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Statement: Choices that matter= NONE


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The only choice is not giving 2 squirts about the choices. Like said prob before in countless other posts. Back when the game was launched Bioware promised for immersion, plot, choices. None has come to this game for sure . Which is a dissapointment to those beautifully done cutt scenes everyone spams to avoid. I played through revan only towards the end of its life, and returned again to see the same lie repeated. And as before the same click pryamid choices that lead to the same conclusion. Now on my 3rd story i didnt even look at the keyboard when the so called choices made there apperances. I spammed the keyboard and arrived at the same point in which i took so carefully on the first run through. OOO0 the droid will remeber that cruelty. So FECKING WHAT!

The very companions we care for and loathe to feed with these gifts are all folly and a waste of time, coz in 6 months when Bioware see the numbers/ store sales/ subs. they change it all again to suit what ever needs .


Knowing this i DONT give 2 squirts about choices, or care to believe that they matter . As long as am enjoying playing the game i extract what i need from this company and game play that suits my style of play. These so called companions everyone is plugging away for to make sure they'll never leave is a lie also, Its in Biowares interest to take them off u again and make u grind for more that u dont need. The expansion has one outcome , there may be the odd twist and turn but in the end its the same dam line your heading towards, regardless of the path your trying to avoid imo.

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