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Exp is FINE Companions are FINE


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Like i posted in another thread,the same people that have issues with lvl synch have issue's with the Companions as they are now,talk about a dysfunctional bunch..


FYI i could solo Heroic fours BEFORE 4.0 i always have been able to solo Heroic 4's and with my Smuggler i would make some look like a joke.

Edited by Sathid
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Companions are fine.


Experience however either because you're leveling through Operations or Heroics or some other method is too much. I saw someone level 2 levels in the span of SECONDS. in dread fortress, I mean I personally dont care and if I wasn't required on a specific role I mightve leveled the same way but that probably isnt working as intended. And I wouldn't be surprised if SOME of this is adressed with the upcoming patch on tuesday.

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This is why I don't take anything he says seriously anymore. He comes across as an emotional child who doesn't want his toys taken away.


Says the people who post here on the forums all day whining like little children about not having their way. It works both ways. I could say you crying here on the forums on here all day like a little child spoiled to the core about something in game you don't like stomping your feet hoping to make a big enough noise that will change their mind.


Several people have already said which you ignored they will unsub if the there are changes to companions. You ignored the failed business model that made them change this in the first place. The history doesn't lie. As you are calling me a child. I could say the same thing about you. So yea.

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Says the people who post here on the forums all day whining like little children about not having their way. It works both ways. I could say you crying here on the forums on here all day like a little child spoiled to the core about something in game you don't like stomping your feet hoping to make a big enough noise that will change their mind.


Several people have already said which you ignored they will unsub if the there are changes to companions. You ignored the failed business model that made them change this in the first place. The history doesn't lie. As you are calling me a child. I could say the same thing about you. So yea.


So your response is "I'm rubber you're glue"? Seriously? Thanks for proving my point.

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So your response is "I'm rubber you're glue"? Seriously? Thanks for proving my point.


No. My point is which you failed to understand. It works both ways. Placing words in my mouth then trying have a snappy come back to something I never said. It doesn't work. Now I'll ignore you because honestly this is just minor little kid insulting back and forth. I won't entertain you with that.


I will say many people are fine with how the companions are. In fact its a massive help when you don't have a huge group and need to solo a flash point which you can do with two companions. How strong a companion is tied directly to their influence. The more you unlock it the stronger it becomes. This game has been the same way for three years. I know change is hard for some people wouldn't it better to wait a week then cry foul on the forums. It hasn't even been a full week here.


If some people want spend their time complaining about "too casual" in a game that never hardcore. They simply changed the design of the game to make it more fun and less of a grind. Now there's a great option for those of you who think companions are OP. That is "STOP PLAYING WITH THEM" seriously. How can you play with them them complain the whole time they are OP. You can "Dismiss it" and it will in no way impact my game play. At least let the dust settle for a month before you demand changes on something not everyone agrees with you on.

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I created a new character on Harbinger, where I've got no legacy at all, and played through Tython. T7 still showed up with roughly double my health and damage. I played only the critical path quests and then let T7 try soloing Bengal Moore and the Forge Guardian fights, and he didn't even hit half health.



Which is irrelevant because you can easily do all of that without a companion anyway. There's so much hyperbole, exaggeration and straw man going on in the pro-nerf camps that it's getting a bit ridiculous. I've seen you guys say your companions can solo FP bosses, companions having triple health at max level and doing more dps than their owner, all of which is complete BS.

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No. My point is which you failed to understand. It works both ways. Placing words in my mouth then trying have a snappy come back to something I never said. It doesn't work. Now I'll ignore you because honestly this is just minor little kid insulting back and forth. I won't entertain you with that.


I will say many people are fine with how the companions are. In fact its a massive help when you don't have a huge group and need to solo a flash point which you can do with two companions. How strong a companion is tied directly to their influence. The more you unlock it the stronger it becomes. This game has been the same way for three years. I know change is hard for some people wouldn't it better to wait a week then cry foul on the forums. It hasn't even been a full week here.


If some people want spend their time complaining about "too casual" in a game that never hardcore. They simply changed the design of the game to make it more fun and less of a grind. Now there's a great option for those of you who think companions are OP. That is "STOP PLAYING WITH THEM" seriously. How can you play with them them complain the whole time they are OP. You can "Dismiss it" and it will in no way impact my game play. At least let the dust settle for a month before you demand changes on something not everyone agrees with you on.


It's not about "too casual". This game is literally a cutscene at this point. If there is no way to fail, then why do you need to be there at all?

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Though, it would be nice if the companions had one or two of their original animations/abilities back. E.g. Theran's dancing Holiday CC. Just to give them a bit of their own distinct flair.


