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Give it a month or 2 and subs will drop over 50%


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I agree, no one in their right mind is going to pay 120 euro a year for an expansion that is a few hours long and excludes all the player bases except for story players.

Well, the expansion is neither free nor does it cost 120€. Just look at it, as if you get a 'free' mobile phone by signing a costly contract.


Whereas previous expansions required you to pay only once, it's now a small monthly fee automatically included in your subscription cost. But this includes the fact or agreement that content will be made available only in small chunks over time, so you can't just pay for the expansion, subsribe for 1 month and rush through it.

Edited by realleaftea
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Very true. This expansion has a built in carrot though in the supposed monthly chapter releases so I think this is a vastly different environment than at launch. If BW fails to deliver monthly chapters then I will give some credence to those who say that there are serious issues afoot.


Well my real issues is what these "chapters" really consist of. For levels 1-50 that only covered 3 chapters the Hutt and Revan were a chapter each. So when they purposely say that they are going back to epic bioware story telling and releasing 9 chapters at launch with a chapter to follow each month starting in 2016, now sure I know that they are not releasing an entire game worth of content every 3 months. However I think that these chapters that are really no more then a solo Flashpoint worth of content is a blatant misdirect on their part for calling them chapters.


There are two reasons in my mind why this expansion is a free release. The first that the released NEW story content is really so small that to charge for it would have had people quit right there. And by breaking up what might have been maybe by the end of 2016 2 expansions into monthly releases means they make 15 dollars a month of a sub over the course of 16 months rather then 40 dollars off this years and next years expansion. They have hidden the idea that a lot of what you are doing in this expansion is simply getting back what they have taken from you. Think about it, new companion systems, so earn back that which you already had, earn max ratings again with them because 10k of affections only equals 10k of influence out of 250k max. rework crafting, take away skill points to earn them back in 5 levels. etc


Basically IMO that is the second reason they didn't charge for it, they spent way more time redesigning a game no one was asking them to redesign then they did working on giving us real new content to play. As good as the storyline seems like it might be, it is not worth paying $180 for the amount of story content you could have gotten from a single player RPG like mass effect or skyrim for $60. And they know it. So they so graciously "gave" us this expansion in order to try and get you hooked into a story line that they will be charging us for over the course of the next year.


I am not saying I am rage quitting over it, but I am saying I plan on taking a republic and a empire character through the expansion and if at that point I don't have a overwhelming desire to keep playing through it with my other characters then yes I will probably drop my subscription and look to other things to occupy my attention.

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There are two reasons in my mind why this expansion is a free release. The first that the released NEW story content is really so small that to charge for it would have had people quit right there.


The nine chapters released right now for free are still longer than anything we previously got with an expansion. Did anyone quit over the length of SoR or Makeb? Makeb was only drawn out by the constant long walks. The story there was actually finished quite early. SoR was considerably shorter. I finished that with my only decently equipped Sentinel in half the time it took me to run this thing here. Granted, there were two operations, but that didn't merrit 18€ on top of my subscription that month.

Edited by Alssaran
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Well, the expansion is neither free nor does it cost 120€. Just look at it, as if you get a 'free' mobile phone by signing a costly contract.


Whereas previous expansions required you to pay only once, it's now a small monthly fee automatically included in your subscription cost. But this includes the fact or agreement that content will be made available only in small chunks over time, so you can't just pay for the expansion, subsribe for 1 month and rush through it.


Sure you can. Pay for this month do chapters 1-9 and quit. Come back at the end of this expansion, pay for a month and do the rest. I guess that's 2 months sub, but you can also choose to wait until all chapters are released, sub for one month, and do it all then.

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OP is just another Screecher. This game could be programmed to spit out real dollar bills, right out of your monitor as full legal tender, and people like this guy will come in her spitting grief and venom if they're not sequentially numbered. Way too much nasty going on, but every expansion has threads exactly like this one. I wonder if the trolls have copy/pastes of earlier threads that they just drop again with every new release.


The game is rocking and this expansion kicks tail. If you don't like it, fine. YMMV. But what's the point of a smearing thread? Do you think you're leading an exodus away from the game and your snide observation is some flashpoint for consumer rebellion?


Try boycotting the sun and talking about how many subs you think it won't have in a month or 2. Let's see how that works.


Yawn, yawn, yawn.

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Got off work late last night and managed to squeeze in a few minutes of KOTFE. I did two chapters and so far I enjoyed it. Was a bit annoyed all my skill specs were resetted, some companion gear removed but other than that, looking forward to playing some more today. The game flow feels a lot smoother. The conversation scenes are pretty cool. But I fear come Nov. 10, I will not continue to be a subscriber due to Fallout 4. Don't have that much time to dedicate to two games unfortunately.
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The problem with most of these kids is that they are blowing through the content in one day.


