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Healers shouldn't be a raid boss.


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I think people should be careful about how they talk about healers not dying. I guarantee you that Mercs and Operatives die A LOT as healers; what people are really talking about is the Immortality of the Sorc healer. Which, I do have to admit, is close to OP. That's the only class I see healing in Ranked anymore


They are not totally unkillable, it takes coordination; and since I usually PVP in a pre-made it's not a huge issue. The thing is, though, my pre-made HAS a Sorc healer because we know how powerful it is compared to the other two healing classes.


I'm not going to say nerf it, because quite frankly, I like it. And usually when Bioware nerfs something, they over-nerf it. Soooooo....


Well, I think the only thing that is op on sages is that they do not care about interrupts.


Interrupt innervate->dark infusion

interrupt dark infusion->dark heal

interrupt dark heal-> innervate


and they instant roaming mends are very strong. The other two healing classes are underperforming (op a little, the merc by quite a considerable amount)


People are in general upset about healers in pvp (no offense) because most of them simply plainly farm their rotation on them and are upset if the sage breaks ravage or kicks you away. It is frustrating to have a healer that is from your perspective unkillable and makes it a lot harder for you to kill enemies if you leave him alone, but in general I have to admit that most dds have way to many anti healer tools.


A ap pt can just kill a scoundrel that has no breaker with double stun for example. Interrupts help a lot if you know how to time them and try to nail them down when they have no escape abilities (like force speed or HO) left.

You will see healers are fairly easy to kill if you are not the only one beating on them

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I can only speak for unranked as I refuse to queue ranked without my full gear.

BWs matchmaking system, in all it's glory, paired 3 healers and 1 dps (my team), vs 1 healer and 3 dps. After pumping out a combined healing of around 4 million we lost, with the entire enemy team being full hp when our last guy died.


Also, a good (or better geared) dps will force you to heal yourself effectively shutting you down, turning the game into a 7v7, as most pugs will not peel if their life depended on it (which it does), thereby leaving the other dps on their team free reign to kill/cap, whatever.


I do agree that sorc has too many tools to defend, but in my opinion, it's not really a problem when the capture point is neutral, it becomes a problem when a single sorc can defend a point vs 2-3 people for a full minute (civil war and bunkers come to mind).


A healer CAN be 1v1-ed given enough time, and you burn through their DCD. This is working as inteded, having a healer being soloed in a rotation makes the role useless.


The only healer that is overpowered at the moment is the sage/sorc, and I can see 3 things that would fix healing in general:


a) More mortal strike effects for 40-50% hp on one of the more played classes (snipers lol)


b) A means to get rid of bubble (warrior shatter and priest mass dispel come to mind from wow)


c) RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - merc and op tap out quite fast if not careful, where as sorc can spam spam spam for around 5 mins.

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Then the game is working properly. It should take two DPS to kill a healer.


You need 1 DPS to kill a Tank. A class made to bear great ammount of damage and protect the others.


You need 2 DPS (or more) to kill a Healer. A class made for healing others.


The moment you need 2 ppl to kill a healer but only 1 to kill a Tank is when your game is not balanced.


Example: Hypergate Warzone.


Situation 1:

1 tank + 2 DPS IMPS decide to attack Rep pylon just at the beginning of the WZ. They block the first capture, reps call for help. It's a 3 vs 3 situation. Reps end killing the imps and capping pylon because nearer respawn.


Situation 2:

3DPS IMPS decide to attack Rep pylon just at the beginning of the WZ. They block the first capture, reps call for help. It's a 3 vs 3 situation. Reps end killing the imps and capping pylon because nearer respawn.


Situation 3:

1 healer + 2 DPS imps decide to attack Rep pylon just at the beginning of the WZ. They block the first capture, reps call for help. It's a 3vs3 situation, imps never die. They can't cap but reps can't. Reps call for help. 4 reps vs 3 imps. Imps don't die, more help required, 5 vs 3 Imps begin to struggle.


What's the difference? The situation with a Tank has the same result as the situation with only DPS. One single DPS can destroy a tank, the guy specialist in DEFENSE but one single DPS can't even make a healer go under 50% HP, the guy not specialist in DEFENSE.. In this example (that happens...A LOT) we see how the healer is doing the tank and healer role as he heals but he can tank all the incoming damage.


