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Yavin IV Bonus Series (A Way To Use Cut Storylines)


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Basically, Yavin IV's original story had nothing to do with Revan.

I won't go into any details since it's leaked content, but basically we have good evidence it involved Naga Sadow, at least Empire side. (This information isn't too hard to find with a little Googling/searching Reddit)


Now, the cut Bothawui/Ziost/Sleyhron storylines are probably beyond saving with how KotFE is going, especially since they had class quests, but from what I've seen of the planned Yavin quests they would still work with the way the story is going now, maybe even better than they would have originally (plus, it looks like there would only be 4 or 5 quests per faction instead of 4 or 5 per class, so it would be on par with existing bonus series and world arcs).


We know Naga Sadow hated Vitate, so having Valkorion basically be winning ever since Yavin IV would provide a pretty good reason for Sadow to be up and active and trying to kill everyone, especially with what happened on Ziost.


With some rewrites, I imagine most or all of the cut Yavin IV quests could be repurposed into a bonus series questline (one for each faction though, not the "one unified faction" stuff unless Bioware wants to try combining both cut storylines). Bioware could even adapt part of the story into an operation, similar to Temple of Sacrifice, except with Naga Sadow and his alchemical monsters as bosses.


It seems obvious to me that Bioware wants us to revisit old worlds, hence the alliance quests and Star Fortress stuff in KotFE. A level 65 Bonus Series on Yavin IV would obviously give players more reason to visit Yavin, it would make Lore nerds (and people who just hate cut content) like me happy, and it would allow them to reuse way more assets than a full new planet so it would probably make for a much cheaper update (especially if the theoretical new operation reused stuff from ToS).

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