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90% of my Flashpoint Drops have Tank stats


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I'm confused, maybe someone can help me out...


I'm playing a Bounty Hunter Powertech, specced as Advanced Prototype. Queue as DPS only, as that's what my spec is...DPS.


Almost every single drop I've had in tactical flashpoints has defensive stats on it. I might have had one piece of gear that was for a DPS spec. This pertains to the BOP gear that is personal loot, not the BOE stuff that everyone rolls on.


Is this just horrific RNG, or is something bugged here?


I know many people will say I'm exaggerating but it is has literally been 90%+ of my drops have been for Shield Tech, not Advanced Prototype or Pyrotech.

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Hard to say if it's a bug or really bad luck with RNG. Just out of curiosity (as I haven't tried it yet), does the same occur for any class that has 2 different specs in the tree? Like, for example, healer gear always dropping on Sage DPS?
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I have noticed the same - my PT tank is getting crap ton of DPS implants and earpieces, but nothing of other slots, added to that, I am having to roll for them. In HMs, I have yet to see any individual loot, and i've so far done 16 of them on 3 different toons. As I recall, dev blog mentioned that all FP bosses will drop individual class specific (not role specific) drops in FPs (both TFP and HM) and in Ops.


I'm chalking it up to bad RNG, but rather difficult to call it RNG when George Smith confirmed in his blog (http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire).

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Oh no, it's almost like random is random.


You know, just like how the game conspired against you prior to the expansion, particularly on the starting worlds. Where if you were playing, say, an Imperial Agent, any greens or blues you found had Aim on them. Whereas if you were playing a Bounty Hunter, all you'd find was Cunning.


It's totally hardcoded into the game.


True story.


Not at all just noticeable simply because it's affecting you negatively, and you remember the negative more than the positive just by human nature. It's not that at all. Nope.

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Did a number of HM and Tactical FPs in the last couple of days and got a majority of DPS gear for a Guardian TANK. - So it works both ways.


It's probably on the list of bugs with the loot tables, but probably not very high up. - if you have credits to spare, keep the items and slot the mods into Legacy Gear in case you decide to level a Tech-based Tank. (VG or another PT)


Historically Tanks were really difficult to gear up correctly for end-game- Too much surge and alacrity and crit and stuff on the Enhancements - So you had to buy other items and swap out the parts to build up all the useful stats like shield, defence and absorb. - Meaning gearing up almost twice over - Then there was a shortage of tanks ..... So healers had a hard time - so DPS screamed that they couldn't group up so we got Tactical FPs which now give out rubbish gear for tanks (and now DPS as well it seems) - Yup Working as intended :confused:

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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This isn't RNG, this is broken.. I've now done 15 Tactical flashpoints and have received ONE single item that was DPS. Every single other piece, and I mean 20-30 pieces of gear (blue, purple) all have defensive stats on them. Compared to one single piece for dps?


That's RNG?

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I'm confused, maybe someone can help me out...


I'm playing a Bounty Hunter Powertech, specced as Advanced Prototype. Queue as DPS only, as that's what my spec is...DPS.


Almost every single drop I've had in tactical flashpoints has defensive stats on it. I might have had one piece of gear that was for a DPS spec. This pertains to the BOP gear that is personal loot, not the BOE stuff that everyone rolls on.


Is this just horrific RNG, or is something bugged here?


I know many people will say I'm exaggerating but it is has literally been 90%+ of my drops have been for Shield Tech, not Advanced Prototype or Pyrotech.


They are trying to encourage people to tank I think. I got a ton of blue drops that were tank gear, but with the purples it was more DPS than tank gear, only main hand, off hand for tank, 2 offhands, main hand, and I think it was an implant but I trashed it because I can make a better one for dps.

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They are trying to encourage people to tank I think. I got a ton of blue drops that were tank gear, but with the purples it was more DPS than tank gear, only main hand, off hand for tank, 2 offhands, main hand, and I think it was an implant but I trashed it because I can make a better one for dps.


Every single piece of purple gear I've received has been tank spec. Even the blaster rifle that dropped (which my class can't even use) had tank stats on it.

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  • 1 month later...
I keep getting Dps drops on my powertech tank.This is incredibly annoying anyone know if this is fixable or just a bad game design?


Game design.



they figure if it takes twice as long for you to gear up the way you want to, you'll play twice as much!

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Almost every single drop I've had in tactical flashpoints has defensive stats on it. I might have had one piece of gear that was for a DPS spec. This pertains to the BOP gear that is personal loot, not the BOE stuff that everyone rolls on.


Yeah so far that's is the case for my Vengeance Jugg. Likewise, on my Immortal Jugg, I receive mostly DPS gear. I'll save those and have them for my other alts as they get to that level so I can save my common crystals for other things. I believe they've gotten the drops kinda messed up for your chosen spec. They'll address this come...5.0 maybe? :rak_02:

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  • 2 months later...

I hate to semi-necro a thread but I just ran five TFPs in a row and every purple drop was tank gear for my infiltration shadow. I get that my AC allows me to play both tank and DPS but how hard is it to put in a check to see which role you are specced into before doling out the loot? I honestly don't know but it's something worth looking into, non?


I just started up a new legacy on a US server and thought I would run FPs to get my 208 gear rather than waste CDCs on poorly optimised gear but I guess it's back to grinding heroics...ugh. I should have made my start at 60 a marauder or anything that is DPS/heals only.

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I hate to semi-necro a thread but I just ran five TFPs in a row and every purple drop was tank gear for my infiltration shadow. I get that my AC allows me to play both tank and DPS but how hard is it to put in a check to see which role you are specced into before doling out the loot? I honestly don't know but it's something worth looking into, non?


I just started up a new legacy on a US server and thought I would run FPs to get my 208 gear rather than waste CDCs on poorly optimised gear but I guess it's back to grinding heroics...ugh. I should have made my start at 60 a marauder or anything that is DPS/heals only.


One of the other games I've played added a toggle for 'loot spec' that could be set independent of active spec, allowing players to decide which spec they wanted active when the game awarded them personal loot, so a player tanking a flashpoint with 'loot spec' set to a dps spec would receive dps gear while another tanking a flashpoint with 'loot spec' set to a tank spec would receive tank gear.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Hope this is not a stupid question:

Why is there a "this item will permanently bind" timer on the purple drops in hardmode flashpoints?


In the past anyway (haven't done this sort of content in a while now), the gear drops in flashpoints and ops were bind-on-pickup, but they had a timer on them so that anyone who participated in the content could receive it in trade from the player who initially received it. After a certain period of time, it would bind to which ever member held it.

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One of the other games I've played added a toggle for 'loot spec' that could be set independent of active spec, allowing players to decide which spec they wanted active when the game awarded them personal loot, so a player tanking a flashpoint with 'loot spec' set to a dps spec would receive dps gear while another tanking a flashpoint with 'loot spec' set to a tank spec would receive tank gear.


A brilliant idea worthy of the suggestion box. Really wish they would implement something like this.

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I wouldn't call this "bad game design." The game almost certainly doesn't check to see which specialty you've chosen. And why should it, when people can respec from Tank or Heals to DPS, and often do so mid-mission?


RNG trolls. Always has, always will.

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