That is expected but there is now operations you can do again, I missed the old ones. Wait they offer gear too now? Even better!


New ways to interact with companions from different classes? Awesome!


New ways to enjoy flashpoints? New ways to level a character? More content in January?


I'd say give it a month or 2 and subs will increase again for the new content coming next year.

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This so called expansion if that's what you want to call it will be the final straw for most people. There really is no reason to stay as a subscriber to this game. So many bad decisions by the devs in this game have sunk it for good this time around imo. I have a feeling this was a last chance at a money grab by them to make people subscribe to view the new content knowing it was one of the worst content patches to date.
So much effort you put in, when you rage quit to go back to world of pandacraft eazy mode can we have ur stuff? No, seriously what a waste of web space.
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I'm fairly sure that if you go back to Dec 2011, you'll see the same exact threat being posted here.


Sadly it's all bluster. 90% of the people who claim to be leaving for whatever perceived BW screw up or sleight against them never actually leave.


^ Blind fanboys.


There were, what, 120 servers in NA alone at launch? I don't think that's an argument you want to make lol.


^ Reality.


I thought 120 servers was a gross exaggeration so I checked. My original guess was somewhere around 60 servers or so for NA. I was wrong, it was just over 120. It wasn't all at launch, some got added in a bit after (but close enough to launch time that I accept the 120 premise) but yes there were that many servers to any skeptic wishing to check. One could argue that, that many weren't needed, and maybe 80 servers would have sufficed as a number of them weren't all that heavily populated to start with. However, that's still considerably more than what we have now. Even now, some of the servers feel a bit dead to where they were a year ago at this time. In my opinion it's only going to be a matter of time till they are dead, but it won't be in the next few months as the OP claims.


While I don't have EA's / Bioware's financial reports, I'd be willing to bet my last dollar it's the Cartel Market that's keeping this game afloat, and not the subscription numbers. In regards to subscription numbers falling, maybe a little, but at this point I don't see it dropping that much, because now I feel that it's just the die hard fan boys that are really left. They'll eat what ever pile of crap you put in front of them, like it, and ask for seconds. After screwing over people by removing certain companion gear to no longer be usable, you just pissed off some of the Cartel Market population too, and if they are as I suspect the bread and butter of the game, that's a really stupid move. There are a number of other "dumb" moves in my opinion that came along with this patch, but there are better threads to discuss those in than this one. So for the short sighted fan boys who are like "lulz leave we don't want you here" just be careful what you ask for. Because once all these people leave, there won't be anyone left to purchase the cartel market items for. The hardcore people will have everything they want already, and the more casual people who buy CM stuff from the GM won't be around to buy them, slowing down the CM sales, until the game slowly but surely falls apart.

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^ Blind fanboys.




^ Reality.


I thought 120 servers was a gross exaggeration so I checked. My original guess was somewhere around 60 servers or so for NA. I was wrong, it was just over 120. It wasn't all at launch, some got added in a bit after (but close enough to launch time that I accept the 120 premise) but yes there were that many servers to any skeptic wishing to check. One could argue that, that many weren't needed, and maybe 80 servers would have sufficed as a number of them weren't all that heavily populated to start with. However, that's still considerably more than what we have now. Even now, some of the servers feel a bit dead to where they were a year ago at this time. In my opinion it's only going to be a matter of time till they are dead, but it won't be in the next few months as the OP claims.


While I don't have EA's / Bioware's financial reports, I'd be willing to bet my last dollar it's the Cartel Market that's keeping this game afloat, and not the subscription numbers. In regards to subscription numbers falling, maybe a little, but at this point I don't see it dropping that much, because now I feel that it's just the die hard fan boys that are really left. They'll eat what ever pile of crap you put in front of them, like it, and ask for seconds. After screwing over people by removing certain companion gear to no longer be usable, you just pissed off some of the Cartel Market population too, and if they are as I suspect the bread and butter of the game, that's a really stupid move. There are a number of other "dumb" moves in my opinion that came along with this patch, but there are better threads to discuss those in than this one. So for the short sighted fan boys who are like "lulz leave we don't want you here" just be careful what you ask for. Because once all these people leave, there won't be anyone left to purchase the cartel market items for. The hardcore people will have everything they want already, and the more casual people who buy CM stuff from the GM won't be around to buy them, slowing down the CM sales, until the game slowly but surely falls apart.


