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Dear Bioware, as a player whose just returned...

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I wanted to say...


GOOD JOB!! I see on these forums about the Companions and I just have to say from a player who has not played in over 2 years GOOD JOB!! I love them and I know others who've come back and love them please don't change a thing!


I hope you dont mind me chiming in on this.


I just returned myself. My biggest issue is that the constant class changes have rendered most classes either completely alien to me (which I can adjust to) or ruined (like my corruption sorc).


I warned Bioware against the constant nerf crusade, and this is the result. Right now the state of character abilities is the worst part of this game IMO.

I just started all over. Indeed I logged on to my main guy, was completely overwhelmed by all the sweeping changes, and said eff that I'll just start over.
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