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PvE doing PvP - TIPS!


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Now, gear. The OP mentioned 208 greens, from where do we get them? Also, what about green 190s that another poster mentioned? Would the level 60 190 green mods from that level 60 mods vendor be sufficient to get an EXP bolster boost?


Basically, to be able to compete, and get my 2018 EXP, what should I have, or not have, for every single gear slot?


You will need a set of 190 from the vendor to reach 1936 Expertise. That's the max before you get MH/OH PvP weapons with Expertise Crystals. You will not be a free kill in that. Since you are building a set, make sure you are not loading on Accuracy as a DPS. Go for the immediate pay-off stats for your character. In PvP it is about burst, not sustained. Either you kill, or get killed.


To that extent also review your rotation, so you know which abilities to apply in a hurry if you cannot build up, and which abilities that you usually have no use for can be essential (for example free shot to break cap or spamming weak AoEs to prevent caps).


Review utilities to make sure you can cc and escape/reduce damage when cc'd efficiently.


Go in, relax, and have fun.

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Or you could just hide in a corner and suffer through the minimum Warzones needed to get your companion and move on.


That is one option but There were others things that could be done to keep it entertaining. As a sage you could:


Force push the opposite team out of our AOE DPS skills. How many could you save?

Rescue pulled team members into slime/acid. How many could you kill?

Rescue pull team members away from killing blows. Allowing the opposite team to be healed.

Only heal with force wave.


With BW forcing some PVP to get a PVE companion there were ways to make sure to keep it fun and entertaining. Your gaming dollars hard at work for your entertainment as it should be.

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If a PvPer is only interested in how much damage he does or how many kills he gets, then they are commonly refered to as a "Bad" or a "*******". .


Believe it or not, many pre made guilds only focus on damage and kills and often ignore calls for help from those defending. Damage 'hoes' missing a 'w' and 'r' really annoy me and never focus on the objective but unfortunately they don't have the balls to do rank, so just farm numbers in regs.

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Currently filling all slots with non-PVP gear will not grant 2018 at any level. The most you can hit is 1936. Here's why.


Crystals. You put a 41 Expertise Crystal in your main hand and another in your offhand. 2x41=82. 2018-82=1936.


However, if you try to mix-match by placing 41 Expertise crystals in PVE gear, it'll throw off your bolster even more and you'll still be lower than 2018. You really only want to place Expertise crystals in strict pvp gear that already has expertise.


I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but until it's fixed (if ever), the most expertise you can obtain without pvp gear is 1936.


I have mentioned this in my opening post. Given Biowares track record, its probably another bug that will remain broken for 6 months +. It just seems strange how pre 4.0 you could achieve 2018 expertise in mids/lowbies but now you can't and the actual bolster gives you less % compared to a level 60 in full expertise gear.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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If all you were interested in was the 10 or 20 matches to get the companion, would you even be earning enough commendations to get max expertise? That part seems kind of wrong to me. By the time you get a full suit you'll be done, right?
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With BW forcing some PVP to get a PVE companion there were ways to make sure to keep it fun and entertaining. Your gaming dollars hard at work for your entertainment as it should be.


Honestly, killing WBs is more of a PITA, tbh, seeing that they spawn so rarely, you need to get there and put together a group of 8 in more or less balanced roles. Warzones are solo enterprise, widely available whenever.

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If all you were interested in was the 10 or 20 matches to get the companion, would you even be earning enough commendations to get max expertise? That part seems kind of wrong to me. By the time you get a full suit you'll be done, right?


Just use Basic comms that are all maxed out on your toon for a set of 190. Not the Warzone comms. You'll be fine.

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So, with Biowares stunning wisdom to boost PvP numbers forcing(sort of) PvE'rs to under take PvP, and given the amount of really bad players across all brackets, I thought I would throw in some useful tips. Please add if you feel you see something that needs addressing.



10-40 and 41-64

For these brackets you do NOT require PvP armour(expertise). You will run into Level 60 players who are currently running expertise at the limit 2018. This armour was before 4.0 and you can no longer obtain it.