^ Blind doom and gloomer who always things the game is ending whenever BW releases new content.


See you aint the only SoB who can do that.

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Sure you can. Pay for this month do chapters 1-9 and quit. Come back at the end of this expansion, pay for a month and do the rest. I guess that's 2 months sub, but you can also choose to wait until all chapters are released, sub for one month, and do it all then.

Well, you're right.... you could even wait a few years and then do all the potential expansions... or watch othes play them on youTube. But that's not the point. It's about the options you have now.


Don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike either variant, I just highlighted the new business model.

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The hardcore people will have everything they want already, and the more casual people who buy CM stuff from the GM won't be around to buy them, slowing down the CM sales, until the game slowly but surely falls apart.




Life will go on.

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^ Blind doom and gloomer who always things the game is ending whenever BW releases new content.


See you aint the only SoB who can do that.


Ya except for that undeniable fact that the game has been dwindling since release, so unlike this "Doom & Gloomer" bs, this actually has a basis. The game in 2012, had around 1.7 / 1.8 million subs and over 100 servers in NA alone, as of last verifiable info I could find, that number is under half a million subs, and less than a handful of servers currently which are less and less populated every day. The saving grace is that the F2P model brought in new blood, who spent money on the cartel market, when the game was at it's lowest. So as I said earlier, in my previous post, the game's life line is the cartel market. Pissing off the remaining players who are not clueless fanboys is only going to hurt the game in the long run, and there are a lot of things that people are complaining about with the new patch. I'm not saying this game will die tomorrow or anything like that, but it's definitely on it's way there, as it has been for a while. The cartel market can only do so much too, as eventually most people will have gotten what they want out of it, and a different color crystal, dye color, a new emote or pet isn't going to be enough to justify spending money on it. Yea the hardcore must have everything crowd will spend and spend, but that won't be enough in the long run. There's a reason why there's a strong push to get people to subscribe again (or for the first time even). With perk after perk to get people to sign on, because Bioware knows that CM while saving them before can't maintain that type of revenue forever.


All your BS statement did is say oh the game still exists thus everything is fine through my rose colored :rak_03:

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I have a feeling this was a last chance at a money grab by them to make people subscribe to view the new content knowing it was one of the worst content patches to date.


Well then they totally failed because this new content costs you a whole NOTHING! You don't have to spend a single penny upon it. So yeah, total money grab right there...

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Well then they totally failed because this new content costs you a whole NOTHING! You don't have to spend a single penny upon it. So yeah, total money grab right there...


Actually you and some others fail to realize that the new content does cost something. It costs a subscription in order to get it so yes you have to pay to get it.

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Well then they totally failed because this new content costs you a whole NOTHING! You don't have to spend a single penny upon it. So yeah, total money grab right there...


I don't want to get in this argument, but paying a sub makes it not free. Those who would sub anyway feel like they got it free, but remember that not everyone subs. So anyone who subbed specifically for the expansion content is paying $15 for it. And then they floated rewards to encourage those who weren't subbed to sub for 3 months leading up to the expansion as well.

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Well then they totally failed because this new content costs you a whole NOTHING! You don't have to spend a single penny upon it. So yeah, total money grab right there...


lol forgetting the cartel adds etc... lol campanions gone noclue if they are coming back.. some new ones hidden behind pvp walls lol... yep sounds great...

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Actually you and some others fail to realize that the new content does cost something. It costs a subscription in order to get it so yes you have to pay to get it.

WRONG that $15 a month is for access to the Benefits subs get the Expansion is FREE.

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lol forgetting the cartel adds etc... lol campanions gone noclue if they are coming back.. some new ones hidden behind pvp walls lol... yep sounds great...


Yeah, I forgot they send a rep to twist your arm into buying them right? Matter of fact I have been a sub since launch and I think I have bought maybe 3 items off the cartel (last time I checked I am sitting upon thousands of coins....). Again, you didn't have to spend a penny for this expansion. You choice to send money upon extras which has no bearing upon the new content at all.


So, yep sound great!

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WRONG that $15 a month is for access to the Benefits subs get the Expansion is FREE.


Seeing as you can access the game without paying a sub, you are extremely incorrect.


Edit: I misread your post. But it is still not free. If it were free, you would get it without paying. So everyone would get it, but that isn't the case.

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WRONG that $15 a month is for access to the GAME ITSELF the Expansion is FREE.


That kinda gets into a debate over PoV. If you sub anyway the yes it's free sorta. But if the only reason you sub is to get the expansion then no it's not really free, again sorta.

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