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Lvl 60 tokens?


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I'm wondering about the token in general cause I want to basically get the legacy armor for my main character because its not given to you as a normal player when you start fallen empire, so if I where to use the token then delete him after trading the armor would I be able to use the same token or would that just be used up and would I have to purchase another one?
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AFAIK the token is never given back, but you should be able to create a replacement level 60 after deleting him. But be careful, and when you create your 60, don't escape, spacebar, or otherwise skip anything at the opening. Best theory I've seen is that is what causes ppl to end up with level 1's.
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You will not get the token back but you will still be able to create a new level 60 from the character select screen.


Also just to clarify : You can delete it and re-create a new one as long as you have not leveled it to 61 or above.


Here is the official help center link to this question : http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/7443


And here is a quote from the above link :


If you’ve created a new level 60 character and find that the playstyle of that Advanced Class does not suit you, you may delete that character before they reach level 61 and create another without having to buy a token from the Cartel Market.


Hope this helps :)

Edited by Jerqa
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Yes Jerga we all have seen what is supposed to happen, but what IS happening is different. A lot of us are deleting the level ones and trying again, but the token ability goes away and you cannot make another after deleting. So you are out the 2k cartel coins with nothing to show.
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I bought tokens twice. Once all I got was a level one toon. The second time I got absolutely nothing. I opened a ticket hours ago... almost 12 hours ago. Still haven't heard anything. I didn't know what was going on. I want a refund on one of my tokens.
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When I firstly used my free lvl 60 to get Agent Armor and deleted that toon after I ended up with 1 lvl char second time, at third time I finally managed to get lvl 60 one. So, I experienced this bug as well. But yeah, it looks like this bug is still there and happening to more players, if not almost all. Not good... Edited by CommanderVintres
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Caveat emptor - it may or may not work.


You might get lucky and use the CM consumable, get credit for a 60 on the character creator, and be able to successfully create and load a level 60 into the game.


You might also get lucky and be able to delete the 60 before reaching 61, and get 'credit' back on the character creator screen allowing you to create another boosted 60.


You might also end up using the CM consumable and get nothing (empty box), use the consumable, go through character creation and end up with a level 1, or delete the 60 and not get credit back on the character creator.


Personally, unless you really NEED the new character right now - I would not buy nor use the level 60 tokens as too many of us are having issues with the tokens disappearing or creating level 1 characters.


Add in that Bioware has so far shown little interest in addressing the issue (nothing posted on foums, and CS plays hot potato with tickets and does nothing to restore the missing 60 tokens), and using one will very likley lead to nothing but frustration.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Yahh i got a ticket adressing lvl 60 token problem waiting 2 days and didnt got any answer from game suport.


Anyway 3 days left on my sub i am not going renew it until get my token back.


Considering renew my WoW sub instead SWTOR at least Blizzard support are far away better than SWTOR

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