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Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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First, I will apologize for making another thread about this...but this topic is somewhat different than all the others.



Now this just may be my opinion, I don't know.


For me, the way companions are in 4.0 has nothing to do about "challenge" or how difficult/easy the game is.


I think that everyone truly knows that the game has really always been easy, when you consider playing through the story solo.


For me, it's about immersion.


Pre 4.0, your character was the main character, the powerful character.


If you sent in your companions, chances are, they would need your help...and I can't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game and companions in general.


In 4.0, if you send in your companions, they simply do not need your help at all.


Pre 4.0, when you decided to fight, you, the player character, you made the difference. You were the one that made the game easy. Again, I don't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game.



Now, assuming that this design in 4.0 is working as intended...


Would you not rather it be the player characters that were the ones buffed, instead of the companions?

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Behold, glorious astromech droid who single-handedly defeated sith Emperor himself! Oh, he had some random jedi helping him, but nevermind that - the victory belongs to T7!


SWTOR 4.0, where you, the player, are the sidekick!

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Apology not accepted.


Leave the Companions alone and move on.


Fair enough, I just felt the need to post this because I felt that the vast majority of the "complainers" were not properly voicing the opinion of others, or just me, who are not fond with the new companions in 4.0. They kept complaining about challenge...when that, to me, isn't the problem at all.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Inb4 "just equip a lower level weapon"


I'm right with you though. There was never really a challenge levelling pre 4.0, and the buffs to companions, or presence, or whatever, all seem really unneeded. Anyone who wasn't asleep at the wheel could get through the entire game with terribly-geared companions, and there was enough gear and commendations thrown at you throughout the process to gear them if you needed to (at least post 3.0, Planetary comms were another mess entirely).


So it really does come down to immersion, and it's very hard to be immersed in a story that says we're the big bad tough guy and yet treats us like we're just getting in our teammates ways.

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It is the other way around.


Why is my sith girl worthless? she does no damage. I trained her better than that.


Or..man sure is nice having a heal bot. Not like it matters, I just ignore them anyway.


Now they can do more than just "Heal" or be a extra dot.



This is far better than before, and more immersive.

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It is the other way around.


Why is my sith girl worthless? she does no damage. I trained her better than that.


Or..man sure is nice having a heal bot. Not like it matters, I just ignore them anyway.


Now they can do more than just "Heal" or be a extra dot.



This is far better than before, and more immersive.


Fair enough...but I do believe you are using hyperbole when you say that your companion was worthless before 4.0.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I second this.


Alright, I understand your feelings on the matter...but would you mind answering this...


Would you not rather it be the player characters that were the ones buffed, instead of the companions?


Are you really going to say that you like your companions being more powerful than your player character, and your companions being the difference maker in fights, and not the other way around?

Edited by VitalityPrime
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What kind of influence rank are you hitting where they feel OP?

I have a couple to 15 and nope.. still don't see it.


Tank mode could probably use a -little- tweaking so they take more damage, but they don't hold aggro at all.

Lana in heal mode stole aggro off Koth in tank mode while mum and I were testing it.


Now, mum and I could steamroll through all the weekly heroics, which was expected because we already could when we were *3* or more levels above them... which is what the level sync sits us around.. sometimes more. But, we did keep our companions better geared than we were prior to 4.0.


The higher the level of the content we were doing the LESS they performed. From say Makeb on if we didn't watch them they died and we were left to fight it out.. but then it was still easy being higher than everything.


My point... if you are working with high influence companions (id say 20+ maybe) its be expected that they are OP... since that's the whole point of spamming them with gifts -to make them more powerful-.

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Fair enough, I just felt the need to post this because I felt that the vast majority of the "complainers" were not properly voicing the opinion of others, or just me, who are not fond with the new companions in 4.0. They kept complaining about challenge...when that, to me, isn't the problem at all.


look... the entire issue is mute anyhow.

who cares if the companions can solo a double gold star NPC

either put the comps on passive.... or, just have them healing. then players can be the heroes they want to be.


But no... next comes that the Companions heal way too much and so there is no challenge either. Roflol.

Why do some people want to be clubbed? Question in my mind: are they Masochists?


The answer to me is obvious. People are so bored with the game they 'Troll' on the forums just to stir up things a little. Easy solution: go somewhere else and Troll.

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Well, i would prefer to be the sidekick, if that means, if i set my companion to tank mode, it can actually tank something, instead of just dying like a dps companion.


We all know what i am talking about, in the end, the companions are useful now, accept, or move on.

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look... the entire issue is mute anyhow.

who cares if the companions can solo a double gold star NPC

either put the comps on passive.... or, just have them healing. then players can be the heroes they want to be.


But no... next comes that the Companions heal way too much and so there is no challenge either. Roflol.

Why do some people want to be clubbed? Question in my mind: are they Masochists?


The answer to me is obvious. People are so bored with the game they 'Troll' on the forums just to stir up things a little. Easy solution: go somewhere else and Troll.


