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Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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Yeah, it always broke my immersion when 2V-R8 couldn't tank Sith Lords and Jedi Masters. Protocol Droids are the best fighters in the galaxy, don't you know! Who needs the force when you are fluent in over six million forms of communication?


No, it's because you programmed it so well it can now tank a Sith lord. Ashara now rocks these mobs? I taught her well. After all, she's the apprentice of *********** Sith Lord Noehola, conqueror ot Thulak Hord's artefacts blablabla.


Just a question of perspective. ;)


P.S : And the idea of seeing 2V-R8 actually rocking Sith lords while debating with me about the lunch menu and which detergent he should use to clean the spaceship is somehow funny to me. I should try.

Edited by Nihilkult
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No, it's because you programmed it so well it can now tank a Sith lord. Ashara now rocks these mobs? I taught her well. After all, she's the apprentice of *********** Sith Lord Noehola, conqueror ot Thulak Hord's artefacts blablabla.


Just a question of perspective. ;).


I agree, it is a question of perspective, which is the reason I started this thread.


Your perspective is just as valid as mine, and I definitely appreciate you giving your input. I can definitely see why you see it the way you do.


However, I do have to ask this, will all respect, and I completely understand that this is out of the box question...from your perspective, the way you see it...do you honestly think your character can beat your companion in combat, when simply looking at the numbers? Considering that said companion is supposed to be your apprentice.


Do you honestly think it's correct, in terms of immersion, that your companion is vastly superior to your character?

Edited by VitalityPrime
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SWTOR 4.0, where you, the player, are the sidekick!


Where Qyzen is Batman, and you are Robin.


Where Torian is Iron Man, and you are War Machine.


Where Corso is Goku, and you are Krillin.


Where Rusk is Kirk, and you are a redshirt.

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What kind of influence rank are you hitting where they feel OP?

I have a couple to 15 and nope.. still don't see it.


Tank mode could probably use a -little- tweaking so they take more damage, but they don't hold aggro at all.

Lana in heal mode stole aggro off Koth in tank mode while mum and I were testing it.


Now, mum and I could steamroll through all the weekly heroics, which was expected because we already could when we were *3* or more levels above them... which is what the level sync sits us around.. sometimes more. But, we did keep our companions better geared than we were prior to 4.0.


The higher the level of the content we were doing the LESS they performed. From say Makeb on if we didn't watch them they died and we were left to fight it out.. but then it was still easy being higher than everything.


My point... if you are working with high influence companions (id say 20+ maybe) its be expected that they are OP... since that's the whole point of spamming them with gifts -to make them more powerful-.


I was using Theron with <10 influence (around 6 I believe) and he had no problems saving the day himself in Makeb heroics.

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My Sage has an Influence level 44 Darth Marr. He was able to heal me and two friends in Maelstrom Prison Hard Mode. While the mechanics became slightly (VERY slightly) more difficult due to me having to direct my companion during combat, the green numbers were definitely enough to keep us all afloat during bosses.



...Still, I want to throw a shout-out into this thread about how awesome it looked to see Darth Marr keeping two Jedi and a Commando in battle using massively-powerful Dark Side heals.

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First, I will apologize for making another thread about this...but this topic is somewhat different than all the others.



Now this just may be my opinion, I don't know.


For me, the way companions are in 4.0 has nothing to do about "challenge" or how difficult/easy the game is.


I think that everyone truly knows that the game has really always been easy, when you consider playing through the story solo.


For me, it's about immersion.


Pre 4.0, your character was the main character, the powerful character.


If you sent in your companions, chances are, they would need your help...and I can't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game and companions in general.


In 4.0, if you send in your companions, they simply do not need your help at all.


Pre 4.0, when you decided to fight, you, the player character, you made the difference. You were the one that made the game easy. Again, I don't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game.



Now, assuming that this design in 4.0 is working as intended...


Would you not rather it be the player characters that were the ones buffed, instead of the companions?