Filling all your slots will help you reach 2018 expertise but I am yet to see a player (without old lvl 60 pvp gear) with 2018 - most I have seen is 1936. I think this is bug but someone can clarify. Bolster always has been broken and never worked properly.



Expertise IS a requirement if you want to deal some serious damage and/or heal people. You only get expertise from PvP vendors. Now, being PvE players, its unlikely that you will have this. Its a very BAD idea to stack up on Endurance as a pro pvp'er will see this and just nail you 100% over and over so using Operations armour will not work. Your target rating for armour/mods should be 208, the bolster will pick up the slack - this should help you achieve 2018 expertise.


Expertise is KING in 65 PvP. It doesn't matter how much power/crit mods you have if you don't have 2018, you will drop like a stone.



Calling -

PvP is about common sense. One of the biggest annoying factors is when players do not call for help when under attack. There's NO excuses not to call. NONE. If a stealth player hits you, call immediately and the call signals are outlined below.


INC or incoming is traditionally used as the call sign that enemies are on their way. Use this 'Inc East' if on Novare for example, or 'INC W' incoming west.


Also, if you see an enemy player coming your way - CALL! Do NOT wait until you are dead. This will anger lots of people and many will quit the warzone (yes, this is why people leave warzones).


Situational Awareness -

This is a big one. Being aware of what is going on around you is key to winning any battle. Are you fighting by the node/pylon/doors? Do you have one eye on them to ensure no one can cap behind you? NEVER get pulled away from guarding by an enemy as there is a 100% chance of a stealth player behind you who WILL cap as you face off against the enemy infront. CALL!


Are you defending a door or Node? Use LoS (Line of Sight) to ensure that you enemy can't throw some big damage your way. Pillars, walls, and the sides of Nodes in Civil War make great spots to use LoS. Keep moving and keep your distance if you can, to stall them until help arrives.


Other factors to help are locations of power ups on the maps. Has one just disappeared? That will indicate you have company (example - the speed boost on Novare coast).


If you are running to cap a pylon or bunker - look around as you run - do you see enemy inbound? CALL! Don't wait until they are upon you. You can still capture your pylon/bunker during this time.



Here is a break down on what most players use in warzones. Some use East/West but its rare. Again, these are the most common used.


Civil War,

Snow / s1 /s - If you are holding Snow

Grass/ g1/s - If you are holding Grass

Mid - Middle


Some players will indicate a number, that means how many players are there attacking. Of course its a rough guess as its based upon those enemy players people can see. This will help your team decide how many players to send to support and defend those areas.


Novare Coast

East - This is the Imperial side Bunker known as EAST

West - This is the Republic side Bunker known as WEST

South/Middle - Is the central Bunker.


Naturally, if you are in same faction PvP, and you are on the Imperial Starting side - you will be capping EAST.



L = Left door - Based upon your starting location. If you are defending, this is the door on your Left

R = right door - as above

If you are attacking, Left is based upon your attacking start position.


During Voidstar, some players will use East/West to call for help.

Its a draw. Why did we lose? A winner is based upon the LEAST amount of deaths if a Voidstar game is drawn.



P = Pylon - this is what you are defending. I will cover the basics of this map in a new thread as it still confuses people.

Get Orbits = Those glowly things in the middle of the enclosed area. Take one of these back to your pylon to score some points.


Where to stand when guarding a Pylon?

Hypergate is a tricky map. The cap time for a pylon is the shortest of all the game modes. It is ESSENTIAL that you do not stand right next to the pylon, otherwise you run the risk of being sap capped. Stand a good distance away and this will prevent the attacker having enough time.


Remember, in this mode, you just need to prevent the cap, not rush in and die. By delaying, you can call for help and hopefully help will arrive in time. Don't be afraid to use CC to stall them.


Huttball & Queshball

What is it?

Its a capture the flag style of play. Your team needs to get the Huttball and score over the enemy goal line. It is good practice to defend the central area surrounding the ball holders. This will give your team an advantage each time a goal is scored.


Roots/Resolve. Be mindful where you root someone and give them a 'whitebar' or full resolve. This will then prevent that player from being stunned (so they tell us) meaning that if they are close to the goal line, they will score without being stopped.