I'm not sure what makes you think I'm trolling...but you have a right to your opinion.


For me, the only reason I bring this topic up is because I believe that companions were fine pre 4.0 for different reasons that what we see in all the other threads with people "complaining".


I love that all your companions can be any role you want them to be in 4.0...but I just don't think the buff that came with companion changes in 4.0 was needed.



If you look at 4.0 as bioware wanting to buff players/companions, and if 4.0 is working as intended...then it's clear to see that they chose to buff companions.


If 4.0 is working as intended, then I just wish they would have chose to buff player characters instead of companions. I very much prefer the player characters to be the difference makers, when you look at a fight involving a PC and a companion. Not the companion. If that makes sense.


I'm not trying to start arguments, nor am I trolling at all. I just wanted to post a different perspective on why someone thinks that companions in 4.0 are going in the wrong direction. Which is very different than the majority of everyone else who is "complaining" about companions.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I'm not sure what makes you think I'm trolling...but you have a right to your opinion.


For me, the only reason I bring this topic up is because I believe that companions were fine pre 4.0.


I love that all your companions can be any role you want them to be in 4.0...but I just don't think the buff that came with companion changes in 4.0 was needed.



If you look at 4.0 as bioware wanting to buff players/companions, and if 4.0 is working as intended...then it's clear to see that they chose to buff companions.


If 4.0 is working as intended, then I just wish they would have chose to buff player characters instead of companions. I very much prefer the player characters to be the difference makers, when you look at a fight involving a PC and a companion. Not the companion. If that makes sense.


Well, first you are being called a troll because your opinion differs from others and i personally am fine with the companions as they are in 4.0, i can use any companion i want now, instead of.....i wanna vette.....but no....she is a dps, so useless.....treek here i come....every single character.....i used treek, the rest were crew mission do'ers unless the class quest required a specific companion to progress.


Now, i can be fine with using Vette or any companion and be comfy with it...instead downtime, downtime, downtime....it got tedious....

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Well, first you are being called a troll because your opinion differs from others and i personally am fine with the companions as they are in 4.0, i can use any companion i want now, instead of.....i wanna vette.....but no....she is a dps, so useless.....treek here i come....every single character.....i used treek, the rest were crew mission do'ers unless the class quest required a specific companion to progress.


Now, i can be fine with using Vette or any companion and be comfy with it...instead downtime, downtime, downtime....it got tedious....


Yeah, like I said...I absolutely love that aspect of the companion changes in 4.0. Allowing us to use whichever companion we want, in any role we want.

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This is far better than before, and more immersive.


Yeah, it always broke my immersion when 2V-R8 couldn't tank Sith Lords and Jedi Masters. Protocol Droids are the best fighters in the galaxy, don't you know! Who needs the force when you are fluent in over six million forms of communication?


look... the entire issue is mute anyhow.

who cares if the companions can solo a double gold star NPC

either put the comps on passive.... or, just have them healing. then players can be the heroes they want to be.


But no... next comes that the Companions heal way too much and so there is no challenge either. Roflol.

Why do some people want to be clubbed? Question in my mind: are they Masochists?


The answer to me is obvious. People are so bored with the game they 'Troll' on the forums just to stir up things a little. Easy solution: go somewhere else and Troll.


Okay dude no need to start name calling. The guy was more than polite to you even after your sarcastic dismissals and you are not relenting simply cause his opinion differs from yours.


Anyway.... your points are poor as well. People who like a semblance of challenge in their games are masochists? No.... we just want at least to have the illusion that we could lose if we didn't play well. Is the sense of triumph over adversity to you really not something you understand? You just would rather watch the game beat itself?


And no. Just because people take issue with certain aspects of the game on the forums doesn't mean they're trolling. Maybe, just maybe they care about the game and when something is changed that they don't like, they want to discuss it and bring a voice to their concerns.

Edited by Swissbob
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Well, first you are being called a troll because your opinion differs from others and i personally am fine with the companions as they are in 4.0, i can use any companion i want now, instead of.....i wanna vette.....but no....she is a dps, so useless.....treek here i come....every single character.....i used treek, the rest were crew mission do'ers unless the class quest required a specific companion to progress.


Now, i can be fine with using Vette or any companion and be comfy with it...instead downtime, downtime, downtime....it got tedious....


No, I am apologizing. You are NOT trolling at all. that came out wrong... sorry.


Yes, a great many things could have been done different... but they were not. Yes, they could have buffed player avatars... if they had, i guess people would cry by now that the Avatars are too powerful.


I for one am grateful that the companion NPCs are as they are because:

a) Before 4 I only played with Treek as a healer and only with my healing Sorc would I take a Comp as tank.

b) now the Comp actually heals my Avatar instead of healing themselves.

c) there is really now no reason to use a Comp as a Tank ever ( unless one chooses to play a healer) and with that the argument that Comps can solo high-end NPC's is mute to me. My avatar does the fighting and the Companion does the healing. That is it.

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