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Why No Class Titles for Insta-60s?


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I just made my fourth Sith Warrior using the insta-60 token I was given for being a Subscriber and I was shocked to find that I was missing ALL my class titles. No Apprentice, no Lord, and no DARTH!!!


I'm really hoping this isn't intentional, because if people are being asked to pay $20+ to create insta-60s that are missing items that should've been given to them automatically, there's gonna be a lot of complaining.


I understand not giving things like Legacy buffs and other stuff of that nature for creating an insta-60, but please, let us have our titles. It said in the details for insta-60s that they would have all previous expansion and class story content auto-completed for them, and that they would have made decisions in their storylines based on the dark/light alignment of the class.


Instead, my insta-60 is alignment neutral, when I assumed he would be Dark V, and has none of the titles that he should've gotten from the class story.


EDIT: Why not make it so class titles aren't granted to insta-60s by default, but if you have already leveled another character of that class through 50/60 you get a Legacy perk that unlocks them for you?


EDIT: I find it shocking that so many people are just saying "you didn't play the class story, you don't get the titles". Assuming you're all subscribers too, then you will have the same issues on your free insta-60s, and any other you may make later on! This isn't just an issue for me, people.

Edited by AlphaHydri
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Personally, I don't get why they made it so you can't go back and do the class story arc or any story arc for that matter. I mean, if they now bump you down(kind of like a reverse bolster) for a given planet/quest(to can go back and do side quests later or group with lower levels to help them), why does it matter?


But anyway, yeah, I'm with you on this. Needs to be a way for people to achieve the titles, especially class related titles.

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Personally, I don't get why they made it so you can't go back and do the class story arc or any story arc for that matter. I mean, if they now bump you down(kind of like a reverse bolster) for a given planet/quest(to can go back and do side quests later or group with lower levels to help them), why does it matter?


But anyway, yeah, I'm with you on this. Needs to be a way for people to achieve the titles, especially class related titles.

Agreed. It would even be nice if you couldn't unlock class titles by default, but if you've already leveled another character of that class past 50, you get a Legacy perk that unlocks the titles for you.

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Personally, I don't get why they made it so you can't go back and do the class story arc or any story arc for that matter. I mean, if they now bump you down(kind of like a reverse bolster) for a given planet/quest(to can go back and do side quests later or group with lower levels to help them), why does it matter?


But anyway, yeah, I'm with you on this. Needs to be a way for people to achieve the titles, especially class related titles.


They should just be awarded as part of picking that class and being 60, they said you'd be 'default' ls/ds etc based on class so going with that and locking you out of the class stories all titles achieved through the class story should be instantly granted.

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Agreed. It would even be nice if you couldn't unlock class titles by default, but if you've already leveled another character of that class past 50, you get a Legacy perk that unlocks the titles for you.


That's an excellent idea!

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They should just make the character 60 without voiding the actual initial storyline. If you level a character solely through pvp/ grinding you would not even be off the first planet. An if you go back at endgame you can pick right up where you left off. With level syncing now it's not even a big deal. I just wonder if we get the warrior comps back if jaesa will be dark or light version.
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You get titles for completing certain quests. You didn't complete the quests so you don't get the titles.

Should that really matter though considering this is my FOURTH Sith Warrior? I would think that combined with me being a Legendary Player would allow me to get these titles regardless.

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3 bumps at 1 day. You are really desperate to find someone who agrees with your suggestion.


You don't get titles on instant 60 lvl characters because you can't buy everything with money. it wouldn't be fair to anyone who levels up a character the regular way.

Well, the forums are moving quickly today due to all the other complaint threads regarding KotFE.


And as I've said numerous times before in this thread, if you have played all eight class stories you should get those titles regardless. I see no reason why this can't be implemented, and its not unfair to reward players like me who have committed so much time to the game. I've leveled up a Sith Warrior the regular way three times, I think that would qualify me for something like this.

Edited by AlphaHydri
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I just made my fourth Sith Warrior using the insta-60 token I was given for being a Subscriber and I was shocked to find that I was missing ALL my class titles. No Apprentice, no Lord, and no DARTH!!!


Have you tried going back amd doing the class missions so you can earn your titles?


Usualy titles are earned not given as a freeby. If you did not do the mission then you should not have the titles since you did not earn them like everybody else.


Looks like taking the easy way has it's down side.

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I see no reason why this can't be implemented, and its not unfair to reward players like me who have committed so much time to the game.


If you start a new level 1 character do you automatcly get all your previous titles?




Why because titles must and should be earned.


Just because you are a subcriber (as I am also) does not mean you get your titles without earning them. You can always go back and do your class missions and earn them like everybody else did and like you did with the characters you worked on from level 1 to level 60.


If you take the easy way, then you should not be gifted with titles that you did not earn.

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If you start a new level 1 character do you automatcly get all your previous titles?



You can always go back and do your class missions and earn them like everybody else did and like you did with the characters you worked on from level 1 to level 60.


If you take the easy way, then you should not be gifted with titles that you did not earn.


Is doing the class missions even possible? Pretty sure the token itself says it isn't.

Edited by Justicescooby
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Have you tried going back amd doing the class missions so you can earn your titles?


Usualy titles are earned not given as a freeby. If you did not do the mission then you should not have the titles since you did not earn them like everybody else.


