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Cant kill Yonlach =(


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Got the same problem. I'm Lvl 27 Jugg ... goin in and my crew companion vanishes. The big guy attacks me ... I attack him with all I've got. After three actions of me Yonlach comes in too and after two more hits of the guys I'm dead. No chance in hell to defeat them. Seems there is still bug alert in this quest. :(


Did you read any of the other posts?


Kill the apprentice. Then die (probably). Then come back and kill the master while he's solo.

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I can't kill the apprentice ... two hits from him and I die ... my own actions seem to have no effect. :(

And sure I've read the whole thread first. If I would have found an answer already, I wouldn't have posted her man.

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Ok ... got it now ... in ... killed Yonlach ( real hard ) ... rushed out and healed ... in again and killed apprentice ( EXTREME ). U gotta do it alone ... without companion. Had more luck then anything else. But I did it.
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This is actually one of the more difficult encounters in the class quest, in my opinion. It isn't the most (by far), but it is more difficult than anything up to this point, and quite a bit of it afterward.


It was awhile ago when I did it, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't even hit Yonlach at the beginning, because he was in some kind of bubble. I wasted like 3 GCD's trying, then bent my attention to the apprentice. Sadly, I didn't film it, so I can't point you to it to watch how I did it.


I'm pretty sure I just kept myself alive while whittling down the apprentice, then smoked Yonlach. If you keep him interrupted, he folds pretty fast, once you can focus your attention on him. This is also a really good time to learn how to build rage without being able to leap first, or at any time, really. If you ever want to tank anything, this is a skill you must have.


Overall, it doesn't get easier, though. The difficulty takes a noticeable jump on Hoth, then again on Belsavis, then again on Voss. Corellia is it's own beast, but mostly because of navigation.


Some things for you to look forward to:


The end of Act I.


The end of Act II.


Hoth, Starship Graveyard


A lot of Belsavis.


Somewhere on Voss (don't remember where, exactly), you will be on a quest to kill a guy to get the Pendant of Bone. He's standing behind a shield, and the shield generators are protected by a pair (each) of overtuned Strongs. If your companion isn't geared, this might be quite rough. http://www.youtube.com/mrfailfactory Voss Parts II and III, if you want to see how poorly I handled them.


The Avatar of Sel-Makor, also on Voss.


The Voss Healing Trials.


The Assassins, if you are bad about either interrupts, or positioning.


The final encounters.


Keep a ranged companion geared - I recommend Quinn.



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  • 1 year later...

I solve it the other way round each time i´m at "Master in the Dunes" .

Kill the Caster first, he goes down with 4-5 CD´s, and then take on the apprentice.


Dunno if it still works...running in that building, let your comp. become unconcius, run out, call a comp, use Heroic moment,run into the building, *****slap the two back to Tython with your heritage-moves.

This was my first-time-and-no-clue move.

I know the tooltip says you need an active comp. for heroic moment, seemed this was for activating it only, all I was missing was the minimal HP-regg.

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I had a very easy time and no this isn't a look how great I am post my gear did all the work. If you are a subscriber my advice is to go into Biochem, Bioanalysis and Diplomacy. Having a high Biochem level will allow you to use reusable stim packs, adrenals and medpacks which are pretty cheap on GTN because most of the people that can use the reusable have to have a high enough Biochem score to make them. Second Bioanalysis for two reasons, first the mats alone will have you earning a million credits a day once you hit level 25 and can deploy three people. This will allow you buy everything to gear up to the point where you and your companion can solo everything but Flashpoints and there are people out there who combine gear and skill that can do that. Lastly Diplomacy because you can buy medical supplies, get gifts that allow your companions to craft faster and better and jack up your light/dark side points which ties into rellics mostly. LIghtsablers too but since you swtich in and out mods for light sabers you can keep the same sabers you get at the start right until the end.


All that said the best advice I can give you is to buy adoptable armor off the Cartel Market. Our squishiness is tied into our medium armor but with adaptable armor it's like we are troopers in our gear.


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  • 1 year later...

You can alternatively activate your heroic moment outside the hut and then get inside. It will not turn off and you will be able to cast your heroic legacy spells as well. It was quite easy with legacy force storm and legacy force sweep, got them both to less than half HP that way. You can also activate Unity the same way to have the damage reduction.


You can activate your heroic moment and Unity because your companion is still enabled outside (if not, press N and summon one).


I know I just grave-dug this thread but it could be some help to people facing the same problem.

Edited by Codehack
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  • 1 year later...
I know this thread is old, but i'm having the same exact problem. I've been following the advice given but it wont work. Is there certain abilities that work better than others? I'm a Marauder.


This fight is harder for Maras than for Juggs, because while you have Saber Ward and Cloak of Pain, you have far fewer defensive and damage reduction skills. The fight does not present my Maras with too much of a problem, but then by the time I get to Tatooine, I am usually lvl 65 with full 208-rated gear, so I can pretty much breathe on enemies to kill them (really should brush my teeth more often, I know). That might present the most useful advice - not the part about brushing teeth - but gaining another couple of levels, and making sure your gear is decent, including relics, implants, and earpieces. Failing that, asking in General of Guild chat for a few minutes of somebody's time.