Good practice is to root/stun/pull them into the fire traps as it appears.


With so many leaps in the game, try not to stand over the ledge so an enemy can jump up and score. Its not easy but do try to remember that.


How do I Pass?

Passing is KEY in Huttballs. An icon will only appear if you hold the ball. Its dead centre in your UI. click it then hover over the person you want to pass to and then click for a pass. Don't try to be a hero and run the ball over the line yourself. If you are in PvE gear(65s), you wont stand a chance! But of course, you can still score.


Top tip

If you see that the enemy are about to score and look unstoppable, run to the middle where the ball hold is and pick up the respawn. Chasing a lost cause is bad form, but if you are able to collect the ball quickly, you stand a good chance of scoring.



Outside of Arenas, all other warzones are objective based. This is how you win. Its not by dealing the most amount of damage or kills.



1. first round: 75 points for capping pylon, 3 points for each kill, 6 points for each orb

2. in the next rounds the cost of pylon is the cost of pylon in previous round plus points that you received from kills in the previous round, or, in other words, the cost of pylon in each round is 75 plus all kill points received from all previous rounds

3. the kills from explosions and the kills that you've done before capping pylon are all counts with the new multiplier (kills during 1st explosion counts x4, 2nd - x5 ...)


little example to help you understand, team A vs team B:

1st round (x3) - 75 points for capping pylons, team A made 3 kills, team B made 2 kills, before explosion the scoreboard is:

team A - 75 + 3x3 = 84

team B - 75 + 2x3 = 81

1st explosion (x4) - team A made 2 kills, team B no kills

2nd round (x4) - team A gets (75 + 3x3) points for capping pylon and 2x4 for kills during explosion, team B - only (75 + 2x3) for pylon, so the scoreboard after capping

team A - 84 + 75 + 3x3 + 2x4 = 176

team B - 81 + 75 + 2x3 = 162

during 2nd round team A made 4 kills and 2 orbs, team B - 5 kills, scoreboard before explosion

team A - 176 + 4x4 + 2x8 = 208

team B - 162 + 5x4 = 182

2nd explosion (x5) - team A 3 kills, team B 1 kill

3rd round (x5) - team A gets (84 + 4x4) points for capping pylon and 3x5 for kills during explosion, team B - (81 + 5x4) for pylon and 1x5 for kills, so the scoreboard after capping

team A - 208 + 84 + 4x4 + 3x5 = 323

team B - 182 + 81 + 5x4 + 1x5 = 288

and etc ... until one of the team reaches 600 points


basically, you will get points for each kill twice - for the actual kill and for capping the pylon in the next round, i think that this've been done to make the cost of each pylon greater than cost of pylon in the previous round and also to count all kills even if the pylon wasn't capped in the one of the rounds

this theory have been proven by a lot of games and I consdier it as solid version

feel free to ask any questions if you still can't understand details

also, if you don't agree with my words and think that it is not how the system works, post some arguments, videos, that could proves me wrong and lets find out the truth together.


Please feel free to add anything I have missed, ask questions if you are not sure. I will NOT be covering Arenas as they are straight forward.


Sounds like Work, not fun. This is why I don't PVP.

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I think PVP players are jerks when someone in a warzone doesnt show a minimum of common sense. I have seen many times people ignoring others in the chat, doing whatever they feel like to, because you know, "I am a newbie and I don't know how to play pvp". But please!! PAy attention!! Most people would gently answer if you have any questions, problems...


But if you say to someone "Please, call as soon as you see someone approaching, even you get attacked by a stealther, call..." and he keeps ignoring you... PVPers don't like newbies/players with 0 interest.


If people show interest but not skill, it is ok, we were all there once :)

But please, show some interest...


It's hard to show interest in something you have less than 0% interest in doing... So, yes, I did 19 out of my 20 warzones with chat off (left it open on one because I was curious on how bad it'd be) while watching a TV show, doing the bare minimum not to get kicked off and not caring about what I was even supposed to be doing. Making a bit more of an effort would just have me dying pretty fast and respawning and having to do it again, and again, and again... not only dreadfully boring but also entirely useless because I don't want to become better at it or learn how to do it, I just want it to be over fast and go back to things that I actually like doing. And believe me I don't like being in a warzone as much as you don't like me being in a warzone. But as long as Bioware will put companions behind PVP, it will happen. I do have other alts...

