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Overpowered companions 4.0


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My experience.


New character, no legacy boosts, new server, first companion. Companion is actually a bit weaker then before, but can heal now so that makes up for it.


Has less health and dps than my previous companion in the same prof. This may not match everyone's experience, but this was mine. They are most definitely effected enormously by bonuses at higher levels IMO.


For new players, IMO, they are working as intended.


Exactly my experience. Got a friend to join, he made an operative. I made one to just to see the difference as I have presence bonus and datacrons. My companion is much better..and yet....my companion on this new "test" character is weaker than the new companion I had on my previous low level/starting characters. it works a bit differently now.


And in any case, I am not seeing my companions as being "op" now as some say. Maybe because i have less influence and [presence than others, so my companions are nothing special. They behave differently and that is it. In no way "op".

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You know it's possible to balance things without nerfing to heck, right?


Why do you people think balancing is going to make comps useless? I don't get it.


i laughed at this. Bioware is heavy-handed with nerfs and we're all gonna be sorry because some people want "more challenge" in a game that was never challenging to begin with.

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OP there was another topic for it ... here was my response I guess it applies here to


Wow another thread complaining about "too easy: " challenge" how original op.....**facepalm**


Personally play most games on story /normal mode ... if you find it to easy why not tryingto do it without armor or dismiss the comp when able to ..that should give you more "challenge" instead of being selfish and trying to make the game fit your personal needs .




Sorry Novablast... With deep respect.. I've been playing this game for 3 years straight.. No other.. Love story driven adventure... Be honest? After 4.0 update you haven't noticed difference????


Just speaking for the combat i enjoyed it more actually my biggest complaint ...No kira :( miss her..


Here is one of my original comments after my first run through


I just finished all the available chapters and star fortress... didn't run into any of the launcher /download/game etc problem the normal doomsayer and negative People are complain about .


No Kira .cant change the outfit on lana but other wise went well interesting story hopefully Kira will show up at some point.

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Imnew to this game i have two lvl 50 characters and one lvl 35 dps juggernaut that im playing right now. A few hours ago I played a lvl 60 flashpoint, one of our team mate (healer lvl 60) went afk so he was kicked out of the party, I summoned my companion (healer mode) and then the flashpoint went from hard to "face roll over the keybord" my companion was ten times better healer than the other player, so if thats not op I really dont know what it is.

(sorry for my english is not my first lenguage)

companions are way to OP!!

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Okay, I tried with C2-N2 and definitely noticed a drop in performance. So the "overpowered" thing is due to your influence and however much presence you have on a character.


IOW, not really overpowered. I'll see how a new character and not a level-synced lvl 60 character does later. I'm sure the performance will be noticeably different since the companion abilities pulls from your character stats as well as presence bonus.

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So it went from hard with an afk healer, to easy with a companion healer? Wow, what a concept!


This is the only difference I see, nothing "op" as I am reading. Now, a comp in heal stance actually heals rather than stands around and takes pot shots at an enemy. And, the tank stance won't break cc, which is convienient. It was a bit tedious always having to turn the abilities on and off in the past. Just not seeing this "godmode" with my companions at all.


They do no more damage than before, need healing same as before. Most notable difference, is a healer actually will heal now, rather than stand there and shoot.

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He's saying it was easier with the companion than before the healer went AFK, dingus.


Except that companion healers aren't superior to player healers in any way, shape or form. Any "dingus" knows this. If that player was just terrible, that's hardly any reason to justify nerfing companions.

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Please stop with the OP nonsense, that is not the case.


Everyone who has been playing this game for some time is sitting there with all the legacy unlocks and other goodies on your legacy (including datacrons, unlocks, pre-built 10k influence already on your companions). Remember you are getting the benefit of not having everything you farmed or bought with CC lost by having everything zero'd out.


If you want a challenge go to a new server start a character there with NOTHING.


Also everything has been redesigned for leveling with the removal of the 12x XP and also changes to the heroic areas. When you also include the ability to create a instant level 60 with the expansion, there must be a learning curve built into that part. You can't expect a new player to start at 60 and survive without a good companion and with a toaster with legs. The new players will not have the knowledge current players have. We have yet to see what gets thrown at us in the future.


