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Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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not a fallacy


No, that's literally what it is.


And again, it has nothing to do with the discussion. If you happened to discover an area where a level 16 Healer is able to stalemate a few level 21 mobs, that doesn't detract from anyone's opinions. I don't get what you don't get about this.


We're not here howling about how we love a Healer Companion's capacity to survive attacks against higher level mobs, because our enjoyment of the game has absolutely nothing to do with that. Why would we even go out of our way to discover that? Whose enjoyment of a game does depend on something so asinine? What other minutiae are you going to grasp for?

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Personally, I don't mind them being OP because my wife is brand new to this game and MMO RPGs altogether and having an OP companion means I dont have to babysit her. the companion does it for me xD


Husband of the year! Sir! I salute you! :D

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To all those complaining that companions are OP, what is your PRESENCE STAT?



Or, to put it another way that some of you might better understand...


My Presence stat is 1100+ on my level 65 characters, so I for one say let me keep the OP companions that I damn well earned.


You want a 'challenge'? Dismiss the companion. But leave them alone, because I earned my companions being OP.



[Disclaimer] This post is both serious and sarcastic at the same time. I normally don't put forth an elitist, entitled attitude, but I really think that in this case, on this issue, that kind of attitude is necessary to get through to the type of player that is complaining about this.

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not a fallacy, its me saying to you....if you do not think that the game is too easy, then try out this scenario:


start new sith warrior, after DK you should be around lvl 16, skip balmora, go straight to Nar shadda, pull level 21 mobs, watch lvl 16 comp fight them.


Then come back and comment on what you experienced.


Not to hard to understand. Try it and see for your self. im not asking you to agree with my opinion, im asking you to go and try it for yourself...see it with your own eyes.


Done it. Loved it. Don't see the problem. This is how the game should always have been able to be played.


(Oh, and I died trying to solo one of those heroic star fortress flashpoint thingies, so the companions can't be too overpowered)

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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Funny story, new comp buffs make companions better healers than all the new lvl 60s that'll be popping up.


I mean, before 4.0 we had to deal with DPS scrubs queuing as Healers only for the first few flashpoints, but now we get to have the experience shared across all HM flashpoints and technical flashpoints. YAAAAAAAAY.

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They will one day adjust the numbers of Companions, the past should confirm that. I foresee a "sky is falling" scenario with all the people posting here to keep it.


It will be eons into the future. Considering the companions don't detract from OPS or pvp, the two "most important" aspects of the endgame, they will keep it as is for a while.

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but why does it bother you so much? If you have such a problem with it, the answer is simple. DONT SUMMON A COMPANION! Just don't use them if they're "so powerful they're ruining your game experience" or whatever.

Personally, I don't mind them being OP because my wife is brand new to this game and MMO RPGs altogether and having an OP companion means I dont have to babysit her. the companion does it for me xD


ok things have gotten a little heated.


Here is what I think, yes, its good that there is no grind, yes its goodf that we have comps that can do a good job.


But after seeing my lvl 16 take on multiple lvl 21 mobs, thats when i went "ummm, ok, hold on, do i even need to do anything, do i actually need to feel some kind of reward for taking out an enemy when i know that there was absolutley no chance of me getting killed"


I though this might just ne an early lvling experience, but found the same thing with my 59 sorc, i just could not be killed by anything.


I am not advocating for a full roll back, i actually like the idea of being able to solo a lot of the content, but, not at the ease it is now.


I would at least like to feel like there was a chance, that if i had screwed up a rotation, or did not pay attention, that i may have lost half my health or even been killed. This would then drive me to perfect my use of my character, perfect my rotation use. But as it is now, there is none of that, you can literally get up from your computer in the middle of a fight, with mobs 5 lvels higher than you and come back to the computer and still be at full health.


Just make it a little, tiny bit harder, not a grind fest, just enough where combat matters, still have cool comps, still have no grindy stuff, still enjoy the story content, but please just give us a touch of diffculty.

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How about gear up and be more powerful again? Remember Korriban where Vette oblitereted everything and you could just stand there and gaze with awe? Later on you had to pop all your dCDs to keep you both alive and finally became the Hero and Vette was just a sidekick.


The same story over again - a geared up player will have a higher output no matter what.


This is a pretty good argument, because if you notice before most of the companions you get on the starting planets are pretty powerful, you know why? because they're max geared for that planet! it's the same thing here except you don't have to gear them fully anymore, so you're witnessing what would happen if they were max geared for every planet


Like I said before, on Malavai and Theran I never got to below 85-90% HP and Jaesa and Nadia (being the only DPS that I fully geared) were extremely good, except that Jaesa had better single target DPS


Now with 4.0 all companions are maxed geared for their level AND they got rid of some of the spells that made them waste time NOT healing, doing damage, (for instance now all healers have a shield yes? which is very helpful) I know for Nadia with Her AOE skills she would use them on a single target mob most of the time, now the comp skills are streamlined and simplified (a healer comp only has heal spells, a dps comp only has dps spells etc. )couple with nonexisting gear issue you're experiencing what companions would be if they you had geared them fully on every planet.


I see no issue.

Edited by Azareya
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But after seeing my lvl 16 take on multiple lvl 21 mobs, thats when i went "ummm, ok, hold on, do i even need to do anything, do i actually need to feel some kind of reward for taking out an enemy when i know that there was absolutley no chance of me getting killed"


I would at least like to feel like there was a chance, that if i had screwed up a rotation, or did not pay attention, that i may have lost half my health or even been killed. This would then drive me to perfect my use of my character, perfect my rotation use.


