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Pre-4.0 Companions were OP, Post 4.0 Companions are trash


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agreed, we were able to tweak their build just as much as we could with our main character's build stats. adjust crit, curge, defense, absorb, shield, power, main stat. i left out accuracy and alacrity since the companions didnt use those stats.


gearing a companion or multiple companions was not hard. was not a challenge, it was easy once you figured out what gear to use and how stats worked. ive played more advanced games than pre-4.0 SWTOR. post 4.0 swtor is child's play. i feel dumber just thinking about how simple it has gotten.


I agree 100% Back before this 'update' I would go through and spend time with my companions, run a few missions and play through some of their personal missions to get a feel for them. Once I did I would spend hours looking for the perfect gear for them, armor and weapons. I wanted the gear to not JUST have great stats but it needed to 'feel' right for them and reflect their characters.


This of course sometimes meant spending tens of millions of credits to get what was just the right fit for them. BUT I didn't mind, to me it was worth it because they had a look that fit them, that I liked, and that I knew was going to mean they were able to fight at my side.


Now? I just cant justify spending a single credit on them because it doesn't matter anymore. Hell one of my characters I actually sold all my companions clothes for credits and decided to leave them like that since it didn't matter.

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Stop feeding the blatantly obvious troll, people.


Still and all, for sheer brazen audacity, it makes up for a lot of its utter lack of subtlety, style, imagination, or quality.


Sometimes, bludgeon >>>>...> scalpel.




You show great promise, Young One.

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Have you considered the possibility that this is, "working as intended?"


Content that is intended as solo PvE content has been made pretty much face-roll easy.


Content that is intended as group PvE content has effectively been buffed by level sync in a lot of cases. I can speak from experience that now it is much more difficult for a Seer to solo heal, tank, and dps down two large groups of mobs with hard hitting Elites if the other three people in a tactical have no clue what they're doing. Wipes are even possible in some cases.


With Bioware's history of SWTOR development it's about even odds that this is just a bug, but unless there's an official statement on it there's also the possibility that they deliberately made HM group content mechanics work in a way that makes soloing with a companion insanely difficult or impossible.


You should also get maxed influence for your companion and HM raid gear for yourself before passing final judgment on how nerfed companions are in HM group content.


As it sound like you're running a healer character plus a tank companion, I'd suggest trying a tank character with a healing companion if you're trying to solo HM 4 content. The healer AI suffers less from lack of armor and lack of intelligence than the tank AI does.

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I have to agree with the poster a few posts up. Do people not see that they are bumping DAYS OLD thread. One person just bumped a four day old thread because he THINKS a flash point might be giving too much experience..some people won't be happy unless the game is a slow painful grind. I'm being serious about the person bumping an old thread because too much experience in his mind.


Same with Companion threads in general. Some people WHINE all day and COMPLAIN like little kids. I mean seriously they need to mature. I am amazed that some of you are adults whining like children on the forum about "Companion are OP" this has gone past ridiculous this people are now simply trolling. The majority has spoken and we do not like slow...boring..grinds for sake of being slow and boring..for those of you who do. Please just go to another game..

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TL;DR; If you're going to complain about anything, complain about the broken defensive stats on companion tanks. Saying they were "more powerful before" is a misdirection and is untrue.


They are also broken with Force/Tech power, that stat as well goes to 0 at level 65.


To me, that's indicative of a database read error, that is reading one row ahead of where it should be. In other words, a level 64 companion is getting stats that should be for level 65, and a level 65 companion is reading a null row because it's trying to read data for level 66 which doesn't exist yet.


If weapon damage is cross-referenced in the same database, that would explain their mysterious power at lower levels, and their apparent weakness at 65. Granted there's a lot more modifiers in weapon damage that could cover this up whereas armor and force/tech power are pretty much as is and so are easier to spot. Logically, you would put all three together because they are the only 3 stats on a companion that does not change depending on stance.


So TL;DR saying they are more powerful now than before is a misdirection and untrue. If you are going to be complaining about anything, complain about fixing the bugs first. Then you can balance them.

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im not talking about being level 55 doing level 50 HMFP, or level 60 doing level 50 HMFP. fanboys always have an excuse


Post 4.0 are far better in either.


I bet there are more soloing HM videos post 4.0 that pre. The companions heal a lot better.

Edited by Deyjarl
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Has it occurred to anyone here that the companion's lack of native defense is intended to balance off their sheer power in their actual roles?


Example, the tanks:


Their charge nets them a flat 50% full absorb. A couple of their other moves also have absorbs, and a on-hit self-heal.


Pre 4.0, a tank companion would often die without a healer behind him for anything like a "real" pull, and didn't hold aggro for ****, now they just tank the beating, and keep it totally off you so you can nuke the mobs to your heart's content.




That channelled heal they all do has each tick critting well into five figures if your Influence is high enough (15+).


Yeah, they need to be balanced for that, else they really would be stupidly OP.


The fact that they can do their trinity-role better than most players is not BW's fault, it's our fault.

Edited by midianlord
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Post 4.0 are far better in either.


I bet there are more soloing HM videos post 4.0 that pre. The companions heal a lot better.


Prove it. Where's your post 4.0 HMFP video?


It's not going to happen in 4.0. I did solo runs enough to know there is a big discrepancy between pre-4.0 companion and post 4.0 companion performance inside HMFP.

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  • 3 weeks later...
ran Pierce through Boarding Party tactical and though he is influence 50 it wasn't the smoothest run. burst DPS and this companion melts. too many adds and this companion melts. sure his DPS is high caliber but his defenses are zero. its basically an energy work out to keep him healed during burst DPS phases.


image of the differences and compared to my main



notice there are stats for defense, absorb, and shield on Pierce, yet when you mouse over them, they are "empty" and the most of the companion's stats are significantly less than my main's stats


when companions wore gear their stats were much closer to the character's stats. they were able to take hits much better. companions are glass cannons with high HP pools.


FIXED LINK showing the defense, absorb, shield stats with mouse over each stat on an influence rank 50 companion.

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  • 11 months later...

If we are wishing for companion changes, I would prefer them to hybrid it back a bit to pre and post 4.0.


I miss companions being more favorable in certain stances. They should bring this back since what is the point of switching companions around if they are all dress versions of the same straw man. Give me a reason to select Gault over Mako other than the comedy relief.


They should adjust companions to be a base stat and let players adjust with gear. This would allow for us to make tank variants or healer variants that actually meant something. Should allow bring back the various armor restrictions than have it be dress up Barbie.


Finally remove the 6 companion mission cap - If I got 50 companions, why can't I send out my legion of minions to raid and pillage for my crafting supplies if I can send them out this quickly.

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