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Choices matter..........but they really don't.


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I had the emperor commandeer my body every choice I got, but I was still the same person in the end in control of myself, there was no difference between that character and the one where I didn't allow it at all.



you don't end up killing all those people if he doesn't control you. the scene is different. it does matter


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Alright, I've read enough of these messages.


Simply put, you're all mistaken. The story didn't -end-. It's not -over-, so you deciding right now that there are no consequences to your choices is just rubbish, since the story hasn't been concluded yet. Do you need to be reminded that there are still several chapters missing? That chapter 9 isn't even close to the last chapter?

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I killed Vik. I will never see Vik again, for as long as my smuggler manages to stay alive, and one step ahead of the empire.


Choice, DO matter, and they even have consequences. Of course, the likes of Tython and Korriban aren't going to be changing, even with the invasions. New players still need to do the starting stories after all, but to say there are absolutely NO choices that don't matter is quite ridiculous.

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Well if things go the way I think it will, It'll be interesting to see peoples reaction if the body count starts up, probably gonna be a lot of ************. Never understood what people expect out of stories though especially a mmo story, I mean do people expect every choice to result in the destruction of a planet or the death of a person, that the universe revolves around your character and that they control life and death? A majority of choices made don't actually cause major results and it's usually a chain of choices or some massive choice that lead to an outcome. The story has more or less only begun so major results from your choices wouldn't happen yet. Now if by the end of this story nobody dies, abandons the cause or betrays you despite your choices then there'll be reason to complain but as of now there just seems to be the usual ************ on everything and anything.
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Alright, I've read enough of these messages.


Simply put, you're all mistaken. The story didn't -end-. It's not -over-, so you deciding right now that there are no consequences to your choices is just rubbish, since the story hasn't been concluded yet. Do you need to be reminded that there are still several chapters missing? That chapter 9 isn't even close to the last chapter?


Just curious. If say after all these chapters are done. And the choices matter just as much as they seem to now (which isnt at all..who cares someone dies. They will b replaced) what will u be saying then?

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Probably bugged. I had tanno vik sound like lana when I first started up the game after a long hiatus. It was silly to say the least.


Koth responds as T7 in the log whenever I send him out to do crafting/gathering/mission stuff.

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Just curious. If say after all these chapters are done. And the choices matter just as much as they seem to now (which isnt at all..who cares someone dies. They will b replaced) what will u be saying then?


I'll be saying the choices didn't matter, obviously.


Can you not see what my point was? My point is people are making conclusions on something that hasn't concluded yet.

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Just curious. If say after all these chapters are done. And the choices matter just as much as they seem to now (which isnt at all..who cares someone dies. They will b replaced) what will u be saying then?


"Choices still mattered. They impact how you perceive the story and your journey to the end. That the end gave everyone who picked red, green, or blue the same ending doesn't matter, your choices along the way still mattered to you and your enjoyment. It's the journey, not the destination."

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I killed Vik. I will never see Vik again, for as long as my smuggler manages to stay alive, and one step ahead of the empire.


Choice, DO matter, and they even have consequences. Of course, the likes of Tython and Korriban aren't going to be changing, even with the invasions. New players still need to do the starting stories after all, but to say there are absolutely NO choices that don't matter is quite ridiculous.


I don't think anyone is saying the choices didn't matter 100 %, we said they just about don't matter, there was maybe a 1 % difference by the end if you went all dark instead of all light, sure. But as of now, there has been hardly any consequences, and considering we are half way through the content that is going to be released, it is kind of disconcerting.

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"Choices still mattered. They impact how you perceive the story and your journey to the end. That the end gave everyone who picked red, green, or blue the same ending doesn't matter, your choices along the way still mattered to you and your enjoyment. It's the journey, not the destination."


I find it almost unbelievable how easy some people are to please. You are what every company wants in a customer. And I guess you've helped me udnerstand a little bit more why some people find this expansion enjoyable, fantastic even.

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I find it almost unbelievable how easy some people are to please. You are what every company wants in a customer. And I guess you've helped me udnerstand a little bit more why some people find this expansion enjoyable, fantastic even.


The paraphrase of the response that people gave over the end to Mass Effect 3 seemed to go right on over your head and you assumed it was actually a serious response.

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Wait, I thought Ladyinsanity said in one of her preview videos that your choice of how you handled the



sun generator scene



affected whether you were able to access a certain area later on, and depending on your play through you'd get a different quest area instead. Is that not true?

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Wait, I thought Ladyinsanity said in one of her preview videos that your choice of how you handled the



sun generator scene



affected whether you were able to access a certain area later on, and depending on your play through you'd get a different quest area instead. Is that not true?