LEAVE THEM ALONE! News flash: You ask for a Nerf and BioWare Nerfs the crap out of them! I prefer that they leave it alone instead of ruining it all together by making them overwhelmingly weak! (BioWare doesn't have any subtle Nerf capabilities--why you think we STILL get PvP whiners? They either Nerf them to hell or not Nerf them at all. I don't know how weak you play, but my Companions are NOT out playing me in anything. Heroic Flashpoint: Star Fortress-- I AM THE ONE SAVING THEIR BUTT! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Same for the Heroic Weekly Missions. I'm the one keeping them alive and grabbing aggro, so they can either heal me or help with DPS. I'm no BLOODY sidekick. So either you get good or SHUT UP! :mad:


You wanna find out if they're OP? Then freaking get a friend to do a duel with you, but instead of fighting them you fight their companion! If you have decent gear and know your bloody rotation you'll win. I know, because I did it with a bunch of my Guild Mates last week during early access. I won every time (although the Healer took the longest to kill with its heals, but I still won, regardless).


SO I say it again: LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Edited by Koichi
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In 4.0, if you send in your companions, they simply do not need your help at all.


Are you sure about that?

This is how you get rank 15 Lana killed.


Pre 4.0, when you decided to fight, you, the player character, you made the difference. You were the one that made the game easy. Again, I don't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game.


Nothing has changed.

Sorry, I had to start fighting otherwise this fight would take forever.

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Are you sure about that?

This is how you get rank 15 Lana killed.




Nothing has changed.

Sorry, I had to start fighting otherwise this fight would take forever.


Grats for showing us that a companion in healer mode is not a DPS or tank...

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These threads about powerful companions compared to players, needs to stop. Have you not considered perhaps your collection of datacrons could be the reason? You do realize that as of 4.0 patch they are shared to all your toons through your legacy. That is just one example. If you persist on complaining and the dev's down grade the companions effectiveness the game, than is just not playable. Since we now can not improve them through gear, it would than be pointless having them other than following us as useless pets.
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Are you sure about that?

This is how you get rank 15 Lana killed.




Nothing has changed.

Sorry, I had to start fighting otherwise this fight would take forever.


Nice video. I ran my first 2 chrs with 10 and they got slapped around. Third time I kicked it up to 12-14 range and it was better. Still they would get chunked. I am running mostly new chapters. I have 4 that have hit 9. The comps just didn't cake walk thru. Also even doing low level HRs like Taris Treek got stomped.

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I can swear I'm sure that many of them have a wrong impression about this situation. I had the feelling my partners were better than me first. Then I did some maths regarding their skills, our bonuses etc.

Guess what? I was still stronger. Not very much but still stronger. And I have zone skills, buff, debuff, stuff to protect my partner's *** if he gets a light grenade in the face etc etc etc....


I did a heroic just right before , we got fighting each the same kind of elite mob.



I guess many feel they're "OP" just because in fact....they're not used to have companions who don't fall on the first punch.

Edited by Nihilkult
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im sorry but once you hit lvl 60 and had the right gear even before the 4.0 there was no match, as a jedi tank my comp kitted correctly would keep me healed and i would tank and defeat all, as a combat medic i would heal and tanno vik would tank dps and kill all, there is no difference to me with the comps, when set up properly they was as good as they are now the only difference is that now everyone benefits from not having to kit them up properly.


I dont understand what all the whining is about tbh

Raven was very easy

Edited by ValiantDXL
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Paladins and Exarchs are only possible with healer companion. In tank mode they would die before paladin drops to 50%. When that happens there's not much dps VG can do.


Except the complains about healer mode is that companions are healing too much, not that they are tank or dps in healer mode, so making videos about how companions in healer mode can't tank or DPS is missing the point.



im sorry but once you hit lvl 60 and had the right gear even before the 4.0 there was no match, as a jedi tank my comp kitted correctly would keep me healed and i would tank and defeat all, as a combat medic i would heal and tanno vik would tank dps and kill all, there is no difference to me with the comps, when set up properly they was as good as they are now the only difference is that now everyone benefits from not having to kit them up properly.


I dont understand what all the whining is about tbh


Simple, we had a choice before to gear our companions as much as we wanted, that choice is gone.

