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haha this NPC said "are you dyeing? can i have your stuff?" lmao


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Yea that engineer has a bit of a mean streak... Third most funny moment, after the HK-55 spider annihilation, and Lana's blondie moment!
haha when that male NPC said that to Lana the look on her face was "you are so dead!" lmao
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Yea that engineer has a bit of a mean streak... Third most funny moment, after the HK-55 spider annihilation, and Lana's blondie moment!


HK's spiders were hilarious, but the arrival at Asylum definitely takes the cake. At least, it does for those of us who have children! :p

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Yes. Many good one liners in this story line. Overall the writing was extremely good and the cinematography was mind blowing-ly good at some places given that this in an MMO. I felt very much like I was watching a movie at some points -- in a good way.
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Yes. Many good one liners in this story line. Overall the writing was extremely good and the cinematography was mind blowing-ly good at some places given that this in an MMO. I felt very much like I was watching a movie at some points -- in a good way.


Agreed! A few places seem like there is more time spent in cut scenes than with play time, and I didn't mind that one bit! Actually, in the free zone, I thought at one point, "I have to play?! How tedious...." Is that wrong? :rolleyes:

Edited by -Wes-
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HK's spiders were hilarious, but the arrival at Asylum definitely takes the cake. At least, it does for those of us who have children! :p
lmao HK was chasing those spiders then he was like "screw this" then just opened up and leveled everything lol
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All of the above were funny, HK-55s spider scene prolly most of all.




"Your lack of intelligence is disturbing"



I cant remember did she quote Vader almost word for word or not..

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The whole scene with Koth, Lana and you after you launch the Gravestone into space. It's especially funny if you romance Lana and he interrupts your kiss ''I was just looking for a hydrospanner!'' Yeah right, Koth. You jsut anted to see the girl-on-girl action, DIDN'T YOU!?
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Oh that ***** my knight force chocked her all right. (love that my knight did that btw)


I did too. Tora is by a long shot the most annoying new character (which seems to be the devs intention). She is loud, rude, straight to the point and doesn't think before she speaks.


Lmao yea Tora said that. I immediately knew it was a reference to the forums


I believe "You quitting? Can I have your stuff?" originated in Eve online forums. Thats the first place where I saw it, at least. Long before SWTOR launched. Character possessions in Eve are a lot more valuable than in most other mmos. They can also all be traded.

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Even better when he was on cleanup duty.


Koth: You can't jsut shoot around in this ship


HK: I could use knives and blunt weapons if that's better.

Yeah HK-55 is more evil and funny then he was in kotor 1 & 2 lol
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