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Class Quest missing since 4.0


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Server: The Harbinger

Character: Yutke

Class: Sith Marauder

Ticket: 21458760

Issue: I do not have any class missions in my mission log.



Issue has now been fixed by customer service representative Stephen. Thank you very much. A great result I can now continue my journey!

Edited by Yedidah
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This is exactly what just happened to me.


Server: Harbinger

Character: Skogol

Class:Bounty Hunter/Powertech

Ticket Number: 21814511

Problem: Upon completion of chapter one, I did not receive a prompt to start chapter two and I do not have any class missions in my mission log.


Worst part is this is the last story I need for legendary status... :(


Another one with this... :/


Server: The Red Eclipse

Character: V'ull

Class: Bounty Hunter / Powertech

Ticket Number: 21803919

Problem: Completed last quest of chapter 1 (prematurely, I didn't get to talk to the Huntmaster how it's supposed to be, ended after talk to Crysta Markon), picked the reward but didn't give me the quest to start chapter 2 and now I don't have any class quest in the mission log.

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Post patch this still has not been fixed or addressed.


Ticket submitted on 11/24/2015

Server: Harbinger

Character: Skogol

Class:Bounty Hunter/Powertech

Ticket Number: 21814511

Problem: Upon completion of chapter one, I did not receive a prompt to start chapter two and I do not have any class missions in my mission log.


There's no reason why CS can't at least contact us and let us know that this problem is being looked into, even if there is no fix.

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Server: The Red Eclipse

Character: Xassyx

Class: Bounty hunter / mercenary

Ticket: 21811153

Issue: after killing jedi master jarro and my rival tarro blood i return to dromund kaas talk to my contact crysta telling me to go see the huntmaster conversation ends and no class quest remains or updates now i'm stuck not being able to finish my story line

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Patch today still has not fixed the issue, my original ticket was submitted on 11-8-2015, and I've been updating it every few days and still have not heard a reply from customer service. I can't believe a game breaking bug like this is just being ignored like it is, I honestly feel like BioWare at this point doesn't care at all about their customers
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Patch today still has not fixed the issue, my original ticket was submitted on 11-8-2015, and I've been updating it every few days and still have not heard a reply from customer service. I can't believe a game breaking bug like this is just being ignored like it is, I honestly feel like BioWare at this point doesn't care at all about their customers


fully agree especially when subscribers are the ones getting the special ingame customer support uhu we can ask for help but getting it seems to be a year by year plan ^^

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My Bounty Hunter also lost his class missions. I turned in the final quest of Chapter 1, got the achievement for completing chapter 1, then my class quest disappeared entirely. I have a ticket open with no response.


Character name: Hvitrulfr

Server: Prophecy of the Five


It's really disheartening that so many people are having this issue and we've barely heard a peep out of Bioware. A simple "We're aware, and we're working on it" would be nice.

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Patch today still has not fixed the issue, my original ticket was submitted on 11-8-2015, and I've been updating it every few days and still have not heard a reply from customer service. I can't believe a game breaking bug like this is just being ignored like it is, I honestly feel like BioWare at this point doesn't care at all about their customers

They're likely overwhelmed with people whining and crying over every little thing. I do not envy customer support teams. I guarantee that at least 90% of the tickets they receive are utterly pointless whinefests. Which, of course, makes it hard to find the tickets that actually need to be addressed or problems that really need direct intervention or support.


And no, whoever it was that is suggesting that subscribers get preferential treatment. Everyone is having long wait times for their tickets.

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Character name: Perago

Server: The Ebon Hawk

Ticket #: 21841397

Opened 11/26/2015

Level 39

Status: Open


I don't remember what my last mission was, but I know this.


When I load into the game, my splash screen says:


"Ch 2


War breaks out between the Empire and the Republic...


Lord Perago travels to Taris in search of a powerful Sith apparition to bind and discovers...


Having manipulated the Padawan, Lord Perago ventures into the ruined Jedi Enclave to bind the apparation..."

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Character: Clownballoon

Server: Jedi Covenant

Ticket #: 21867262

Opened: 11/27/15

Level: 41

Status: Open


I don't recall the name of the last class quest, but as soon as I finished it i didn't get another and haven't seen one since. The last one I did was on Alderaan (Sith Warrior) where you have to destroy the four field generators to kill king somebody or other.