You do have the options to not use your companion's skills or spec them into something different. You can even not use them unless you have to and give yourself a really brutal leveling experience.


Remember we want more people playing, and a having as many options as possible to make out game experience as much fun for each of us as we want. Remember you can always click dismiss.

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Right now, i am doing the big walker boss fight from episode 4. I am standing inside the voidzones lana is tanking/healing me and herself and also will kill the boss. Gonna make some food now, after that, boss will be down. I feel so epic. Edited by Neglience
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Interesting. Instead of using C2-N2 (who has 0 influence due to that bug that happened when they tried to fix the C2 is Missing bug) to minimize the presence bonus I... decided to make the presence bonus moot, dismissed my companion and soloed Aja Novar on Nar Shaddaa with my lvl 60 scrapper scoundrel level synced to 26. Captured her.


Are companions still "OP" or is the focus of the complaint now going to go to level sync? Which was IIRC supposed to make things horrible on lower level worlds and we'd have to "fight through mobs" instead of one-shotting them (well, strongs take 2-3 shots unless I get a good crit) and so on...

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Interesting. Instead of using C2-N2 (who has 0 influence due to that bug that happened when they tried to fix the C2 is Missing bug) to minimize the presence bonus I... decided to make the presence bonus moot, dismissed my companion and soloed Aja Novar on Nar Shaddaa with my lvl 60 scrapper scoundrel level synced to 26. Captured her.


Are companions still "OP" or is the focus of the complaint now going to go to level sync? Which was IIRC supposed to make things horrible on lower level worlds and we'd have to "fight through mobs" instead of one-shotting them (well, strongs take 2-3 shots unless I get a good crit) and so on...


The companions are still OP, but between level sync and the rate at which we can level through questing now, the content is too easy either way. The problem with the companions is that they're more powerful than the players. Playing without a companion so far has been easier than playing with a companion pre 4.0. Playing with a companion now isn't actually playing anything, it's just watching stuff die.

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The companions are still OP, but between level sync and the rate at which we can level through questing now, the content is too easy either way. The problem with the companions is that they're more powerful than the players. Playing without a companion so far has been easier than playing with a companion pre 4.0. Playing with a companion now isn't actually playing anything, it's just watching stuff die.


Dismiss companion and kill stuff - your epicness returned!

Edited by Vember
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Please stop with the OP nonsense, that is not the case.


Everyone who has been playing this game for some time is sitting there with all the legacy unlocks and other goodies on your legacy (including datacrons, unlocks, pre-built 10k influence already on your companions). Remember you are getting the benefit of not having everything you farmed or bought with CC lost by having everything zero'd out.


My legacy gives me 187 bonus Presence. T7 and Kira both gave me more than that almost from the time I got them. T7's up to rank 11 Influence and I'm just a little ways into Nar Shaddaa, so that's +550 Presence; absolutely dwarfing my legacy bonus. I don't see how my companion's power is coming from stuff I've unlocked by playing the game since launch.

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Please stop with the OP nonsense, that is not the case.


Everyone who has been playing this game for some time is sitting there with all the legacy unlocks and other goodies on your legacy (including datacrons, unlocks, pre-built 10k influence already on your companions). Remember you are getting the benefit of not having everything you farmed or bought with CC lost by having everything zero'd out.


If you want a challenge go to a new server start a character there with NOTHING.


Also everything has been redesigned for leveling with the removal of the 12x XP and also changes to the heroic areas. When you also include the ability to create a instant level 60 with the expansion, there must be a learning curve built into that part. You can't expect a new player to start at 60 and survive without a good companion and with a toaster with legs. The new players will not have the knowledge current players have. We have yet to see what gets thrown at us in the future.


You do have the options to not use your companion's skills or spec them into something different. You can even not use them unless you have to and give yourself a really brutal leveling experience.


Remember we want more people playing, and a having as many options as possible to make out game experience as much fun for each of us as we want. Remember you can always click dismiss.


Reported! For making sense. We are not amused:mad:

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Any bets that, if the devs nerf things into the ground, the same people complaining here will be the ones complaining about how hard things are and how companions are useless?


Goldilocks gaming. Except nothing's ever juuuuuuust right.



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