A situation 4 with 1 tank and 2 healers would be a "gg wp" for rep side. In a 6 vs 3 reps wouldn't be able to cap the pylon or kill one single of them.

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If you use your interrupts wisely, then it shouldn't be a problem for one good DPS to kill healer sorcs, even multiple cross healing ones. Guard was never a problem anyway, it only has a reach of a couple of meters. Keep tanks apart from healers and watch them panic. Of course, if you're a superbad who doesn't understand the basics of PvP, then you might have a problem. But the game shouldn't be balanced around superbads, should it? So stop complaining and go keybind your interrupts and l2p.
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You need 1 DPS to kill a Tank. A class made to bear great ammount of damage and protect the others.


You need 2 DPS (or more) to kill a Healer. A class made for healing others.


This is completely beside the point. The only reason the tank can be killed by one dps is that he can't replenish his health (in more than a quite limited fashion). The tank as the "specialist for defence", as you put it, takes less damage than the healer, but the healer is a "specialist for replenishing health", he's not only made for healing others, but also himself.


The tank is strongest in a group context. While one tank is easier to kill than one healer, one tank plus one healer are harder to kill than two healers.

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You need 1 DPS to kill a Tank. A class made to bear great ammount of damage and protect the others.


You need 2 DPS (or more) to kill a Healer. A class made for healing others.


The moment you need 2 ppl to kill a healer but only 1 to kill a Tank is when your game is not balanced.


Example: Hypergate Warzone.


Situation 1:

1 tank + 2 DPS IMPS decide to attack Rep pylon just at the beginning of the WZ. They block the first capture, reps call for help. It's a 3 vs 3 situation. Reps end killing the imps and capping pylon because nearer respawn.


Situation 2:

3DPS IMPS decide to attack Rep pylon just at the beginning of the WZ. They block the first capture, reps call for help. It's a 3 vs 3 situation. Reps end killing the imps and capping pylon because nearer respawn.


Situation 3:

1 healer + 2 DPS imps decide to attack Rep pylon just at the beginning of the WZ. They block the first capture, reps call for help. It's a 3vs3 situation, imps never die. They can't cap but reps can't. Reps call for help. 4 reps vs 3 imps. Imps don't die, more help required, 5 vs 3 Imps begin to struggle.


What's the difference? The situation with a Tank has the same result as the situation with only DPS. One single DPS can destroy a tank, the guy specialist in DEFENSE but one single DPS can't even make a healer go under 50% HP, the guy not specialist in DEFENSE.. In this example (that happens...A LOT) we see how the healer is doing the tank and healer role as he heals but he can tank all the incoming damage.


A situation 4 with 1 tank and 2 healers would be a "gg wp" for rep side. In a 6 vs 3 reps wouldn't be able to cap the pylon or kill one single of them.


A properly played tank should not only be able to "tank" a single dps, but also kill most dps classes in a 1vs1.... tanks put out significant damage and are sturdier than most dps classes; obviously there is both a skill and class/spec component that comes into play, but if a tank is being "destroyed" by a single dps they need to re-evaluate their play.

Edited by alexsamma
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You need 1 DPS to kill a Tank. A class made to bear great ammount of damage and protect the others.


You need 2 DPS (or more) to kill a Healer. A class made for healing others.



This is a simply false premise. My tank jug as currently geared (all defense and absorb relpaced with power/crit) will likely kill most DPS 1v1, while my marauder will likely kill any non-sorc healer in a 1v1 (best case for the healer is he runs away). Kind of ruins your premise.

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This is a simply false premise. My tank jug as currently geared (all defense and absorb relpaced with power/crit) will likely kill most DPS 1v1, while my marauder will likely kill any non-sorc healer in a 1v1 (best case for the healer is he runs away). Kind of ruins your premise.


An average dps should at least be able to keep a healer busy nullifying them from healing their team. Basically the healer should at the very least have to heal themselves just to survive. My opinion anyway.

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An average dps should at least be able to keep a healer busy nullifying them from healing their team. Basically the healer should at the very least have to heal themselves just to survive. My opinion anyway.


