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Why I Think KotFE Ruined SWTOR


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well.. They ruined chance for SWTOR to become canon for sure... at last KOTOR is slowly becoming canon thanks to SW Rebels. Idea of Knights of Zakuul was terrible... I would like it to become... I dont know... a dream. Your HERO just awakens from the dream and realizes, that he is trapped in Vitiate basement like Revan was before.


Vitiate will make Empire great again !

Vote for Vitiate !

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Very colorful and a tad long winded, but I can't disagree with any of your points. I also have been playing this game since launch and aside from the whole storyline change (which I wasn't thrilled with), I've watched our personal stories go from eight amazing tales that were fun to do over and over..... down to two stories (Empire and Republic)....down to one story "The Outlander". For a game that started out encouraging you to play many alts to experience all there was to offer, the game has "self whittled" itself down to the need to play no alts at all (other than personal investment you've made in the characters).


Another big thing to me, is the sacrifice of "group" story dynamics. Yes, our personal story was always a "solo" thing that you could bring friends along on, but with so much to do on each planet that could be grouped, it was fun to level with friends, help them with their story, and share in the decisions as we went through each planet. But now, only a minor part of the game is even still 'groupable' in a fun way, and unless you're willing to repeat the same story four times with a group of four.... well...


I'm in the same boat as the OP. I'm a long time Star Wars fan since I sat in the theater in 1977 and fell in love with the story. I've been in this game since launch and I have no intention of leaving any time soon. But still, I feel something vital has been lost, and I'm hoping Bioware realizes that, and returns the game to the glory it once held.

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Sounds about right to the SWG 4evar folks


Its not their fault. They played a game that was created almost 12 years earlier than this game, and it was 100 times better built, had developers who actually interacted the entire time who played the game, and a customer service that answered tickets in 2 hours. Can you blame those people?

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Well.. They ruined chance for SWTOR to become canon for sure... at last KOTOR is slowly becoming canon thanks to SW Rebels. Idea of Knights of Zakuul was terrible... I would like it to become... I dont know... a dream. Your HERO just awakens from the dream and realizes, that he is trapped in Vitiate basement like Revan was before.


Vitiate will make Empire great again !

Vote for Vitiate !


I haven't watched Rebels. How did it make KOTOR canon?

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The thing about KotFE, how it feels, well to me, that it doesn't really talk about the force, or lightsabers, or Sith/Jedi. Maybe Disney had something to with that. Tin foil hat and all that.


That, and my ship is empty, and now I have too many companions where I have little connection to any of them, and too much affection. Way more affection. Overload.

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That, and my ship is empty, and now I have too many companions where I have little connection to any of them, and too much affection. Way more affection. Overload.


Definitely Companion overload with KotFE.


But the thing is.. people have been begging in the forum for access to other classes companions since shortly after launch. So.. that desire is well fulfilled. As is the desire for simply gaining new companions. Just like everything else about the average MMO.. for each player, some content is interesting and some is not


The way I see it.. it is up to us as players to decide which companions we choose to use vs ignore completely. The only feature I would like added is to let me push unused companions into a "stasis" tab at the bottom of the Companion window so I can actually completely disregard them.

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I haven't watched Rebels. How did it make KOTOR canon?


Not entirely... but there are ships from KOTOR and in last episode there was ancient sith temple at " MALACHOR " with battlestation/mashine that can destroy life ( or something like that ). There was voice of creepy old lady that folks belive is Darth Traya ( since her academy was on Malachor 5 ). Ezra ( main hero ) also brought holocron from that temple... and a lot of folks belive that will... belong to Revan or Traya ( we will find out in season 3 ). Also one of Rebels creators wanted to bring Revan in Clone Wars... his skin was ready but show have died :p


Ashoka said during travel to Malachor : "There's always a bit of truth in legends"

You can type in youtube " Revan canon " or " KOTOR canon " and you will find few speculation videos that will explain everything better than me... and with better english :rak_03:

Edited by PatrykJesionek
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About the two emperors being the same guy... I haven't started KotFE yet, don't know if there's half way decent explanation for this in the first few chapters..., but this doesn't make sense to me. The emperor was like some evil, all powerful unstoppable god. Controlling everyone like puppets, sucking the life out of planets.. On Ziost, our character didn't 'win'.. we were helpless and pretty much useless against him. It was dark cloud hanging over the galaxy and he wasn't done with it.... and now, all of a sudden, this same guy is attacking with conventional forces from out of nowhere?? Doesn't he still want to suck all the life out of everything?


Play the storyline, it answers your questions...[short answer]

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overall i dont think kotfe has ruined swtor, its added to it, yea some nerfs ,but some great fixes. lets start with what they have added that is good.


