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Class Abilities removed that are not in Patch Notes???


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My combat Sentinel seems to have lost the Slash ability.


Similarly I hear that Guardian has lost Force Sweep.


Is this true? and if yes why the hell is Bioware is quietly removing them instead of announcing them as part of the class changes?


It's bad enough that a whole bunch of abilities need to be retrained and re-attached to the quickbar. Now I need to figure out what I have lost as well? :mad:

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From a recent blog:


Ability Replacements


Speaking of trying to reduce some ability bar clutter, we can now actually replace older abilities with things that are direct upgrades. This usually occurs when a Discipline unlocks a new ability that is just a straight up replacement (Lethal Shot for Snipe as a Virulence Sniper, as an example). The new ability will take the same spot on the hotbar as the old ability. Whenever you abandon your discipline, the older ability will return to you.

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Though that is interesting, that does not seem to be the case. I can't find Slash or any equivalent ability anywhere. I have looked in my abilities pane for both Knight and Sentinel, as well as the trainer (show all abilities).
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Though that is interesting, that does not seem to be the case. I can't find Slash or any equivalent ability anywhere. I have looked in my abilities pane for both Knight and Sentinel, as well as the trainer (show all abilities).


You are correct it has been "replaced" I am missing thrash from mine too and it is really stupid because now the deception assasin can run around spamming voltaic all day. Hover over all your moves, on one of them it will say "replaces slash" at the bottom. It is gone.


What they call "clutter" I call not having to spam the same move over and over and having an option to change the way combat looks sometimes by throwing in another animation here and there. No longer an option open to us sadly.

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I still have the equivalent ability on my 61 fury mara. I haven't tried a re-spec to carnage (combat). Try concentration and see if it comes back, perhaps?


I am having the same issue with Full Auto for my Trooper Commandos ... it's nowhere to be found, can't be retrained and there's no mention of it disappearing in any of the class blogs or patch notes. :mad: I am NOT a happy Trooper about this.

Gunnery spec by any chance? Full auto has a direct upgrade for that ability, "bolt-storm" IIRC. In 3.0, they let you keep the obsolete Full Auto (although there is no reason to use it since the new ability is better). But in 4.0, it goes away.

Edited by teclado
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I am having the same issue with Full Auto for my Trooper Commandos ... it's nowhere to be found, can't be retrained and there's no mention of it disappearing in any of the class blogs or patch notes. :mad: I am NOT a happy Trooper about this.


Because you are in the middle spec. Change spec to DoT spec or tank spec and you get Full Auto to train on the trainer which replaces Boltstorm or whatever that ability is called.

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Because you are in the middle spec. Change spec to DoT spec or tank spec and you get Full Auto to train on the trainer which replaces Boltstorm or whatever that ability is called.


Commandos do not tank, they have heal spec, Gunnery DPS and Assault Specialist DPS. I prefer Gunnery to Assault Spec. While bolt storm is okay, I liked having both of them to choose from. Plus I'm also glad I changed my Sentinels over from Combat to Watchman ... I'm doing much better with that discipline.

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If you read the patch note(s) and actually think while playing the class


Sorry but no, I shouldn't have to figure it out. The whole point of patch notes is to provide the information, not give people hints so they can figure it out on their own.

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Commandos do not tank, they have heal spec, Gunnery DPS and Assault Specialist DPS. I prefer Gunnery to Assault Spec. While bolt storm is okay, I liked having both of them to choose from. Plus I'm also glad I changed my Sentinels over from Combat to Watchman ... I'm doing much better with that discipline.


Ah yes, so a heal spec. Full Auto should not be used in Gunnery since 3.0 (Shadow of Revan). It got replaced by Boltstorm but back in the day Bioware hadn't tools to make it work to replace automatically, so you always had to do it manually.

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