This is the case for mando and scoundrel(apart from hots). Again sorcs stand out as op

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This is the case for mando and scoundrel(apart from hots). Again sorcs stand out as op


Again, false. I have a sage but never play it so it's not like I have an agenda. They are the easiest healers to play but I don't see how a well played OP/Scoundrel is that much worse. You can force a sorc to self heal enough for his team to die....as long as you don't have a team full of PVE guys looking for a companion.

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This is a simply false premise. My tank jug as currently geared (all defense and absorb relpaced with power/crit) will likely kill most DPS 1v1, while my marauder will likely kill any non-sorc healer in a 1v1 (best case for the healer is he runs away). Kind of ruins your premise.


Really? Well, if that's true, then nerf warries pls. Both juggs and maras.

Edited by Cretinus
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Again, false. I have a sage but never play it so it's not like I have an agenda. They are the easiest healers to play but I don't see how a well played OP/Scoundrel is that much worse. You can force a sorc to self heal enough for his team to die....as long as you don't have a team full of PVE guys looking for a companion.


Scoundrel/OP can basically be shut down by interrupting one heal and they have little ability to respond to incoming burst. Sorc's have multiple burst healing tools, and if you interrupt innervate they just go to Dark heal. They are much tougher to shut down and have much better burst healing, and thanks to a proc for an instant AoE heal and wandering mend they can still heal there team somewhat while taking focus fire.


Really? Well, if that's true, then nerf warries pls. Both juggs and maras.


That is absolutely true, and if you cannot pull off the same trick with similar gearing then you are a below average player because there are many who are better than me. Sorc healers are the only overpowered healers right now, although they are quite a bit over the top right now.

Edited by Vodrin
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Scoundrel/OP can basically be shut down by interrupting one heal and they have little ability to respond to incoming burst. Sorc's have multiple burst healing tools, and if you interrupt innervate they just go to Dark heal. They are much tougher to shut down and have much better burst healing, and thanks to a proc for an instant AoE heal and wandering mend they can still heal there team somewhat while taking focus fire.




That is absolutely true, and if you cannot pull off the same trick with similar gearing then you are a below average player because there are many who are better than me. Sorc healers are the only overpowered healers right now, although they are quite a bit over the top right now.


Sorcs are harder to shut down, but that doesn't mean that a dps cannot keep them busy keeping themselves alive.


I play all 3 healers, and a good mara, sin, ops, jugg can preoccupy my sage to a point where i can't simply freecast heals on anyone and everyone while they beat on me. They can stop me from healing my team.


The other two healers are just much easier to stifle and some would argue too easy to stifle.


Sorcs are the easiest to play along with being the most effective healer now so a great player can glean all the benefits from the class very easily and that's why more sorcs seem "unkillable" because honestly the average dps is just that, an average or less player who can't get the most out of their dps class.


A good player on any dps can nullify a healer in a warzone, and even kill them. It's my opinion that most dps require faster reaction time and better use of their abilities you can't just randomly smash abilities and do great on dps.


*Except for sorcs and PTs. Those two dps are easy to play, and also quite effective. Again, viewed as OP'd because of how easy they are to get the most out of them.

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Again, false. I have a sage but never play it so it's not like I have an agenda. They are the easiest healers to play but I don't see how a well played OP/Scoundrel is that much worse. You can force a sorc to self heal enough for his team to die....as long as you don't have a team full of PVE guys looking for a companion.

shows how much I PvE I guess... I don't think I've ever even seen this quest.

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shows how much I PvE I guess... I don't think I've ever even seen this quest.


It's new. To get Pierce as a companion in KOTFE you have to complete 20 PvP matches with a win counting as two matches (unless you are a sith warrior, then you get him for free).

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Sorc's have multiple burst healing tools, and if you interrupt innervate they just go to Dark heal. They are much tougher to shut down and have much better burst healing, and thanks to a proc for an instant AoE heal and wandering mend they can still heal there team somewhat


You should never waste an inturrupt on innervate if u have a knockback/push/pull or stun available. Innervate goes on cooldown. If u stop them from casting it by knocking them around u can inturrupt the large cast heal and they get no instant jack other than roaming mend. Which requires a gcd for them to do.