Looks like taking the easy way has it's down side.

The issue with that is that you can't go back and do the class stories.

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you didnt really do the class story you dont het the tittles it makes sense


I don't think he necessarily feels entitled to them, just scammed, to an extent. BioWare specifically said that all content up to the expansion pack was completed. All content being completed pretty much leaves us to assume that we will get the rewards from "completed" content. It's just bad wording on BioWare's part.

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I don't think he necessarily feels entitled to them, just scammed, to an extent. BioWare specifically said that all content up to the expansion pack was completed. All content being completed pretty much leaves us to assume that we will get the rewards from "completed" content. It's just bad wording on BioWare's part.

I praise thee, o understanding one! Considering that BioWare did other things in this expansion without telling us, like removing all the 50-60 PvE comms/token gear vendors and "streamlining" companions while simultaneously removing all their unique abilities, this hardly surprises me. I do feel cheated though, and I feel there should be some way around this "no class titles" thing for insta-60s.


EDIT: I find it shocking that so many people are just saying "you didn't play the class story, you don't get the titles". Assuming you're all subscribers too, then you will have the same issues on your free insta-60s, and any other you may make later on! This isn't just an issue for me, people.

Edited by AlphaHydri
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Just stop...you didn't play those toons from level one, so no class titles. I have one slot as I already have twenty two toons on one server, i'm going to use it and start a level one toon.


I really don't know why your shocked that everyone says what I just said, it's not an issue for everyone, it's an issue for you.

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I posted a thread the other day asking about this but never got a response from a BW employee. I hope that they see one of the threads out there on this. It's really the only thing I saw with my free 60 that I felt was missing.


A note : My 60 was a Sentinel. I chose that class because I had just finished leveling my Knight so I had already heard the story.

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Just stop...you didn't play those toons from level one, so no class titles. I have one slot as I already have twenty two toons on one server, i'm going to use it and start a level one toon.


I really don't know why your shocked that everyone says what I just said, it's not an issue for everyone, it's an issue for you.

If BioWare had been explicit on what exactly we were getting and not getting from the insta-60 system, then I wouldn't have made this thread. From what they said, all major story content pre-KotFE would be auto-completed for insta-60 characters. Considering that when you complete this story content normally you get the titles and such, assuming that we would get those on these characters who had those things auto-completed is not an absurd notion.


Maybe I just care more than everyone else about this because not having those titles breaks immersion and tanks roleplay stuff, but I also think its dumb to not include only that. I mean, BioWare is selling an instant level 60 character of any class and spec, but the one thing they don't include, intentionally or unintentionally, is your class titles? Why give someone 95% of a character, especially when the 5% not included is inconsequential to gameplay?


They're already selling such a power-creep with insta-60s that the least they could do is include the class titles.

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If BioWare had been explicit on what exactly we were getting and not getting from the insta-60 system, then I wouldn't have made this thread. From what they said, all major story content pre-KotFE would be auto-completed for insta-60 characters. Considering that when you complete this story content normally you get the titles and such, assuming that we would get those on these characters who had those things auto-completed is not an absurd notion.


Maybe I just care more than everyone else about this because not having those titles breaks immersion and tanks roleplay stuff, but I also think its dumb to not include only that. I mean, BioWare is selling an instant level 60 character of any class and spec, but the one thing they don't include, intentionally or unintentionally, is your class titles? Why give someone 95% of a character, especially when the 5% not included is inconsequential to gameplay?


They're already selling such a power-creep with insta-60s that the least they could do is include the class titles.


I agree with and sympathize with this. I already completed the Class Story for all eight classes, made a new Consular, and while the title itself doesn't mean a lot to me, it was kind of funny to have someone in one of the cutscenes/dialogues call her Bar'senthor when she doesn't have the title available to her :)


Wouldn't mind so much, but you CAN'T go back and get it, I especially feel for Sith who can't get the 'Darth' title.


It's definitely not a deal-breaker, but when you get 500/500 for the crew skills, but no titles, seems a bit odd.

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Very, very simple solution to this problem. Go level the character. That's it. Keep in mind, you get as instant level 60 character that you spent no time or effort to play or level. Why should you get any of the rewards for that? The titles and such are for the people who have spent the time and effort to level the character traditionally.


If you want a free lvl 60 then it would make sense that you don't get the titles as you have not participated in the events that grant the title.


And for the record, I am completely fine with instant level 60's having no class earned titles.

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Very, very simple solution to this problem. Go level the character. That's it. Keep in mind, you get as instant level 60 character that you spent no time or effort to play or level. Why should you get any of the rewards for that? The titles and such are for the people who have spent the time and effort to level the character traditionally.


If you want a free lvl 60 then it would make sense that you don't get the titles as you have not participated in the events that grant the title.


And for the record, I am completely fine with instant level 60's having no class earned titles.

Again, I bring up the fact that they're already selling/giving away instant level 60 characters. That alone is already a crapton of power-creep, so not including the title is kind of like giving a kid a hot fudge sundae and not putting the cherry on top. You're already giving them so much, what's a little extra that has no consequence on gameplay?


I do agree with earlallison though. It's odd to have people refer to you by your class titles in missions but not actually have those titles on the character. It breaks immersion.

Edited by AlphaHydri
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