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Let me first say the storyline is amazing and great.

So despite it being a single player storyline, keep working on the story.


Here are my suggestions for whats missing or needs tinkering


1) Difficulty: Since this is a single player update, and will be in the future I think you should offer a traditional ssingle player option, easy/normal/hard/insane mode choice.


The game is already doing the easy mode setting so just add in changes to difficulty settings. The harder the difficulty would mean harder mobs. more mobs, less xp per mob, better drop rates per mob.


Simple change that would drastically change 4.0 to the positive side of the bracket regarding difficulty of content


2) Levels speed: As in #1, higher the difficulty, lower the paid out xp. Which slows down the xp gain so maybe you not level 65 (from level 60) by act 3.


3) More filler content: This should be on all difficulty settings. the content is ate up so fast that it makes what should be a impressive update (size wise) over really fast.


4) Acheivements on Zakuul and even the space port (in story, trying not to post spoilers): Where is the acheivements for the areas? Why is there no 100,000 kills acheivement? Exploration acheivement? ect.


5) Pazaak already!


6) Swoop Bike Racing ala KotOR1 already!


7) reverse many of the conquest changes: crafting and making heroics weeklies rather then dailies. Even if you only allowed to craft TO weekly mark, not over. 1 invasion force and 1 war supply per legacy per week is beyond idiotic


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