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You should never waste an inturrupt on innervate if u have a knockback/push/pull or stun available. Innervate goes on cooldown. If u stop them from casting it by knocking them around u can inturrupt the large cast heal and they get no instant jack other than roaming mend. Which requires a gcd for them to do.


If my burst is up I interrupt innervate and CC the next cast, followed by my burst. That's not wrong. Using a force stun/stasis/etc on innervate doesn't make sense to me. WHY give them a white bar earlier in the fight?

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An average dps should at least be able to keep a healer busy nullifying them from healing their team. Basically the healer should at the very least have to heal themselves just to survive. My opinion anyway.


How? An Inquisitor can sprint, phase walk, stun twice and use the PVP grenade to scape from the sigh of any dps of this game and keep healing like you never hit him. Ah, and if he's on a defending position don't worry, he will use the "oh ****" button (a.k.a the bubble) and now you can't cap or damage him and only can see how other 1000000000000 enemies are coming to that position.

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How? An Inquisitor can sprint, phase walk, stun twice and use the PVP grenade to scape from the sigh of any dps of this game and keep healing like you never hit him. Ah, and if he's on a defending position don't worry, he will use the "oh ****" button (a.k.a the bubble) and now you can't cap or damage him and only can see how other 1000000000000 enemies are coming to that position.


Every dps class in this game has multiple mobility cooldowns, cc, and can use grenades.


*********** amazing that you understand why the healer is hard to kill but can't comprehend that you can use the same tools to kill the healer.


P.S. If he phase walks far enough away that you cannot (easily) get to him just turn around and use the massive burst almost every class has to nuke someone else while the healer is trying to recover and return.

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I wonder when merc and mando healers will reach a point where people will say this spec needs to be nerfed. I really only know of 2 instances where I would have considered the spec to be op. Around 1.0 ish and you had lv 10s fighting full battlemaster 50s and everyone was pretty bad, scoundrels were god awful healers and sages were just insanely squishy while mando healers had no resource management. Next time was for pve when they made trauma probe and kolto shell have unlimited targets and thats it because even in 3.0 they weren't op just taken because of htl.
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It honestly baffles my mind, how people who've never produced, developed, or coded a video game, let alone an MMO, come to the forums to complain to the people who do it for a living, that they don't do it right. If you have produced, developed, or coded, this obviously doesn't apply to you.


As I main an operative healer myself, I can tell you for a fact, that your characterization of healers is simply wrong. As is your characterization of the other roles.


I would argue that a tank is as important, and fills more roles than any healer. A well played tank can sway a fight more effectively than a healer can. Which is a shame since so few people want to play them. Ask any healer if they would rather run around with a guard, than without one. I can almost guarantee, just about anyone you ask would much rather have one than not. Just about any healer you also ask, only "tank" because they have to, not because they chose to.


Additionally, healers have between 4-8 people to heal, plus ducking and dodging 1-4 enemy players as well. Whereas any DPS typically deal with one target at a time. So, every GCD you spend healing yourself, or mitigating damage yourself, is one less you're using for your team. Even if it's just one DPS attacking you.


tl;dr - It's you, not the game.


I respectfully disagree. I actually do work in the gaming industry, including for several years at the company that publishes this game, and Sage/Sorcerer healers are broken in this game.


I've been playing this game nightly since I came back about four weeks ago with my wife, who happens to be a Sage healer. We PVP nightly for about 5-10 matches, sometimes more. She is extremely difficult to take down by herself unless 5-6 DPS are focusing on her. Between healing, Force Barrier, and now Phase Walk she's unstoppable. If I'm on my tank and guarding her, we can keep a node protected against 5+ opponents for a long time unless they are very good players who know what they're doing (and we still last a long time).


I don't see this with Smugglers/Operatives or Commandos/Mercs. If I'm on my Sentinel I can take them 1:1 and bring them down. I just can't do that with a Sage/Sorc unless I have a huge expertise advantage and/or they don't know how to play their class.