...perfecting your level 16 rotation? Really?

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the companions are fine -- as a casual player I'm glad they are like they are -- keep them that way --

ok, so my gear is awful, I still get my gear through quests -- that's the way it is for now -- don't have enough crystals to get the good stuff everyone else has ( and I'm not complaining, I do just fine thank you ... )

I NEED the companions in a fight -- I'm glad they are what they are -- as I've heard suggested over and over -- just fight without a companion or get one that has low influence -- that should help ... I fight Valkorian without using his "power" at times and those fights are LONG ... yep the companion helps a lot -- adjust like we all do

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No, that's literally what it is.


And again, it has nothing to do with the discussion. If you happened to discover an area where a level 16 Healer is able to stalemate a few level 21 mobs, that doesn't detract from anyone's opinions. I don't get what you don't get about this.


We're not here howling about how we love a Healer Companion's capacity to survive attacks against higher level mobs, because our enjoyment of the game has absolutely nothing to do with that. Why would we even go out of our way to discover that? Whose enjoyment of a game does depend on something so asinine? What other minutiae are you going to grasp for?


if there is no risk in combat, what is the point of it. why would you feel like you accomplished something when you had no chance of losing in the first place.


What is the point in levels, if they dont mean anything, whats the point of having all these abilities if you dont need to use them. etc


KOTOR had awesome story, awesome characters, awesome comps, and it still had the chance to fail if you did not play the best you could.


Thats probably point o should raise, if you play your worst in a game, then there should be chance you will fail, victory and survival should not be just this thing you have, you should be constantly working to keep those things.

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if there is no risk in combat, what is the point of it. why would you feel like you accomplished something when you had no chance of losing in the first place.


What is the point in levels, if they dont mean anything, whats the point of having all these abilities if you dont need to use them. etc


You answered your question, even as you strawmanned again. (Strong Companions do not automatically equate to no risk in combat.)


KOTOR had awesome story, awesome characters, awesome comps

This is why. The story mode was never particularly difficult. Hell, most of my deaths came from chain pulling for long stretches without healing until I died because I'd just zoned out for so long on my health. There was never any real danger to me with even cursory attention.


This notion you have that the game was so terribly difficult and you were overcoming immense challenge... I mean, I suppose if you're really, really bad at the game it could be true, but for your average player, this game is a cake-walk.


Kill a bunch, meditate, kill a bunch, meditate, kill a bunch, etc. The Companions just make it a little smoother and let people enjoy what this game REALLY does well, and what you listed. The awesome story, awesome characters and awesome companions. No one's playing SWTOR for love of a grind, man.

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if there is no risk in combat, what is the point of it. why would you feel like you accomplished something when you had no chance of losing in the first place.



I don't feel accomplished after playing video games. This is part of your problem. You will never get the sense of accomplishment you seek from tapping on a keyboard. Ever.


Also, you literally accomplish nothing.

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sigh, the lvl 16 sith war is obviously not my only character...


you seriously can not be this dense.


The only time your Companions are stronger / as strong as you are the very early levels. You can't be complaining about late game because your character is immensely stronger than them. Ergo, your complaint was about low levels. And if your gripe is not perfecting low-level rotation, it's laughable. If I misconstrued and you were complaining that high level Companions are stronger than you...


Well, you've got a whole new world of problems then.

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Its still very possible to die even with OP companions thanks to lvl sync on lower planets. So you cant play badly and expect to survive all the time. Also with the lack of skills on the comps you will always be stronger than your comp no matter what lvl of influence they are at.

They are fine as they are.

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You answered your question, even as you strawmanned again. (Strong Companions do not automatically equate to no risk in combat.)



This is why. The story mode was never particularly difficult. Hell, most of my deaths came from chain pulling for long stretches without healing until I died because I'd just zoned out for so long on my health. There was never any real danger to me with even cursory attention.


This notion you have that the game was so terribly difficult and you were overcoming immense challenge... I mean, I suppose if you're really, really bad at the game it could be true, but for your average player, this game is a cake-walk.


Kill a bunch, meditate, kill a bunch, meditate, kill a bunch, etc. The Companions just make it a little smoother and let people enjoy what this game REALLY does well, and what you listed. The awesome story, awesome characters and awesome companions. No one's playing SWTOR for love of a grind, man.


I never said the game was incredibly difficult before, i never said to make it a grind again, you seem to have not read my previous post correctly. A game does not need to be easy to have no grind, why have you connected those two things in your head, grindy gameply and easy difficulty are not synonymous.


And yes, auto super geared equivalent comps do equal not getting killed, you really need to try hard to get killed.

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I don't feel accomplished after playing video games. This is part of your problem. You will never get the sense of accomplishment you seek from tapping on a keyboard. Ever.


Also, you literally accomplish nothing.


wrong, ppl play video games to over come the challenge and achieve things.


they accomplish this through playing their best.


you know, passing really hard levels, downing that boss..hell, you even are given "achievements" for "achieving" things in games....why am i even answering this statement, that is literally the most pathetic thing i have ever seen anybody say about playing games....what the hell.

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Its still very possible to die even with OP companions thanks to lvl sync on lower planets. So you cant play badly and expect to survive all the time. Also with the lack of skills on the comps you will always be stronger than your comp no matter what lvl of influence they are at.

They are fine as they are.


i have to disagree,


in my scenario, sith warior lvl 16, went straight to nar shadda, skipped balmora, comp fighting multiple groups of lvl 21 mobs, not able to be killed.


Then tried similar scenario with 59 sorc, comp could solo everything, all i did was walk around clicking attack on comp bar, full health for comp whole time.

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