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HARBY DOWN!!! Replace hamsters ASAP


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Now curiosity is getting the best of me. Real life dollars? Is that your money or mommy and daddy's money? No self respecting human would spend that kind of money on a game.


Maybe s/he doesn't mean American dollars. I believe Hong Kong dollars are 10 to 1 USD.

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No, I meant USD< and I have pictures of my receipts.


While I respect your dedication and love for the game, maybe- you know what? Not gonna judge.


People have put millions and millions into this game, so believe me, BioWare and EA care about it going strong. Just maybe not enough, and that won't change no matter how many dollars an individual person puts in.

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Is this the cyberbullying I've heard so much about???


When you throw a tantrum on the internet talking about spending thousands of dollars on Cartel Packs and you get picked on for it you only have yourself to blame lol. You can't claim cyber bullying for things you invite onto yourself.

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