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Why No Class Titles for Insta-60s?


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How would they handle the bounty hunter's title from Alderaan if they gave out the class titles? Depending on how you handle the class story there you can get several different ones. Bioware would have to pick a default and that would leave a bunch of people unhappy too. I'm sure you'd be happy as long as you got your Darth, but there needs to be equal treatment of the players, and currently there is; noone gets anything.

Assuming you're all subscribers too, then you will have the same issues on your free insta-60s, and any other you may make later on! This isn't just an issue for me, people.

Don't really intend to use said insta-60. Maybe if I could apply it to an allready existing character (like in some other games with a similar thing) to skip Snorellia, but seeing as that's not an option...

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I I find it shocking that so many people are just saying "you didn't play the class story, you don't get the titles". Assuming you're all subscribers too, then you will have the same issues on your free insta-60s, and any other you may make later on! This isn't just an issue for me, people.


I doubt I'll ever use one of my "instant 60's," but if I did, I certainly wouldn't expect to have titles that that character had never earned. The title shows I actually played and completed that content. If you haven't done it, you haven't earned the right to wear it.

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I agree with this so much. I was pretty disappointed that my character was missing all titles.


Me too. Like Alpha said, it would be nice if there was a legacy perk to unlock them, or that they're available if you have completed the class you chose before, to get the titles. :)

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I have 13 characters 11 of them are level 60. All were leveled from 1 to 60 any new characters will also be leveled from 1 to 60 I do not take the easy way out. I have the level 60 token and will never use it. I am willing to do the work to get to level 60 without taking the easy way out.

Just because you have completeded the events on your other characters does not mean you automaticly are granted the titles for NEW characters that did not do the content. It takes many hours, weeks, even months of WORK to get to level 60. There are NO free rides...


There is a Price for taking the Easy Way Out. Learn to live with your choices....


This. Its kinda like people getting Wings of the Architect on one character, then demanding to be given it on their other characters too, because they "Already earned it"


If you take a test and get an A in class, it doesnt mean you autimatically get an A on every test given after that, you have to actually study and pass each one...

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If you purchased a level 60, you got what you paid for. If you got a free token, as a subscriber, then you don't lose

out on anything.


I did not pay for my level 60 character. I received it as complimentary bargain from the developers. That is why I do not intend to call it a fix. I intend to call it a change. I'm not assuming a bait and switch. I'm not assuming it was falsely advertised. What I intend to say:


Even if the free level 60 character does not come with companion dialogs or legendary player support, at least give them the basic titles every character of that class on that level would have.


entitled brat thinks he is entitled to the class story specifik titles


This has nothing to do with being entitled. It is a bummer that Consulars can't even use the most basic and underwhelming title which depicts just what the character class is: Jedi. It is a bummer that my Smuggler can't be called Captain, despite being called that way. There is no need to give them all titles, but at least some of the most basic titles would go a long way.

Edited by Alssaran
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So the consensus is that we took the easy way so we don't deserve the title? It's ridiculous, don't offer a service to your players if you're going to penalize them for it. If that's the case don't even sell these tokens. :mad: Edited by Munchbacca
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The "you didn't earn it" bleating is getting really old and tired. Terribly sorry you feel threatened in your elitism (see, I can paint with a broad brush and malign people, too).


Many of us ALREADY HAVE several characters that did progress through the story. And I would remind you, again, that this (insta-60's) was a SELLING POINT of the expansion. I can't see why getting defining titles is so terrible as opposed to the auto-500 skill point professions. And if that isn't to be, it would have been nice to be TOLD this ahead of time.


Not a deal-breaker, but a bit of an annoyance, especially when the characters refer to you by titles you do not have and as of this writing cannot go back and get.

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yeah, sorry, but that whole "you did not earn it" junk is BS and you know it.


a level 60 warrior is/was STILL the emperor's wrath, no amount of crying changes that, the Jedi knight is still a Jedi Master, a Inquisitor is STILL a Darth. story wise they still ARE those titles, and are sometimes called it, so not having them makes no sense. We still get the companions, done, we still get the background as if our character did all three chapters, not having the titles just seems stupid.


do i care all that much, no not really, but still, it does seem silly.

Edited by Mewmaster
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a level 60 warrior is/was STILL the emperor's wrath, no amount of crying changes that, the Jedi knight is still a Jedi Master, a Inquisitor is STILL a Darth. story wise they still ARE those titles, and are sometimes called it, so not having them makes no sense. We still get the companions, done, we still get the background as if our character did all three chapters, not having the titles just seems stupid.


I agree. I feel these titles are more about who the characters actually are than anything else. I can understand not granting special class-specific titles like "Homewrecker", but I believe it would make sense to include these other titles for all characters, boosted or not. I honestly do not understand all this talk of not earning titles, when these are also just about as standard as titles can get.

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