That was a 100 % lie. There was 0 difference.

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Ok I can think of several small examples where your decisions in game do actually matter, it just depends on the level of influence you think these choices will have.


There are several people if you kill them earlier in the storyline, you don't see them later and they don't help you out. In Hammer Station and That first spaceship flashpoint, your choices matter, it changes whether you have to fight more people or not.


You guys are expecting huge complete 180 twists from every decision, but do remember this is an mmo, not a solo player game.

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The paraphrase of the response that people gave over the end to Mass Effect 3 seemed to go right on over your head and you assumed it was actually a serious response.


Oh dear. Such stupidity on my part tends to happen when I write in affect. I really shouldn't have missed those inverted commas. I never did see that response, though, thanks for bringing that up, it fits my view of what is happening here like a glove.

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Ok I can think of several small examples where your decisions in game do actually matter, it just depends on the level of influence you think these choices will have.


There are several people if you kill them earlier in the storyline, you don't see them later and they don't help you out. In Hammer Station and That first spaceship flashpoint, your choices matter, it changes whether you have to fight more people or not.


You guys are expecting huge complete 180 twists from every decision, but do remember this is an mmo, not a solo player game.


I am pretty sure it is well established that this is not a true mmo anymore, it is a single player game with multiplayer aspects, that seems to be the general consensus with the tdirection BW is taking, so when they say there are going to be real consequences, it is not unreasonable to expect real consequences.

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You guys are expecting huge complete 180 twists from every decision, but do remember this is an mmo, not a solo player game.


I feel we are talking at cross purposes most of the time. I personally do not find fault with the choices not mattering much (I expected that). And I am aware of the limitations that an MMO entails. However (and I promise this is the last time I'll say this), if this is the case, do not advertise your product as the epitome of a game where choices matter.

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I feel we are talking at cross purposes most of the time. I personally do not find fault with the choices not mattering much (I expected that). And I am aware of the limitations that an MMO entails. However (and I promise this is the last time I'll say this), if this is the case, do not advertise your product as the epitome of a game where choices matter.


It's all a scale of how much you were expecting them to matter. Technically they can matter, cause only certain can be accessed lightside darkside. Your character would change depending on their affinity and choices. All of it is only small scale which I'm happy about. + Companion storylines, when flirting with multiple girls, your choice will matter later :p

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"Choices still mattered. They impact how you perceive the story and your journey to the end. That the end gave everyone who picked red, green, or blue the same ending doesn't matter, your choices along the way still mattered to you and your enjoyment. It's the journey, not the destination."


Ah, yes... ME3. The game that ruined a franchise.

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That was a 100 % lie. There was 0 difference.


Well, that's a disappointment. I guess I'll hold out hope that it appears post chap 9. Not feeling confident though, since her video also said each chapter was "at least an hour of cut scenes" and that turned out not to be true either. :( I'm going to assume there was a genuine miscommunication there, but it makes me not feel like I can count on that source for reliable info.

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No. It did ruin Mass Effect. I played ME1 with all dlc four times male/female with renegade/paragon variations and different love interests. I then played ME2 with all dlc four times continuing each of the previous playthroughs (and technically more since I had alternate save points to play through different romance options). I played ME3 with all dlc to max possible alliances ...once. It ruined Mass Effect for me.


This isn't ME3 and I left SWG well before NGE so it isn't that to me, either. It's 4.0. It is its own thing and that thing is "choices matter" and "story is everything" and "we won't take anything away from you" that were blatant lies.


I kept my sub up the past four months for those first two things especially and after two lazy afternoons the story is done, alliances are a huge meh, no decision made pre 4.0 had any impact on KOTFE and no decision in KOTFE had any impact beyond which skin my crafting monkeys wear. There are some fun, good decisions in 4.0 that were welcome and lots that I don't like, neither of which I'll spew out here but if you're going to advertise your product as doing something, you might want to consider having the product do that thing.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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Well, I did see quite a few of those "your actions will be remembered" messages while doing KOTFE, so that certainly implies that all those decisions will have consequences at some point. BW is in it for the long haul with this story, and that's something people aren't used to. They did say that your actions would show results sometimes far down the road.


Just in case, I've got a spreadsheet going where I'm keeping track of all those messages and what my character chose for each one. We'll see what happens.

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I just imagine that programing / writing / voice acting for 15 different outcomes is simply too costly to produce. I was though hoping for some variety on the storyline.


But as a story and an expansion, I feel it was the best yet - I really enjoyed it - even if the choices only kind of sort of mattered.

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