Aside from that issue, there is a big problem with matchmaking in this game. I can't tell you how many warzones I've been in the past month where the arenas are filled with 2 tanks and 2 healers on one team, or a team of just DPS. Same with the 8-man warzones. On the Republic side, I've actually done a few warzones with 4 tanks, 1 DPS, and 3 healers on the Republic side (Harbinger).

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I love how people are complaining how "underpowered" Operative is in 4.0. *sigh*


Operative isn't underpowered, it is just really hard to compare them with Sorcs. How do most compare Operative vs. Sorcerer healing? Looking a the scoreboard at the end? Well that is the first problem:


Sorcerers have extremely high effective healing. This is how their heals work, it is based on a player taking damage. For example, Static Barrier breaks on damage. So does Roaming Mend. This means that their heals will heal before let's say, a HoT tick on a target. Combine that with the ability to do strong burst heals and majority of this is on the move, they will easily out heal any other healer. That is just how the class is designed.


Does this mean that Operatives are terrible? No. Operative heals function different. They are rely on small heals over time. Their healing is less effective because targets might be full HP when their HoTs tick and/or another healer bursts a target to full. Their healing is also not as 'reactionary' as a Sorc because of our single target cast times. When it comes to survival Operatives are just as hard to kill if not harder played well.


From what I have seen in arenas in group ranked, the two healers are more comparable then you think. In my personal opinion killing a good Operative is harder then killing a Sorc. The only times where it might be an issue is if the Sorc utilizes his phase walk perfectly. Once the Sorc barriers he/she is an easy kill, phase walk or not. I will also say that the highest sustained HPS I have seen is from an Operative not a Sorc (7.8k). With good interupts/ccs Sorc healers will only be pulling 5K HPS while an Operatives HoTs will always be ticking.


The only thing that makes Sorcs "strong" right now is the fact they are so freakin' easy to play. Anyone can pick it up and be top of the scoreboard. Operative on the other hand, takes a lot of practice and isn't easy to pick up. Their healing relies on you to do everything perfectly, react perfectly and have a good memory. Majority of players don't even know how to play the class correctly to reach it's healing potential.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Pointless? They would still have the ability to keep others from death, just not themselves so much. They'd have to rely on their team to prevent that outcome, just as damage relies on heals to keep them in the fight, so should healers rely on their allies. As it stands, they don't really need help from anyone in terms of survival.


So in a fight, instead of everyone ganking the healer, and then hitting an unbreakable wall that won't die; they'll hit a wall that does die, and dies quite easily; which in turn requires more coordinated play; and also means you'll avoid forever battles.. Someone will actually win the fight; it just so happens that healers are first on the chopping block.


It feels like healers have been balanced in a way to withstand multiple attackers just for the fact that they're often the tipping point to whether or not a fight is won, and so gather multiple attackers. And so the developers In turn allowed them to garner an edge over the other roles; which unfortunately breaks the balance and makes some roles more useful than others, which should not be the case.


dps deals the hits

tanks take the hits

support removes the hits; but should not be able to take the hits. Why? Because then they're tanking, and so render tanks obsolete as its own role.


(Fore warning - I apologize for caps but they needed to stand out!)

Do you not understand how REGS MATCHES WORK? Ok lets look at this:


I play Sorc heals. Yes, i can tank 4-5 players IF THEY SUCK. Hell sometimes i've tanked almost an entire team but they SUCKED *** AT DAMAGE. The only time i die to 1 person is if they are a good DPS that knows how to use their stuns CORRECTLY. Also, with a tank, i can tank an entire team usually, but thats only with my premade tanks because i know they're good.


ALSO, I think you don't realize that people in regs DONT COORDINATE!!!?! Today, i was in a game and i was asking for peels and help with DPS but you know what happened? Everyone said "We don't care" in chat and continued to kill ****. I left and you know what happened? They lost. I even had a tank but he SUCKED! And guess how many DPS it was? 2 or 3 DPS killed me. I couldn't heal through it. A healer dying like a dps IS STUPID. HEALERS ARE THERE TO HELP THE TEAM, NOT BE A WASTE. Yes i understand your frustration, but maybe if you COORDINATED YOUR TEAM TO ATTACK HEALERS IT WOULDN'T BE AN ISSUE!! OH WAIT, WHATS THAT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT COORDINATION IS? WOW!! IMAGINE THAT! SOMEONE CALLING FOR NERFS BECAUSE OMG I CAN'T 2 SHOT A HEALER AAJKSLDFGASKJT!


