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Overpowered companions 4.0


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And yet still, at least on Harbinger, I see new players asking for help on H2's (used to be H4's) due to dying...even on low level planets! So either their companions aren't as good as veteran players are (due to diffrences in influence levels) or there's a disconnect with how good everyone keeps claiming the companions are. Obviously they need the comps to be overpowered as they learn the game.


I'm not seeing the problem, I'm still killing more mobs in a group than my companion. Yeah sure, pre-4.0, the comp wouldn't even come close to the damage I was doing but now they're killing at least 1 out of every 4 mobs. Maybe instead of sitting back and letting the comp do all the work you should take it as a challenge and always strive to kill more than it does.


Furthermore Bioware did promise us streamlined leveling, maybe stronger comps combined with an ok XP boost is their solution... ;)

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Grant it I dont have the max bonuses available, but I'm not seeing this super power. What I am seeing is companions that are more flexible role wise and are about as powerful as they were before the conversion on my high level characters, a bit weaker on my low level ones.
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I think companions are overpowered and there is to much XP being thrown around.


I went from lvl 60 to lvl 64 yesterday doing 2x Bounty Contracts, Yavin, Oricon, Czerka and The Black Hole and the only time my health dropped below 90/95% was when Mako was briefly CC.


I am only in a mix of 186/192 gear and Mako only has an influence rating of 10. When she is fully levelled up and I'm in lvl 65 gear I'm gonna be a god :confused:

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Well you people wanted and got Datacrons for everyone, what were you expecting?


Now 10-32 Pvp WZ's will be as unbalanced as 32-60. Oh who really cares


Just so you know I was one of those people who did not want Legacy datacrons, as I could see this problem arising, though its made it even worse than I ever thought due to everything being Mastery.


Now why did I get all the datacrons? well it seemed that all the cool kids had got the datacron master title, plus as I said above I actually underestimated how much of an impact it would actually have.


I very much prefer casual play, but I agree, they overdid it a bit.


They claimed that the presence changes will remove the horrendously overpowered companions at low level, but it still seems insane, only now at all levels.


Yeah, the notes on the influence system clearly stated that the change was so that companions were not over powered (extract of blog below):


As an additional note: We are changing the way that Presence works such that each point provides percentage based bonuses, instead of flat numerical bonuses. This more or less translates into two things:


Sadly, the Companions of low level characters with massive Presence bonuses from their legacies will no longer be hilariously overpowered (I promise we're just as sad to see this go as you are, it provided some good times).

Presence will scale much better at higher levels.

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After reading this thread I feel pretty hopeless. Look, I'm not a demanding person, I don't whine, I don't do temper tantrums because adult on all that. I usually just walk away quietly and come back if things change. But now I have payed sub for several months. Something unusual for me, but I did. I never saw this coming. I didn't see that the part of the game I enjoyed the most would turn like this. There was nothing succesting that. I was ok with level-syncing and all. I couldn't dream they will turn my companions to God-mode. I simply didn't see this coming.


You long-timers who are OK with this and say leveling is rubbish anyway and only end-game matters, I understand where you are coming from. But you don't have an idea what is waiting for you. I have seen it. I was there when TERA nerfed all enemies (and BAMS so hard they could be soloed), and AFTER THAT, gave all players God-weapons. No pay to win, mobs drop these shards that form a OP-weapon. I leveled few healers and dps after that. Healers mostly by doing instances. OMG the groups were horrible. Everyone running like headless chicken, no one cared about their roles anymore, everyone auto-attacking everything and taking all the damage in game where dodging is a part of the core-gameplay.

Those people were not an inch better at lvl 60 in the so-famous end-game. This is what you will have. Good luck.


I'm hopeless because this game seems to be made now for certain people. People who like to LOOK good instead of being good. People who obviously have disabilities, and don't think I don't have empathy for you, I do have. But nowhere was I told that this game is now designed for people who have severe problems with normal demands of any game, or who have never played games before. Why don't you just give them a button that skips every fight? If mobs and fighting in an MMO are a curse word so ****, let's go all the way! Let ME have my game too.


I don't feel like logging in anymore.


And I have 4 companions to unlock and I'm scared to give them more influence because they might do the revolt and kick me out from my own ship. You see, I'm not needed anymore. Now if we just could make them do the cut-scenes without me too. Like, I just tell my comp to choose LS, DS or neutral and I could just let the game play itself for good and come back when I'm 60.

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I honestly don't see what the problem is, I still do the majority of damage to mobs with my Jedi Consular. The only difference now is, my companion in healer stance, actually heals very well, and contributes to damage. Instead of being completely useless in both areas. Even witnessed the companion properly CC a bit.