Pretty sure dancing Holyday is still in place. But yea, i miss a lot of old comp skills. Some of them were charming.



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It's not about "too casual". This game is literally a cutscene at this point. If there is no way to fail, then why do you need to be there at all?


The option to not play with your companion exists. It's not mandatory. I don't know why you feel you HAVE play with your companion if you feel its OP. The logical thing would to play without it and I'm sure you'll get the same experience. Sounds a great solutin.

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The option to not play with your companion exists. It's not mandatory. I don't know why you feel you HAVE play with your companion if you feel its OP. The logical thing would to play without it and I'm sure you'll get the same experience. Sounds a great solutin.


The game is balanced based on you having a companion in play. Not having one is not the same as toning down companions. For the 80th time, companions can be strong, but there should be some threat to you dying while they are out if you do nothing but auto attack.

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It's not about "too casual". This game is literally a cutscene at this point. If there is no way to fail, then why do you need to be there at all?


Balance things so players are always more powerful than companions, if they scale back comp power and whatnot, take that power they trimmed off and GIVE it back to our characters, in the form of a Loyalty stat which adds to character power, also affected by influence AND Presence, make it so chars are never outshone by companions ever again.

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The game is balanced based on you having a companion in play. Not having one is not the same as toning down companions. For the 80th time, companions can be strong, but there should be some threat to you dying while they are out if you do nothing but auto attack.


This game doesn't have auto attacks.

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Balance things so players are always more powerful than companions, if they scale back comp power and whatnot, take that power they trimmed off and GIVE it back to our characters, in the form of a Loyalty stat which adds to character power, also affected by influence AND Presence, make it so chars are never outshone by companions ever again.


Nobody is outshone by their companions, a companion will never replace a DPS who knows his rotation, Healer that knows what he is doing or a Tank that knows how to manage aggro.

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The game is balanced based on you having a companion in play. Not having one is not the same as toning down companions. For the 80th time, companions can be strong, but there should be some threat to you dying while they are out if you do nothing but auto attack.


You can play the game without your companion. It's not dependent as you claim on needing one in order to level. You make it sound like its too hard to play this game without a companion. Something being too hard..that sounds familiar doesn't it. I still think its 100 percent possible to play and even beat the game without a companion.


Having a companion not there is too hard for you. Having a companion there is too easy for you.

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You can play the game without your companion. It's not dependent as you claim on needing one in order to level. You make it sound like its too hard to play this game without a companion. Something being too hard..that sounds familiar doesn't it. I still think its 100 percent possible to play and even beat the game without a companion.


Having a companion not there is too hard for you. Having a companion there is too easy for you.


EXACTLY. This is what people have been telling you. It's not like playing without a companion is impossible, it just takes WAY longer than it should. Players just want companions to be slightly less powerful. Not forcing you to heal between fights, not making you have to pop all your CDs to win, just a slight nerf to make it so you might die if you go AFK mid fight.

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You can play the game without your companion. It's not dependent as you claim on needing one in order to level. You make it sound like its too hard to play this game without a companion. Something being too hard..that sounds familiar doesn't it. I still think its 100 percent possible to play and even beat the game without a companion.


Having a companion not there is too hard for you. Having a companion there is too easy for you.


You really think so? You can solo all the story bosses say as a dps without a comp at all...?

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Technically it does. Every class has a basic attack that they will perform when attacked if you do nothing. Only Sorc/Sage removes it from their bar after selecting an AC.


My character just stands there when attacked if I do nothing.

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Nobody is outshone by their companions, a companion will never replace a DPS who knows his rotation, Healer that knows what he is doing or a Tank that knows how to manage aggro.


Well that's a given, my statement was for those who seem to fail at any of that, or test the water by conducting an afk experiment; as things are at the moment, none of my comps replace my healing, tanking, or dps capability.


If they think things are easy at the upper level, or upper synced level (55 for instance), they're wrong; and I'm only speaking for my meager skill level, just imagine how far newer players, who've never seen the inside of an MMORPG, feel.

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My character just stands there when attacked if I do nothing.


You may be right, I don't generally AFK while playing in enemy areas. Perhaps my OP companion literally did all the work, but I thought my character was firing her blaster. Either way, there are still free basic attacks on every class that would be the equivalent of auto attacks.

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EXACTLY. This is what people have been telling you. It's not like playing without a companion is impossible, it just takes WAY longer than it should. Players just want companions to be slightly less powerful. Not forcing you to heal between fights, not making you have to pop all your CDs to win, just a slight nerf to make it so you might die if you go AFK mid fight.


and That's what I don't want because I'm having more fun now than I ever did.

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