Have you ever heard of this thing called marking? Guess not? Wow whats new! Sorcs are honestly just fine where they are. At least i can compete in ranked pvp...


Also, I don't have a hard time killing healers when i'm in a premade, which is often because i have friends to play with. We always play in mumble and call out who we're attacking. 2 good DPS can easily shut down a sorc healer. A MM Sniper plus a Arsenal Merc = Amazing! Burst is where its at. You need to remove chunks of their health not try to wittle them down with your baby dots. The best way to eliminate a sorc healer is burst. Hit them for 30k Ambush and the merc hits em for 25k Heatseekers = 55k HP gone in 2 abilities. And if you know how to play DPS, your abilities shouldn't have a wait time between them, you should be pressing your next ability before the one you're using finishes. This allows for high DPS and allows your damage to stack. Hell i land 25k ambushes and then a 13k takedown... Thats 38k right there from 2 abilities.


So again, take a look at your argument. I don't think you have ever played a sorc healer before. I have TO tank, because my team is stupid and doesn't support me. I usually have to kite the DPS and im always healing myself which allows my DPS and other teammates to die. Thats the role of DPS. If you can't kill the healer, distract it while you kill the other DPS. Please don't post this trash thread again because you need to seriously take a look at both sides.

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I love how people are complaining how "underpowered" Operative is in 4.0. *sigh*


Operative isn't underpowered, it is just really hard to compare them with Sorcs. How do most compare Operative vs. Sorcerer healing? Looking a the scoreboard at the end? Well that is the first problem:


Sorcerers have extremely high effective healing. This is how their heals work, it is based on a player taking damage. For example, Static Barrier breaks on damage. So does Roaming Mend. This means that their heals will heal before let's say, a HoT tick on a target. Combine that with the ability to do strong burst heals and majority of this is on the move, they will easily out heal any other healer. That is just how the class is designed.


Does this mean that Operatives are terrible? No. Operative heals function different. They are rely on small heals over time. Their healing is less effective because targets might be full HP when their HoTs tick and/or another healer bursts a target to full. Their healing is also not as 'reactionary' as a Sorc because of our single target cast times. When it comes to survival Operatives are just as hard to kill if not harder played well.


From what I have seen in arenas in group ranked, the two healers are more comparable then you think. In my personal opinion killing a good Operative is harder then killing a Sorc. The only times where it might be an issue is if the Sorc utilizes his phase walk perfectly. Once the Sorc barriers he/she is an easy kill, phase walk or not. I will also say that the highest sustained HPS I have seen is from an Operative not a Sorc (7.8k). With good interupts/ccs Sorc healers will only be pulling 5K HPS while an Operatives HoTs will always be ticking.


The only thing that makes Sorcs "strong" right now is the fact they are so freakin' easy to play. Anyone can pick it up and be top of the scoreboard. Operative on the other hand, takes a lot of practice and isn't easy to pick up. Their healing relies on you to do everything perfectly, react perfectly and have a good memory. Majority of players don't even know how to play the class correctly to reach it's healing potential.


Hottie while i agree with most of your comments, sorc is not just a pick up and be op healer. I play many games with sorc and sage healers and they are trash. They don't even break 2k HPS which is the easiest thing in the world as a sorc OR an op. I hardly ever see decent numbers as well from them. Usually they only hit 1.7 mil where as a good sorc healer can do 2.5-3mil healing with 4k-5k HPS.


They are definitely easy to play, but being a good and skilled sorc healer takes learning and understanding how to kite, when to use bubble, how to use phase walk and how your abilities tie into one another. For example, roaming mend in my opinion is used as a fast burst heal rather than an on damage heal. Another one is that you should be spamming the crap out of innervate as it is by far your best heal. Just little things that all tie into each other that make you stand out. But again i do agree they are easy to play but i dont think they should be nerfed. Harbinger has many sage and sorc healers but only a handful or so are really actually GOOD sorc healers.

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