50 are taking out 3-4 people on thier own with just afew pvp parts at 50..

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Why all this hate guys, and the back to wow answer, thats just rude and dosnt help anyone.... a lvl 50 with full pvp equip should faceroll 2 lvl 15 player, if not so there are only 2 possible reason

1) the lvl 50 dont know how to play(i doubt)

2) the mechanics beyond expertise is broken and there is no reason to gearing up for pvp since boostler do all the job.

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Stream or cool story bro or your a rogue and only look for 1v1's...like i said 1v1 w/e but being trucked by 2 lvl 15 inquistors and dieing almost instantly is retarded.


i almost died laughing. after a mere 2 weeks live, if you count early access, this game is fairly balanced for pvp. all the sorc/sage QQ will die down once they see how much burst stealthies do after opening on them. sheesh!! impressive.


also, 50 melee is much a more complete package than while leveling. so fear not jc/sw types!! once you can throw that saber youre significantly more deadly.


but seriously? you think you should just own everytime youre outnumbered? by 2 players who will no doubt be spamming a 3second, decent damage, channeled 50% snare on your melee butt?


lolololol. next thing we may hear people saying, "why cant my [insert ranged AC here] solo 2 snipers at the same time?"

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OP Are you a Sith Marauder ?


Cause if you are don't even try to go heads up with any range class with good slows/knockbacks.


I think that he is a mara or knight. If so, ye what you said. Like take this situation. Not saying that snipers are the most op atm but, a sniper puts up a cover, you cannot charge him therefor you must run to him. During this time you will probably get slowed and ccd x2and die. How is that balaned?

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I think that he is a mara or knight. If so, ye what you said. Like take this situation. Not saying that snipers are the most op atm but, a sniper puts up a cover, you cannot charge him therefor you must run to him. During this time you will probably get slowed and ccd x2and die. How is that balaned?


Roll an operative healer like myself, go up stealthed behind him and **** his face :)


Or just use your tiny little pathetic brain and don't go after him and instead stay out of his range. That was hard.

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12% is 12%. That is huge. While the number may seem low, being able to take and give 12% less damage is an unbelievable advantage in PvP.


Yes, in other MMO's the reduction percentages may be much higher but that is because of inflated stats and damage abilities.


In the current PvP environment, however, being able to have a 12% advantage in all areas is nuts -- especially when there are a few people on your team with high expertise rating. In that case, the advantage doesn't just become 12% on a one v. one basis, but a much higher percentage on a team v. team basis.


Furthermore, 12% is balanced enough IMHO to all PvE players to be able to feel useful in PvP -- keeping warzones and Ilum alive on servers that don't have bustling populations.


If I sound slightly incoherent, its because I just woke up and haven't had coffee.... Don't mind me.


Vereor, 50 Immortal on The Fatman

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i have no idae what the OP is talking about, i finally got my expertise up to 198 and i'm crushing people now.


i can 3 shot a lvl 15 ranged,


are you speced for PVP or are you trying to use your pve spec?


i'm jedi shadow, sound's to me like you need to learn to interupt.

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