Good changes if you ask me.

Edited by jakeobione
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Has anyone checked the scaling?


I had a quick comparison of stats at 62 and Kira's stats are better than my JK.


To make sure, I put Kira in tank stance to compare to my Guardian... (I usually run with her in healer stance.)


My Guardian's stats are 2728 Mastery, 3305 Endurance. Kira's are 4052 Mastery, and 5027 Endurance. My Guardian has 1337 Presence (yes really), and also has whatever bonus is coming from having finished all eight class stories.


Now I'm no number cruncher, but there's something a bit off there. (My Guardian is only wearing 178 rating gear, as she hasn't finished Yavin yet or even looked at Ziost.)


Seriously, I enjoy being able to steamroll anything in my path and I usually choose easy settings for games - but this really takes the cake. If I go afk near a mob spawn point, I expect to come back dead. That's just not happening right now - even with strong mobs. (I haven't tried leaving myself in the path of an elite, but I expect Kira would handle it just fine in healer stance.)

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Has anyone checked the scaling?


I had a quick comparison of stats at 62 and Kira's stats are better than my JK.


To make sure, I put Kira in tank stance to compare to my Guardian... (I usually run with her in healer stance.)


My Guardian's stats are 2728 Mastery, 3305 Endurance. Kira's are 4052 Mastery, and 5027 Endurance. My Guardian has 1337 Presence (yes really), and also has whatever bonus is coming from having finished all eight class stories.


Now I'm no number cruncher, but there's something a bit off there. (My Guardian is only wearing 178 rating gear, as she hasn't finished Yavin yet or even looked at Ziost.)


Seriously, I enjoy being able to steamroll anything in my path and I usually choose easy settings for games - but this really takes the cake. If I go afk near a mob spawn point, I expect to come back dead. That's just not happening right now - even with strong mobs. (I haven't tried leaving myself in the path of an elite, but I expect Kira would handle it just fine in healer stance.)


I did some actual comparing with my SW and Vette. Emperors Wrath has no hope, Vette is the new Qeen of Galaxy and Emperor better to pack his bags and find a secure place to hide before Vette comes and takes his throne. Jedis better to watch out too:


My puny Wrath is lvl44 now.


Damage (pri) 528-648

Bonus damage - 290.8






Vette in dps-stance


Damage(pri)- 583-656

Bonus damage - 499.3 (hell yeah)



Power-192 (finally a number smaller than Wraths)


Vette is influence-rank 11, 550 + influence when summoned. Hooray?


I find is unacceptable that ANY of Vettes numbers is bigger than my Wraths. Wrath is not undergeared, is someone suspects that. Not geared with platinum but geared to his level.


So if this does not break your "immersion" then what does? You can literally sit down and ask mobs to die.


Edit: Wrath is Vengeance-juggernaut and geared to dps. If someone needs to know.

Edited by tahol
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Too easy my ***. On planets like Voss i can aggro a mob of up to 12, and got my arse handed to me. What a Lot of ignorant ppl are not capable of thinking of, is that if ur character is a lvl 55, then we better sure as hell as win any damned fight we are in. Our Companions should be just as much. If your 15-20 lvl higher than the planet. Then you should sure as hell as have an Easy fight anywhere, with exceptions to Heroics +4 when ur grouped.


Some ppl also are not using their brains when it comes to the Fact the Most ppl only wanted lvl-sync as an Option, not forced like it is now. And because of forced lvl-sync people left this game in droves.


So yes, the Devs could have tweaked how hard the gameplay is for us that are 15 to 20 levels higher than anything else on "said planets" to appease so many Thousands and thousands or more of ppl that would've left if it were not for the Fact that Most players do not forced level-sync.


The way it is now is just okay enough for me to tolerate staying subbed. These Forums are the only place with such negativity for no good reason.


If the devs tweaked things to be harder, than more thousands of players would call Foul and leave, as ppl like me that have characters up to 30 levels higher than the Planetary NPC levels should by All means be able to 1 shot everything in sight.


Also, ppl like me with Pain Disabilities find this just tolerable as well when we can play.


I also remember a couple ppl from the recent Cantina events saying that they wanted to make leveling easier as well. If ppl like me had our way, we would still have 12X xp with no lvl-sync.

No one will seem to be happy with ot without lvl-sync. This is a good trade off right now for those of us who hate lvl-sync and still want 12X xp.

Edited by MandFlurry
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Seems very exaggerated; I'm just not seeing this. They heal, dps or tank now.Only noticeable change I see, is the tank stance aoe does not break CC now, and heal stance they will actually heal rather than stand there and plink at an enemy for most of a fight.


