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Aric Jorgan Permanently Unavailable


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So I finished the part at the end of Ch.2 in the trooper storyline where Jorgan gets hurt, and I also saw the cutscene where he is pronounced healed. However he never became available again; while he showed up in certain cutscenes, he is listed as "unavailable" on the companion screen and isn't even present on my ship for conversation purposes (which means I can't get the bonus for finishing all his quests). I've finished the trooper class storyline completely and this has still persisted. Please fix.
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I am having this issue also. It's really annoying because 1, i'm not getting influence gains from him when using the ship's holoterminal. And 2, I accidentally clicked the button to remove all of his gear while trying to get him back. So now he's just standing there in his underwear behind me for the cutscenes whenever I use the holoterminal.
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