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A member of a guild I'm in has had a similar issue. He was in a class mission on Alderaan and after finishing it, nothing updated. He attempts to reset the mission, logged in and out, logged out for an extended period, has done afew flashpoints and so on, however none of this has brought his mission back and now his Sith Sorcoror is stuck with only a mission for Khem Val, but it's a side mission and there are currently NO class missions for him anymore.


He can't submit a ticket because he isn't a sub, but I think that's pretty bad considering you'd WANT people to come back by attempting to get their problems sorted. It's basic Customer Service to want to HELP potential customers so that they will WANT to return and spend money on your product.

Edited by thegrognard
A few things to add.
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The team is looking into this issue!


What is your Character and Server? Which Mission are you supposed to have, but don't? Alternatively, what was the last Class Arc Mission you completed?




- Xhuljeta, IA operative, lvl 37 (thanks to doing heroics while waiting for a response to my ticket - so far in vain), on Red Eclipse

- The Cult of Ki Sazen: Speak to Doctor Lokin (as in, return to him after meeting the Nikto followers) => I can do the conversation even though he doesn´t have a mission giver triangle thingie hovering, but it doesn´t give credit and progress the story. Instead it has a fresh new graphics bug to keep it interesting.

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Character name: Petra'hale

Class: Bounty Hunter (Powertech)

Server: Jedi Covenant

Ticket #: unknown, since my "?" section in game will only say "Updating..." as of today, 11/29/15

Opened 11/25/2015

Status: Open

Last Mission Completed:

The last Class Arc Mission I completed was "Hail the Conquering Hero," closing out Chapter 1. Everything works fine until I finish speaking with Crysta at the Mandalorian Enclave. The conversation with her is fine but after she tells me to speak with the Huntmaster both she and the quest disappear. I received the reward for completing the quest without ever having spoken to the Huntmaster. There were no other characters in the instance so there was no one to talk to, and as such all story progress for my character was halted indefinitely. :mad:

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Character name: Mallick'Rel

Server: The Shadowlands

Class: Sith Inquisitor (Assassin)

Last quest completed: I completed all my class missions, but I haven't received all my companion conversations with Khem, Ashara and Andronikos. I don't recall what my last conversations I had with all of the except I know I've only had one convo with Ashara.

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Character name: Dazz'rik

Class: Jedi Knight (Jedi Guardian)

Server: The Red Eclipse

Ticket #: 21921632

Opened 11/30/2015

Status: Open

Last Mission Completed:

The last mission I completed was the last Class mission for the Jedi Knight, however none of my companions have unlocked speaking to me at all, nor the relationship with Kira. I have in my mission log: [DNT] Rusk Conversation Cooldown, [DNT] T7-01 Conversation Cooldown, [DNT] Lord Scourage Conversation Cooldown. There has been no conversation with Kira anymore, however after our trip to Nar Shaddar.


I'd like to start Knights expansion, but I won't until I've completed my companion missions so I'm focusing on collecting HK-51 parts.

Edited by thegrognard
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The team is looking into this issue!


What is your Character and Server? Which Mission are you supposed to have, but don't? Alternatively, what was the last Class Arc Mission you completed?




You wrote that on 10/27. It's now December 3rd and this issue is still happening. At the least you could give an update or reassurance that this will be addressed.

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Character name: Vénjanss

Class: SIth Warrior (Sith Juggernaut)

Server: Jedi Covenant

Ticket #: 21977249

Date: 12/02/2015

Status: Open

Quest: completed "Declaration of War" on Quesh, talked to crew on ship, traveled to Belsavis. Talked to The Hand.. Landed on planet. Talked to a captain and a colonel, killed the colonel. Got disconnected while away from keyboard. When I got back in a mission I didn't note the name of said it was completed, which made no sense, And now my character has no class quests.

Edited by RameiArashi
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Character name: Petra'hale

Class: Bounty Hunter (Powertech)

Server: Jedi Covenant

Ticket #: unknown, since my "?" section in game will only say "Updating..." as of today, 11/29/15

Opened 11/25/2015

Status: Open

Last Mission Completed:

The last Class Arc Mission I completed was "Hail the Conquering Hero," closing out Chapter 1. Everything works fine until I finish speaking with Crysta at the Mandalorian Enclave. The conversation with her is fine but after she tells me to speak with the Huntmaster both she and the quest disappear. I received the reward for completing the quest without ever having spoken to the Huntmaster. There were no other characters in the instance so there was no one to talk to, and as such all story progress for my character was halted indefinitely. :mad:


Has this been fixed yet?

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