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I only see threads about healing operatives, but for those of us who play concealment and are pvp players there is not much of a info. Here I would like to discuss impressions of the new expansion.about the pvp part. Overall for now I feel like I'm getting hit much harder then before. Although, I'm not yet lvl 65 (hope things will change). PTs are the most hard class for me to kill. They hit like a truck and their health goes rlly slow, Mercs can destroy me for seconds if I 'm netted. Overall damage is the same, I think heals got better?? Have anyone noticed something?
Posted (edited)

Written from s scoundrels point of view, I dont know the terminology for operative yet.


In hutball we dominate as ball runners, sins are a parity, but for the moment the teleport with ball is unbeatable in most circumstances.


In rated we have a hard time killing gaurded targets with heals, however our increase in crit allows us to apply presssure more reguarlarly than we did before. The lack on abilities that hit decently means we have a hard time bursting anything down, which for melee in this game it is almost a requirement to have outstanding burst to do well. We lack that in our current form.


Suckerpunch and bludgeon may look cool when getting 10k crits but dont let that 5 digit number get your hopes up, your hitting just as hard or less than you used to health percentage wise. Most of our abilities pale in comparison to the abilities of many of the traditional burst classes in this game. Maras and Juggernauts are monsters right now. Even soloing one now is a test.


Overall it feels as if i am running more often, but with the teleport up every now and then, its easy to get back into the fray, but again it seems like im taking gobs more damage than I use too.


Overall I feel that as lone wolfs their are still some classes that are pretty easy to kill, but on the regular I think we fell down a few pegs with the improvements to other classes. The jury is still out on snipers/guinslingers. Finding good ones is still hard to do, and fighting them alone is even harder.


Overall i am still enjoying my time as a scoundrel, but its probably a little worse off now than it was before the expansion. Still waiting to see how it all turns out. Its hard to make a judgement call this early on, but initially pvp is more challenging now than before.

Edited by Haystak
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