Edited by lanawinst
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If all you were interested in was the 10 or 20 matches to get the companion, would you even be earning enough commendations to get max expertise? That part seems kind of wrong to me. By the time you get a full suit you'll be done, right?


There are 2 ways to gain expertise.


1. Gear. This is only available at lvl 65 and only purchasable with warzone commendations.


2. Bolster. If you're level 65 and have all slots filled with PVE rating 190 or lower, you'll bolster to the 1936 number (or 2018 if it gets fixed). The game will do this automatically once you step inside the WZ.


So you don't really need to worry about getting expertise. You either want to pvp and save comms to get gear or you pay attention to the pve gear you wear in a wz and it's taken care of automatically.

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There are 2 ways to gain expertise.


1. Gear. This is only available at lvl 65 and only purchasable with warzone commendations.


2. Bolster. If you're level 65 and have all slots filled with PVE rating 190 or lower, you'll bolster to the 1936 number (or 2018 if it gets fixed). The game will do this automatically once you step inside the WZ.


So you don't really need to worry about getting expertise. You either want to pvp and save comms to get gear or you pay attention to the pve gear you wear in a wz and it's taken care of automatically.


One of the most useful posts here.


I am also surprised nobody suggested pre-set matches. I mean, Just get 2 teams - both PvE-rs or one PvP-rs agains full PvE-rs and play (sit over) 20 games in a raw just for pets! Without caring about winning (or if one team is PvPrs they will get their victory automatically without troubles.

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One of the most useful posts here.


I am also surprised nobody suggested pre-set matches. I mean, Just get 2 teams - both PvE-rs or one PvP-rs agains full PvE-rs and play (sit over) 20 games in a raw just for pets! Without caring about winning (or if one team is PvPrs they will get their victory automatically without troubles.


You can't pick your opposition. You could team up with some others only in it for the companions or whatever and go in that way, sure, but don't think that it will be a matter of just waiting it out.


You may well run up against some people that aren;t content with just winning.

You step outsode of the safe area and then all emote sitting around having a picnic and there are people that after setting up some objectives or noticing that they are not being attacked will start to hunt you down. After all, at that point they will know that something is up, so they will probably be thinking that you are exactly what you are: A bunch of people that want no part of (and thus likely aren't at all good at) PvP.


They will find you, and kill you, and dance over your bodies, only to do it again and again and again as you are forced to leave the respawn area, and they will call it fun even if you never fight back or do so much as try and heal someone.


So don't think that it will be 15 minutes of sitting around waiting to lose.

Think more along the lines of 15 minutes of constant death and respawning and your opponents taunting you with emotes.


Might be less.... If you are lucky you will get an arena.

But if you are in the Voidstar and placed on offense to start? Yeah. 15 minutes of dying, and then when you are on defense your opponents may decide not to plant a bomb to win quickly, but instead to enjoy killing you over and over for another 10 minutes before deciding to plant the bomb.

Edited by Mithros
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I wonder if some of the posters here realize how petulant they sound as they stomp their feet. Doubtful.

Many PvPers are indeed quite petulant. But not all, of course. The OP is offering helpful advice to those PvEers who actually want to get involved in and get better at PvPing. That advice, however, does not apply to those who feel (rightly or wrongly) that they are being "forced" to PvP in order to get Pierce or 4X, or to complete Conquest. It would not apply to me, but I have no intention of doing PvP whether I am "forced" to or not (I can live without Pierce and 4X on my non-Warrior/Trooper characters and I can complete my personal Conquests objectives without doing WZs).