Something interesting I noticed though.


Got a friend to join for the expansion; he made an Operative and has been playing quite a lot ( big SW fan like I am).


I made a new character too, so we would have the same actual level; i planned to delete the character after a bit ( we have level sync, but i wanted to see the difference between he and I considering he has no presence or datacrons).


His companion is in fact quite weak. I suspect it is simply the affect of having presence and influence ( and perhaps my boost from having collected datacrons which are legacy wide now) that makes my companions better than his. Also, as devs stated, the affect is not strong at low levels anymore. My previous low level characters had stronger companions at the start, which diminished over time as I leveled.


Another guy, he almost never bothered to gear his companions, and they were really quite useless. it was not long before I had to ask him, does he ever actually up grade their gear? He laughed it off, and said he wasn't wasted money on it. He occasionally got some green gear, maybe used things from drops in world, and honestly doubt they were the right main stats or armor weight often. I know I saw light armor on his favorite companion who needed medium.


If we played together, it was hardly worth healing his companion; it was basically a wasted effort. It did little to no dps and died in a few hits. Now he thinks it's great, and it is apparent why. The companion is no longer dependent on the severely underleveled green gear he used to keep on them.


Not really buying this. If i play a healer, I still must heal my companions, and do some dps. If dps or tank, I gotta do damage, honestly I could not just stand there and do nothing. I like the tanking abilities I see more, and I feel the heal role is now more likely to throw a heal rather take pop shots for the most part.


They stuck to their guns and put level sync in. I know quite a few who left because they hated the idea of level sync, and just hope the effect is overall good for the game ( I am not bothered by it at all, just had concerns about the possible consequence for those who hate it).


Really, i hope they stuck to their guns here and don't start screwing with the game due the hyperbolic tales I have been reading here.

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But not only the companios are overpowered... My smuggler now runs with 220 equipment. Still has to found any enemy capable of surviving a single rotation (World boss and Group content bosses excluded).


If some some not so wise-guys like you are gonna sit and be crytbabies about this Overpowered BS, then just don't use ur damned Companions. Simple.

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Seems very exaggerated; I'm just not seeing this. They heal, dps or tank now.Only noticeable change I see, is the tank stance aoe does not break CC now, and heal stance they will actually heal rather than stand there and plink at an enemy for most of a fight.


Something interesting I noticed though.


Got a friend to join for the expansion; he made an Operative and has been playing quite a lot ( big SW fan like I am).


I made a new character too, so we would have the same actual level; i planned to delete the character after a bit ( we have level sync, but i wanted to see the difference between he and I considering he has no presence or datacrons).


His companion is in fact quite weak. I suspect it is simply the affect of having presence and influence ( and perhaps my boost from having collected datacrons which are legacy wide now) that makes my companions better than his. Also, as devs stated, the affect is not strong at low levels anymore. My previous low level characters had stronger companions at the start, which diminished over time as I leveled.


Another guy, he almost never bothered to gear his companions, and they were really quite useless. it was not long before I had to ask him, does he ever actually up grade their gear? He laughed it off, and said he wasn't wasted money on it. He occasionally got some green gear, maybe used things from drops in world, and honestly doubt they were the right main stats or armor weight often. I know I saw light armor on his favorite companion who needed medium.


If we played together, it was hardly worth healing his companion; it was basically a wasted effort. It did little to no dps and died in a few hits. Now he thinks it's great, and it is apparent why. The companion is no longer dependent on the severely underleveled green gear he used to keep on them.


Not really buying this. If i play a healer, I still must heal my companions, and do some dps. If dps or tank, I gotta do damage, honestly I could not just stand there and do nothing. I like the tanking abilities I see more, and I feel the heal role is now more likely to throw a heal rather take pop shots for the most part.


They stuck to their guns and put level sync in. I know quite a few who left because they hated the idea of level sync, and just hope the effect is overall good for the game ( I am not bothered by it at all, just had concerns about the possible consequence for those who hate it).


Really, i hope they stuck to their guns here and don't start screwing with the game due the hyperbolic tales I have been reading here.



I was wondering about how the Holo/ datacrons could effect Companions and our characters. And also how much better our Companions and our Characters would perform with our Datacrons now. That is interesting.

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But not only the companios are overpowered... My smuggler now runs with 220 equipment. Still has to found any enemy capable of surviving a single rotation (World boss and Group content bosses excluded).


Exactly. In normal questing areas, enemies are already down before my companion even engages in combat.


Yesterday i farmed those jagannath trophies for Qyzen on Hoth. After killing the 3rd champ i realized that i didn't have an companion out. :D

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