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[BUG] lvl60 character slot not always restored when deleting lvl60 character


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Please elaborate. I am having the issue. I put in a ticket and tried calling, but I don't have 45 minutes to sit around and wait for them so I had to hang up.



The phone support people will call it an "in game issue", which the phone reps don't deal with. They only handle "account" issues. Well...pardon me, but - it's my ACCOUNT that is affected since I cannot create my new level 60 IN MY ACCOUNT. Derp.


But yea...that's why calling is a waste of time, and as we all know, for the most part, in-game support is abysmal at best. Out of about a dozen bugs I reported, only one that was exceedingly minor ever got corrected.

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The phone support people will call it an "in game issue", which the phone reps don't deal with. They only handle "account" issues. Well...pardon me, but - it's my ACCOUNT that is affected since I cannot create my new level 60 IN MY ACCOUNT. Derp.


But yea...that's why calling is a waste of time, and as we all know, for the most part, in-game support is abysmal at best. Out of about a dozen bugs I reported, only one that was exceedingly minor ever got corrected.


Thanks for the info. This utterly sucks.

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Also have this issue. CS told me to delete the character and recreate it, despite making it very clear in my ticket that I'd already done that and the issue was that my token was NOT granted back (character was level 1, hence why I had to remake it about 5 times). Pretty disgusting really, especially given how 95% of the time instant-60's are 'instant-1's' who start on the fleet.


Can't see myself getting the stolen CC back. This is literally theft.

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Also have this issue. CS told me to delete the character and recreate it, despite making it very clear in my ticket that I'd already done that and the issue was that my token was NOT granted back (character was level 1, hence why I had to remake it about 5 times). Pretty disgusting really, especially given how 95% of the time instant-60's are 'instant-1's' who start on the fleet.


Can't see myself getting the stolen CC back. This is literally theft.


It's been four days and I haven't heard back from CS, if I get something like that after not receiving a response over the weekend I'd be livid.


I'm already anxious about what their response will be. No one seems to have gotten a response that was helpful.

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My response from CS basically said "Yeah this is a bug and needs to be corrected in a future patch, Customer support can't help you. Send in a bug report."

Which means I'm probably out of luck for getting my 60 token back. :rolleyes:

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My response from CS basically said "Yeah this is a bug and needs to be corrected in a future patch, Customer support can't help you. Send in a bug report."

Which means I'm probably out of luck for getting my 60 token back. :rolleyes:


Does that mean we get our tokens back in the next patch?

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Does that mean we get our tokens back in the next patch?

I think it's more of answering the question without really answering the question. the ticket tells me to submit a bug form because CS can't help. The bug report says they wont give me a response because it's a bug report, not CS, and if i need help beyond the report I should contact CS.


So basically I get two copy paste responses and neither addresses the issue or if the issue will be resolved, they just tell me to ask the other parent. >.<

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I think it's more of answering the question without really answering the question. the ticket tells me to submit a bug form because CS can't help. The bug report says they wont give me a response because it's a bug report, not CS, and if i need help beyond the report I should contact CS.


So basically I get two copy paste responses and neither addresses the issue or if the issue will be resolved, they just tell me to ask the other parent. >.<


In that case, just keep resubmitting and asking to escalate your ticket within CS.


Sometimes it just takes being firm and continuing to escalate to get through to someone who can actually read and comprehend the issue, not just close tickets with copy / paste responses to clear the ticket queue.

Edited by DawnAskham
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In that case, just keep resubmitting and asking to escalate your ticket within CS.


Sometimes it just takes being firm and continuing to escalate to get through to someone who can actually read and comprehend the issue, not just close tickets with copy / paste responses to clear the ticket queue.

Will do. thanks!

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I deleted a fresh 60, and the option to create another was gone. I restarted the client and it was there. Later I deleted that one as I want to see what the other classes are like and now no number of client restarts will restore the option to create a new 60. :mad:
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Well this is totally screwed up!


So my post above. I'm a subscriber so the slot I referred to was my free 60 slot.


Desperate to try out some of the classes at 60, I decided that rather than wait for ticket response I'd buy a token. I was delighted when it showed up in my character selection screen. I created a 60 character, and got the bug where it loads in at level 1. The solution BW posted was to delete the character and try again so I did. Same thing, level 1.


I deleted that one too, and quit the game in an attempt to avoid the level 1 bug.


And guess what? Yep, you guessed it, I logged back in to find the 60 slot gone................. Back to square 1 and 2k cartel coins down for my troubles.


Happy days, happy days :rak_evil:

Edited by Maalus
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Well this is totally screwed up!


So my post above. I'm a subscriber so the slot I referred to was my free 60 slot.


Desperate to try out some of the classes at 60, I decided that rather than wait for ticket response I'd buy a token. I was delighted when it showed up in my character selection screen. I created a 60 character, and got the bug where it loads in at level 1. The solution BW posted was to delete the character and try again so I did. Same thing, level 1.


I deleted that one too, and quit the game in an attempt to avoid the level 1 bug.


And guess what? Yep, you guessed it, I logged back in to find the 60 slot gone................. Back to square 1 and 2k cartel coins down for my troubles.


Happy days, happy days :rak_evil:


Oh that really sucks. I was so worried that may happen, that I haven't bought one of the tokens. I'd try calling instead of putting in a ticket. I'm going on a week and still haven't heard anything back from them yet.

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Don't call. It is their policy not to help with in game issues or to refund cartel coins. And it is also their policy not to refund cartel coin purchases because you used the coins to buy something in game whether or not it actually works. SO save yourself a half hour or more on the phone.
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I made and deleted about 16 different free lvl60 characters in very quick succession while trying things out last week, without a single problem. I'm pretty sure that what caused the issue is having the game update while having a character in your free/token lvl60 slot (still at lvl 60 of course, not above).


It just happened to me, and the funny thing is that now I have the Twi-Lek legacy species unlocked, which isn't supposed to happen with start-at-60 characters (my free lvl 60 character was my only Twi-Lek). It wasn't unlocked yesterday and the only thing that could have made a difference between then and now is the 4.0.1a game update.


I have heard reports by other people who also had their free lvl 60 character fail to reset after the game was updated, and getting species or class achievement unlocks related to having a high-level character; achievements that the free lvl60 character wasn't supposed to grant, and that weren't granted to them before the update.


tl;dr : game updates will make your start-at-60 characters give you achievements you shouldn't normally get.

Edited by GabDube
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This has happened to me as well, and my thread I made about it was deleted :mad:


Made my level 60 with token, put me at level 1 on the fleet.

As per CS forum instructions i deleted it to reset the token. Character gone.. token gone... by the sounds of these posts I'm not getting it back either

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I'm sure they'll fix it by 4.0.2 /s


Which is over a week from now. If then.


I guarantee if this was an exploit that was BENEFITING players, it'd be hot fixed toot sweet. I hate these devs sometimes.


Hope so , really depressed about this phone rep told me to write a ticket in-game and that they are backlogged ... Im really curious how long it will take because he told me I will get refunded.

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Same. :( I bought a token off the GTN, and made the character, skipped intro, was at fleet at level 1.. Guild told me to delete char, ill get token back, recreate and do not skip. So i did that, didn't skip, remade the character, blah blah, still at the fleet at level 1. so i decided to restart my game to see if that would help, so i did that, then deleted my character, however that time i did not get my token back, so I made a CS ticket in game, I am hoping to get a reply and get my token back. Does anyone know if they will refund the token being bought from a GTN VS the cartel market? I'd imagine they would, but i don't know if they will or not. I hope they do, just spennt 3 mill on it.
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