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Believe it or not, many pre made guilds only focus on damage and kills and often ignore calls for help from those defending. Damage 'hoes' missing a 'w' and 'r' really annoy me and never focus on the objective but unfortunately they don't have the balls to do rank, so just farm numbers in regs.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, given your history and posting style, I strongly suspect you are one of the relatively rare PvPers who actually wants a competitive, well-played match and are probably just as happy (or nearly so) with a hard-fought loss as with a win. If all PvPers were like you, I would PvP. But I have better things to do with my gaming time than put up with the "bads" and "sh******" who come back to the fleet after a match and whine about their loss or gloat about their win. Just as I have better things to do than play a tactical FP with toddlers who virtually scream "spacebar plz."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Many PvPers are indeed quite petulant. But not all, of course. The OP is offering helpful advice to those PvEers who actually want to get involved in and get better at PvPing. That advice, however, does not apply to those who feel (rightly or wrongly) that they are being "forced" to PvP in order to get Pierce or 4X, or to complete Conquest. It would not apply to me, but I have no intention of doing PvP whether I am "forced" to or not (I can live without Pierce and 4X on my non-Warrior/Trooper characters and I can complete my personal Conquests objectives without doing WZs).


Cute, but I believe you know exactly who I was calling petulant. That would be the PvErs who cry and whine and stamp their feet about being "forced" into an activity they detest for a reward they desire.

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Cute, but I believe you know exactly who I was calling petulant. That would be the PvErs who cry and whine and stamp their feet about being "forced" into an activity they detest for a reward they desire.


I don't mind being forced, it's just a bit of monotonous time running around doing stuff all ... kind of like the entire KoTFE gameplay outside of the cutscenes. ;)


No real interest in actually trying for the all various issues I've previously outlined with PVP.

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Cute, but I believe you know exactly who I was calling petulant. That would be the PvErs who cry and whine and stamp their feet about being "forced" into an activity they detest for a reward they desire.


I'm sure the DDR revolution in PvP will more than make up for it. Get your grove on soldier! The boys work hard and they party harder!

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...Now, a question of my own- is there a generally recognised abbreviation for 'incoming'? I've slightly poor muscular co-ordination, and while I always do my best to call, I do tend to find that pulling my fingers from 'strafe, movement, quickfire on interrupt and attack-from-stealth keys' into 'chat bar open and typing' and then typing out 'incoming' both wastes a couple of seconds before I get it typed and entered, and also it tends to come out as "incogmin" or something like that :) Ok, nobody's spellchecking warzones... (though, there *is* my niche on the Dark Council...) but, is "inc" or something like that going to be recognised by most?


As a PvP'er I call typing like this "Combat Typing" and make few apologies for typos. lol :D I wouldn't be overly concerned about them, either, if I were you, my friend.

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First of all, thank you to the OP for posting this, it will certainly help with the learning curve for those who want to cross over into PvP. (Personally, I won't -- you could hand me a full set of ultra-optimized PvP gear and I still wouldn't.)


Second, the existence of a special PvP attribute (expertise in this case) is a plague on all MMOs that have it. I'm not sure if the intent is to create a second grind, or what, but all it does is create a barrier to keep non-hardcore PvP players from having any chance in a PvP match, and create a hurdle that has to be jumped just to get into PvP.


Third, gating any content behind PvP is a terrible move on Bioware's part, and something like companions that otherwise have never had anything to do with PvP is a particularly terrible move.


^ this times 1 thousand percent !


Nice post OP, but, I don't care for PvP and I will probably be one of the ones stuffing it up for everyone else if I ever bother trying to get M1-4X.


For me, Max has nailed it perfectly with his second and third paragraph.


I wonder if Bioware hired some of the game designers from World of Warcraft who also happened to think this approach to get people into PvP was a good idea. Either that or Bioware's mob live under a rock and don't bother watching what else is happening in the global MMO space. Excruciatingly bad game design imo.

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Don't want tip on how to do it, I am just not doing it full stop.


I want it removed! on PvE and RP servers.


I would be OK with this, but also Remove the PvP stuff for planet completion on PvE and RP servers too. I don't want forced PvP EVER. I have a TON of planets sub 100% because I don't want to spend months looking for players to attempt to kill. REALLY BW? I choose a PvE server for a reason.


Edit: However I have PvP'ed in the past and came to enjoy it. Just on my terms not BW's.


2nd Edit: I also don't really like the PvP is going to be a conquest make or break thing. (As it sits now, IRC)

Edited by MiloUto
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