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Best spec for pvp?


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'Ello, i'm a newbie sniper, currently level 30 and running marksmen to lvl and pvp.


I'm doing ok with it but i am wondering if any of the other specs are better?


Engineer seems like a steady damage with some fluff AoE but does it have enough burst?

Virulance is a build-up/release burst imo (like lethality Ops) which seems like ok to spread a lot of damage to a lot of targets but not really to put a single one down without help of others?


Some insight and advice would be nice



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All three have different playstyles, for some marksman is the best by far and others find it incredibly boring. Same thing can be said for every spec....of course I'm heavily biased either way because everyone knows Engineering is the one true spec for sniper pvp ;)


Engineering can have some nice burst when you need it to but don't look at it from the perspective of the marksman or virulence playstyles because that's not the way to go about it.

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For unranked, all specs are strong. MM is overall a great class to fight in, Engineering not only has really nice numbers but also is very good at node denial or hitting people behind LOS. Virulence, with dotspread, could put out decent numbers, but the spreading AOE is not ground targetable and the damage output was relatively nerfed with 4.0.


For solo ranked, the standard for snipers in TOFN (in 3.0) was taking Virulence, dotting people up and kiting for days. With the survivability buff though, you can survive to line up your burst multiple times without having to take Endurance gear, so I would say MM is the go-to spec.


For group ranked, MM is outright the best option AFAIK.




Unranked: MM or Engineering

Ranked: MM


Engineering is more like the hipster spec, it's harder to use but it's rewarding when you accomplish it - not only because you're making something with more depth work, but also you're the rare guy with the underused spec. With its damage increase in PvE though, we might start seeing Engineering become much more popular.


Also, if you're interested in 1v1'ing other snipers, I would definitely recommend Engineering over MM if you have any LOS you can dance around. You'll be laying down almost all your damage while interrupting all the casts of MM by going behind LOS.

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New Virulence/leth sucks both in PvP and in PvE!


It is really sad that bioware cannot balance all 3 spec but only 2 at time (MM and Engi now, MM and Virulence/leth in 3.0). Or maybe it's just a grand plan? Well then this plan also sucks!

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Best spec for pvp is reroll. Bioware won't fix the class, so unless you want to be endlessly frustrated, reroll.


I love playing sniper...don't think there is anything wrong with it personally. Yes we die under focus but then again who doesn't?


On a serious note I wish they would give a stealth to cover ability which fits snipers just a thought. Would help in ranked to start in a PUG.

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I love playing sniper...don't think there is anything wrong with it personally. Yes we die under focus but then again who doesn't?


The problem isn't the focus - the problem is everyone forgetting the complete game and running towards the Gunslinnger to whack him / her down !.


I've seen it so many times it almost makes me quit : They come from afar, they come in 4-5, and they completely forget the whole game. My personally most astonishing experience was an Huttball ball carrier completely leaving his path, going towards me as if there was no goal existing he should be running to - and conmtribute to the 4 others who were whacking my Gunslingers down.

Only AFTER that, he was proceeeding further on to the goal.

And that was even down the stairs.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I play MM when i'm on my sniper... which isn't very often anymore sadly.


Too many DOT spreading classes out there, a single Sorc can shut me down an entire match by dotting me up and LOS'ing me, its frustrating as hell. We need a cleanse, like on operatives dodge imo.

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The problem isn't the focus - the problem is everyone forgetting the complete game and running towards the Gunslinnger to whack him / her down !.


I've seen it so many times it almost makes me quit : They come from afar, they come in 4-5, and they completely forget the whole game. My personally most astonishing experience was an Huttball ball carrier completely leaving his path, going towards me as if there was no goal existing he should be running to - and conmtribute to the 4 others who were whacking my Gunslingers down.

Only AFTER that, he was proceeeding further on to the goal.

And that was even down the stairs.


That is so true.....

Sometimes it is hilariously funny when they tunnel you and often it benefits your team with a plant or a score because we can be such easy kills at times.


Still love my sniper...thinking of trying engineering out for awhile for a change :)

Edited by lordnathanial
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I play MM when i'm on my sniper... which isn't very often anymore sadly.


Too many DOT spreading classes out there, a single Sorc can shut me down an entire match by dotting me up and LOS'ing me, its frustrating as hell. We need a cleanse, like on operatives dodge imo.


That would be nice to have our cleanse back. I can usually 1v1 a madness sorc though playing Marksman.

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'Ello, i'm a newbie sniper, currently level 30 and running marksmen to lvl and pvp.


I'm doing ok with it but i am wondering if any of the other specs are better?


Engineer seems like a steady damage with some fluff AoE but does it have enough burst?

Virulance is a build-up/release burst imo (like lethality Ops) which seems like ok to spread a lot of damage to a lot of targets but not really to put a single one down without help of others?


Some insight and advice would be nice




Marksmanship is the most viable spec for both regs and ranked warzones, because of instant burst skills that designed for single target focus. Engineering is the 2nd most viable spec especially for unranked when it comes to node control (lots of dots and ccs), but the damage output partially relies on AoE skills. So it's kinda AoE centric spec unlike marksmanship.


For virulence, i'd say its unfavourable both for PvE and PvP because you need to build up your dots first before casting cull (i forget whats the skill's name for GS), and not to mention peeps can cleanse your dots.


Best spec for pvp is reroll. Bioware won't fix the class, so unless you want to be endlessly frustrated, reroll.


The problem isn't the focus - the problem is everyone forgetting the complete game and running towards the Gunslinnger to whack him / her down !.


I've seen it so many times it almost makes me quit : They come from afar, they come in 4-5, and they completely forget the whole game. My personally most astonishing experience was an Huttball ball carrier completely leaving his path, going towards me as if there was no goal existing he should be running to - and conmtribute to the 4 others who were whacking my Gunslingers down.

Only AFTER that, he was proceeeding further on to the goal.

And that was even down the stairs.


Snipers/GSs can be shine on group ranked warzone (when we got supports a.k.a guard, and heals)


And most people tend to focus on this class first because if they ignore us, we can unleash insane damage and kill them really quick.

Edited by jeveuxjeje
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That is so true.....

Sometimes it is hilariously funny when they tunnel you and often it benefits your team with a plant or a score because we can be such easy kills at times.


Still love my sniper...thinking of trying engineering out for awhile for a change :)


I get focused constantly on my Sab Slinger, and always used that to my advantage. Particularly in Voidstar where I will lead them behind the cargo boxes and stun, root, and slow them all. Many times easily opening up the first door.

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And most people tend to focus on this class first because if they ignore us, we can unleash insane damage and kill them really quick.


I find if they can target a mercenary commando first, they will. Snipers are second choice after. Cover makes you surprisingly tanky against burst classes, but doesn't do much against dot classes.

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