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Any chance of a huge QoL improvement?


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Companion gift giving. I understand the benefits of a long term grind and 250k Influence per companion is a long grind, but not too unreasonable. The gifts simply are too slow in handing them to the companions though (and yeah I remember well the 30 second CD we used to have on gift giving) since we're grinding 25 times more Influence.


Could we PLEASE get the ability to gift an entire stack to a companion with 1 (or 2) clicks? The grind of acquiring the gifts/influence is fine, but the sitting still clicking gifts for (as much as) an hour or more to get to 250k is ridiculous. I mean seriously, just standing there for an hour listening to the same response is NOT fun.


Again, I understand the grind involved in getting the gifts... just don't make us stand there for an hour to turn them in at 3 seconds each.

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I mean seriously, just standing there for an hour listening to the same response is NOT fun..


Who says you have to listen to the game while you're gift giving? Listen to some music or an audio book, watch a movie.

Edited by Unchosen
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Giving gifts one at a time isn't the worst thing ever. You can't lose influence with companions like you could with affection, so even though it's a bit tedious you won't ever have to do it again once you max a companion out.


I never claimed it was the worst thing ever, that's why I called it a huge QoL improvement. Don't think it is huge? Takes slightly more than 5 minutes to give a (single) full stack of gifts, that'd be changed down to say 10 seconds with some sort of confirmation box. Using the gifts you can buy for credits (using the most optimal scenario you're still talking over 5 million credits) it takes over 80 stacks of rank 2 gifts - that's 400+ minutes per companion.


Imagine if your character had to stand still while your crafting occurred. That's how this feels to me. And yeah I get that it is a "one time" thing, but sitting for an hour (or more) just spam clicking is ridiculous and not fun. I'd rather the gift gathering take longer/more effort than to spend that time clicking over and over.

Edited by Zharik
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