1. Adjusting flashpoints, planetary quests, ops, heroics, all to the level you are at, so at level 33 you can go back to corusant , and be down bolstered so you get xp for doing the quests, GREAT add, and with the ops and flashpoints its awesome too, cause at max level, doing hm EV lets you get some nice gear.


2, SOLO flash points, ok so some people just dont like to group up with people, this game is not a sandbox mmo, its a theme park mmo, so it makes sense they did this, glad they did it, cause i can go and do every flashpoint i want , just to see the storys if i havent done it.


3. outfit designer , ok thats all that needs to be said about that, ive been screaming for this ever since launch. its awesome , except theh credit dump in equiping items... but other then that WOOT.


4. the kotor type conversation mode added to some of the new companions on odessen and the star fortress companions on the various planets, feels like they are trying to make some stuff more like kotor which is cool as hell.


5. Gathering profession update, now you can go to say Yavin , or corellia, as a level 1 slicer and immedietly start harvesting nodes , you dont have to be the required level to harvest or pick up the resource anymore, another AWESOME feature, helps level u faster , cause you level your characters actual level if you Just do the story mode faster then you can level your crafting profession/gathering proffession, so it makes sense why they did it,


now this is what i dont really like about swtor atm, and what they didnt really change with kotfe


1. i hate GSF, i think its a failure, but after playing jump to lightspeed "swg"s space , is the best space EVER, i cant get into gsf, i actually like the regular space missions better then gsf,


2. lack of player crafted substaning items, like armor repair and weapon repair kits, instead its another credit dump, it would give the player base something more to do if we had stuff like that , they could do alot, but its not very game breaking that it isn't in the game, just thought i would mention it, cause that would make the game just that much better, but as i said this game IS NOT a sandbox mmo, it is a theme park mmo, so yea :).


3. the pvp maps, and modes, they need to have 8 v 8 death match , style kill count wins modes, heck just let us do death matches on the maps that exist with 8 players, cause i LOVE 4v4 arena , but it never pops, so yea, another thing they should let u q up for what map and what you wanto do in pvp, if you wanto q up for 4v4 you should be able to check mark it, like the Grioup finder, if you wanto just do hutt ball , you uncheck everything but the hutt ball maps, :) , but over alli really think if they added the respawning deathmatch modes to new maps, and the current maps, alderan , Void star ship, the hutt ball maps, DANG that wiould rule, id pvp again, for sure,


ANYWAY, thats my mini review of the current status of the game after kotfe , oh yea, and ADD A CROSS HILT SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Agree 100% I played through an entire new Sorceror just to get to KotFE mainly cos I loved the cutscenes and voiceover work it was like a movie or something then I get to the alliance chapter and no more voice. Just crappy kotor conversations. Ruined the game for me. Cutscenes used to be my favourite part of the game now they're ruined
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Does voice cutscenes EVER come back? Cos if not that's gonna suck so damn hard. Pretty much the last cutscene I had was among the most epic aswell. Impaled by arcann and a crew member asked if I was gonna die and if she could have my stuff and I choked her half to death and passed out :D classic. Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Does voice cutscenes EVER come back? Cos if not that's gonna suck so damn hard. Pretty much the last cutscene I had was among the most epic aswell. Impaled by arcann and a crew member asked if I was gonna die and if she could have my stuff and I choked her half to death and passed out :D classic.

Chapter IX, X, XI, and XII all have "wheel of three" dialogs all through them. Only the out-of-chapter parts, primarily companion recruitment efforts, have KOTOR-style.



Tora says that if you are merely beaten up by Arcann and drained by the experience of using V's power, if you chose (or were forced) to do that.


Edited by SteveTheCynic
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Chapter IX, X, XI, and XII all have "wheel of three" dialogs all through them. Only the out-of-chapter parts, primarily companion recruitment efforts, have KOTOR-style.



Tora says that if you are merely beaten up by Arcann and drained by the experience of using V's power, if you chose (or were forced) to do that.


Huh? But I wasn't beaten by him? And I refused valkorions power don't like being manipulated haha. Arcann beat me in the sense that the cutscene made him beat me but I was kicking his *** in actual gameplay :D

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Huh? But I wasn't beaten by him? And I refused valkorions power don't like being manipulated haha. Arcann beat me in the sense that the cutscene made him beat me but I was kicking his *** in actual gameplay :D

No, I meant if you avoid being impaled by using V's power (either by choosing this time or by choosing too many times before, so V chooses for you), so you are merely a bit battered and drained, she says the same thing.

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