Having an option to choose between 3 different levels of efficiency could have been made easily and would have save BW from all thoses complains.

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First, I will apologize for making another thread about this...but this topic is somewhat different than all the others.



Now this just may be my opinion, I don't know.


For me, the way companions are in 4.0 has nothing to do about "challenge" or how difficult/easy the game is.


I think that everyone truly knows that the game has really always been easy, when you consider playing through the story solo.


For me, it's about immersion.


Pre 4.0, your character was the main character, the powerful character.


If you sent in your companions, chances are, they would need your help...and I can't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game and companions in general.


In 4.0, if you send in your companions, they simply do not need your help at all.


Pre 4.0, when you decided to fight, you, the player character, you made the difference. You were the one that made the game easy. Again, I don't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game.



Now, assuming that this design in 4.0 is working as intended...


Would you not rather it be the player characters that were the ones buffed, instead of the companions?


I happen to disagree quite severely here. Before companions were annyoingly useless - yes I had to come and help them out any damn time, they could not manage anything on their own. And I kept asking myself why my Sith Warrior or my JK, or worse - the Bounty Hunter, would even have them along. They all better had staid home and let pros do the job.


Now, the team begins to make sense. Yes, those guys the Bounty Hunter would trust to have his back, and the Sith Warrior finds them useful enough to keep around, the JK stops wondering if he has Qui-Gon's tendency to pick up useless life-forms and actually feels he has a support team.


So I find the new way more immersive than the old. Just my feelings about it.

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look... the entire issue is mute anyhow.

who cares if the companions can solo a double gold star NPC

either put the comps on passive.... or, just have them healing. then players can be the heroes they want to be.


But no... next comes that the Companions heal way too much and so there is no challenge either. Roflol.

Why do some people want to be clubbed? Question in my mind: are they Masochists?


The answer to me is obvious. People are so bored with the game they 'Troll' on the forums just to stir up things a little. Easy solution: go somewhere else and Troll.


I got the feeling you're the kind of person that like to use "easy" mode or something like that? While I never go "nightmare" level in bioware games, I do tend to enjoy "hard" mode as it gives more more than just cutscenes with mindless killing.


And quite frankly, they are Overpowered. Saw some player the other day on Ziost, figured I'd ignore them, but they managed to aggro my companion and by the time I noticed she had him down to 40%, so I figured I'd just finish him off. Is that really how it's supposed to be? And world pvp is near impossible with dual-healers I hear, stuck above 70% or so all the time.

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Are you sure about that?

This is how you get rank 15 Lana killed.




Nothing has changed.

Sorry, I had to start fighting otherwise this fight would take forever.



Yep... I got the same problem with Maelstorm Prison. Kira and the combat droid hammered the final boss without even making a dent in his armor. I watched the spectacle for 3mins before getting sick of it. It was my Avatar that did all the damage in the end.


Overpowered NPC Companions... come on... they are just right now to be somewhat useful.

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Except the complains about healer mode is that companions are healing too much, not that they are tank or dps in healer mode, so making videos about how companions in healer mode can't tank or DPS is missing the point.


So, you're saying that soloing heroic Star Fortress shouldn't be possible?

Why have achievement for it then?



Healing too much? You will spend a lot of time at 10-15% range in Exarch fight. Or at least it has been case for me in every SF. I'm not even undergeared for it: 208/216 + 8/14 200.

Edited by Halinalle
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Here, put it to the test.


Start a fresh sith warrior on a new server so your not getting any bonuses, legacy etc.


After you get your ship at the end of DK you should be around lvl 16.


DO NOT GO TO BALMORA...instead skip Balmora and head to nar shadda.


Continue to do your first class mission and you will eventually find yourself with human and trandoshan mobs around you which are level 20 and 21, some 22's around.


Put comp on heal stance. Pull a group of mobs, DO NOT ATTACK, watch health bar of healer comp....let it go for a while....grab another group of mobs.....have fun with it, see how many groups of lvl 20/21 mobs you need to pull to get your comp killed.....took me 3 groups ....can you do more than 3...I challenge you!

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