Assuming that you are like me, which means you hate seeking help and you have an independent streak that means you absolutely totally completely really must do it on your own, and assuming you are doing the "run away after killing the other idiot Jedi" routine so that it is just Yonlach on his own that is the problem...

Make sure SW and CoP are both available off cooldown, and having a point in Cloak of Carnage (extends Cloak of Pain by 4 seconds and increases its damage by 15%) also helps. Apart from that, you will probably not have enough space to build Focus with Force Charge, so you have Force Rend and Batterling Assault as focus builders. Then Viscious Slash and Crippling Slash (especially if Yonlach heals himself, I cannot remember that detail) are going to be your main attacks, with Disruption to interrupt either a heal or his main attack. Once he mezzes/CCs you so you cannot do anything, hit Unleash to break the mezz and follow it up with Ravage.

For any Mara, effective use of Saber Ward and Cloak of Pain are vital. Bear in mind that Saber Ward makes you harder to hit, but its damage reduction only works on Yonlach's Force attacks, not melee saber strikes. As it is active for 12 seconds on a 3 minute cooldown, you will only use this once in the fight. Cloak of Pain lasts for up to 30 seconds (10 seconds but refreshes each time you are hit, up to 30 second total duration) and is on cooldown for 1 minute. So you might be able to re-apply CoP mid-fight. So I would suggest popping CoP as soon as the fight starts and re-apply as soon as it is off cooldown. Use Saber Ward either when Yonlach is channeling a high-damage Force attack that you cannot Disrupt because that is on cooldown or near the end of the fight if you are both low on health and it looks like 1 or 2 more hits might take him.

My explanation is probably a bit complicated (I blame the coffee), but in practice it should be fairly simple.

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This fight is harder for Maras than for Juggs, because while you have Saber Ward and Cloak of Pain, you have far fewer defensive and damage reduction skills. The fight does not present my Maras with too much of a problem, but then by the time I get to Tatooine, I am usually lvl 65 with full 208-rated gear, so I can pretty much breathe on enemies to kill them (really should brush my teeth more often, I know). That might present the most useful advice - not the part about brushing teeth - but gaining another couple of levels, and making sure your gear is decent, including relics, implants, and earpieces. Failing that, asking in General of Guild chat for a few minutes of somebody's time.


Assuming that you are like me, which means you hate seeking help and you have an independent streak that means you absolutely totally completely really must do it on your own, and assuming you are doing the "run away after killing the other idiot Jedi" routine so that it is just Yonlach on his own that is the problem...

Make sure SW and CoP are both available off cooldown, and having a point in Cloak of Carnage (extends Cloak of Pain by 4 seconds and increases its damage by 15%) also helps. Apart from that, you will probably not have enough space to build Focus with Force Charge, so you have Force Rend and Batterling Assault as focus builders. Then Viscious Slash and Crippling Slash (especially if Yonlach heals himself, I cannot remember that detail) are going to be your main attacks, with Disruption to interrupt either a heal or his main attack. Once he mezzes/CCs you so you cannot do anything, hit Unleash to break the mezz and follow it up with Ravage.

For any Mara, effective use of Saber Ward and Cloak of Pain are vital. Bear in mind that Saber Ward makes you harder to hit, but its damage reduction only works on Yonlach's Force attacks, not melee saber strikes. As it is active for 12 seconds on a 3 minute cooldown, you will only use this once in the fight. Cloak of Pain lasts for up to 30 seconds (10 seconds but refreshes each time you are hit, up to 30 second total duration) and is on cooldown for 1 minute. So you might be able to re-apply CoP mid-fight. So I would suggest popping CoP as soon as the fight starts and re-apply as soon as it is off cooldown. Use Saber Ward either when Yonlach is channeling a high-damage Force attack that you cannot Disrupt because that is on cooldown or near the end of the fight if you are both low on health and it looks like 1 or 2 more hits might take him.

My explanation is probably a bit complicated (I blame the coffee), but in practice it should be fairly simple.


Thank you so much! I can't believe it helped. But it did so really, thank you. After days of trying, i finally beat them. The feelings great:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had a similar problem, where the attacks I dealt to Yun-li did nothing, and he killed me in about 5 blows. I have 102% accuracy, and I can kill other things easily. Can anyone help?


If you aren't doing enough damage it usually means your gear is too low level, check and see what your gears minimum equip level is and replace (or upgrade with new mods if adaptive) anything which has a low one.

Edited by dcaleb
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I had a similar problem, where the attacks I dealt to Yun-li did nothing, and he killed me in about 5 blows. I have 102% accuracy, and I can kill other things easily. Can anyone help?


If you're more than 4 levels below him your attacks won't connect. Your accuracy is used to determine the success of an attack against mobs with the same level.

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