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Phantom Stride, beware of bumpy roads...


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Not sure if it is just me but....


In Hatred spec the level 48 passive skill "Bloodletting" is supposed to make Phantom stride give a 100% chance to proc Assassinate. It doesn't seem to be doing it no matter how I have tried, (With dots on/off)


Is it bugged?


your dots and phantom stride give the buff. If your dots give you the buff then you assassinate, then try to phantom step thinking you will get another proc it wont work. the effect can only happen once every 30 sec.

Edited by Rilok_Singz
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Does the warrior/knight helicopter move have the same issue? I haven't seen them have teleport issues, unlike the assassin/shadow.


I do wish though that the perk that reduces the CD on force run, had also reduced the CD on Phantom Stride too, but alas...


Warrior/knight has had short leap issues since forever.


The dash on the other hand isn't targeted but it will "fail" by stopping short just like any roll if it hits a slope or object in the way.

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I have been noticing that when i use phantom stride, anything that could get in the way will stop my 'teleport' to my target in my tracks.


A slight ramp on the floor or even the pillars at the fire traps on huttball are enough to stop you halfway, which ofcourse leaves you in a vulnerable place (especially on top of a fire trap...)


Is this intended or a bug in the mechanic/ something the Dev's overlooked.

Or am i the only on experiencing this?


I noticed this today, very frustrating when you waste phantom stride. You really do have to watch your terrain

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I get the same thing with holo traverse on my operative and the same skill for my scoundrel....just as it is with my shadow and assassin. Anything, no matter how small, will cause it to fail.


The more obnoxious part is that it's nearly useless as a gap closer when there's an elevation difference. Very few times have I used Stride to leap to someone on the goal line in Hutt/Queshball and actually had it work. Nearly every time it puts me right at the ledge and then I fall down to the ground.

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The more obnoxious part is that it's nearly useless as a gap closer when there's an elevation difference. Very few times have I used Stride to leap to someone on the goal line in Hutt/Queshball and actually had it work. Nearly every time it puts me right at the ledge and then I fall down to the ground.


Just two days ago I had 2 teammates leap across the gap in the second room to the enemy on the other side. I followed them with my holotraverse and ended up dead. Working as intended.

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Just two days ago I had 2 teammates leap across the gap in the second room to the enemy on the other side. I followed them with my holotraverse and ended up dead. Working as intended.


I would gladly put Stride on something like a 0.5s GCD to put a quick animation of leaping onto it if that meant it worked properly.

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I would gladly put Stride on something like a 0.5s GCD to put a quick animation of leaping onto it if that meant it worked properly.


I just want them to give us the old CD on force speed back. They can raise the CD of phantom garbage to be a minute even in return.

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I just want them to give us the old CD on force speed back. They can raise the CD of phantom garbage to be a minute even in return.


Speed should never have gotten gutted in the first place, but Bioware doesn't understand the mechanics of their own game so the chances of them reverting it are......... Well it's not going to happen.

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