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Can't Abandon Quests?


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So I had the following customer service thread open before I found this fourm:


CLOSED 03/30/12

To whomever it may concern: I can't abandon quests that I no longer need/can complete. Your company is forcing me to waste my time by completing or ignoring these. Please fix this.


To which I got:


Dear Travis,


I have received your transmission.


Thank you for contacting us regarding the old quest that you can't abandon.

Your report has been forwarded to the relevant department, who will investigate further. We regret that we will be unable to provide further updates on this issue, but recommend checking any future patch notes for up to date information.




Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service


This, hopefully understandably, made me irate; no apology, no advice, no help.


LOCKED 03/30/12


You closed my old ticket regarding the quest I couldn't abandon without answering my question or giving me any guidance on how to help me. You have, completely and utterly, failed to provide any customer service whatsoever. If this is the kind of customer service I can expect, please repeat the performance on this ticket so I can cancel my subscription and inform my friends about how atrocious the customer service on this otherwise fantastic game was, thereby making it a waste of time and money.


Took about 5 minutes; 'Timothy' locked it and with no reply.


So, as promised:




I am no fool; considering how little they seemed to care about our problem, as shown in these 11 pages, I doubt they care about this event either....but that doesn't mean I have to suffer it.


Good luck folks. Hopefully they come to their senses and help you.

Edited by -Sacrilage-
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So I had the following customer service thread open before I found this fourm:




To which I got:




This, hopefully understandably, made me irate; no apology, no advice, no help.




Took about 5 minutes; 'Timothy' locked it and with no reply.


So, as promised:




I am no fool; considering how little they seemed to care about our problem, as shown in these 11 pages, I doubt they care about this event either....but that doesn't mean I have to suffer it.


Good luck folks. Hopefully they come to their senses and help you.



So this is how SWTOR dies, with thunderous applause. Seriously, someone needs to tell management that they are hiring idiots to support their game.


Nice one customer service. Sadly, I'm feeling the same way.



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its because those quests are vital for the storyline


Maybe some people don't care about the story and just want to PVP or OPS. Maybe they are rolling their 6th toon and decided the didn't want to kill another pack of womp rats.


Who cares why they can't be abandoned. We're paying for the service. Let us run our characters the way we want. There is no good reason why we're forced to keep old quests that we DO NOT want to do.



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So I finally got a response; seems that cancelling your account will gets someones attention. They reopened my ticket, and gave me the following:


Thank your for bringing this to our attention.


I checked your previous ticket and can confirm that this is a known issue. Normally these issues can only be resolved by a future patch, but if you can confirm with us that it is a Class Story Quest that is being problematic then please provide us with the following information:


Mission Name:

Is it Class Quest Yes/No:

Affected Character Name:

Server Name:

Character Level:

Character Class:


Once we have this information we will be in a better position to service you further at this time.


Thank you for your patience and understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you require further assistance with this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


Sincerely, Stephen


Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is some assistance! (or at least an attempt, which is all that matters to be honest).




When I saw the previous thread was locked, I followed through on my promise to cancel my account, so I was not expecting a reply.


[i spent 4 hours last night completing the quest since it couldn't be dropped; it was the entire quest line for Moff Dracen on Quesh about the Three Families, a level 37 quest I had to do at level 50.]


Thank you for your help Stephen.




PS. There are a lot of angry, confused people on the forums right now who do not understand if anything is being done about this problem, or even if anyone is listening to them. I don't want to tell you how to run your house....but maybe someone can talk to them, help them out? They are, after all, loyal paying customer who, like me, just want to love the game. Food for thought.


For now, I am happy(er). It only took canceling my subscription....but I finally got some real answer and a genuine attempt to assist. That's all I needed, really.


Good luck all.

Edited by -Sacrilage-
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It would be nice if this were addressed in 1.2. Every alt I roll I have to decide: Do I start the planet quest chain on this planet, knowing if I don't feel like completing it, it'll be stuck in my quest chain forever.


Taris has a great planet story quest, but it's long. Really long. Quesh has an ok planet story, but it's easily skipped by doing some pvp for the xp... Etc. Etc. Etc.


And that doesn't even mention the quests that are broken, and should be abandon-able, but aren't (like bonus quests you don't finish, and cannot go back to in instanced areas).


I might suggest one way of implementing this "fix", however: If any quest (aside from your class quest) is grey, then it can be abandoned. At that point, it's just worthless from a reward standpoint. At green, you might go back to it, but at grey...who would bother.


I know BW really loves us to experience the story, but forcing us to complete quest, solely because they are taking up slots in our limited quest log is not the right answer.

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I decided to run some of these grayed out quests that could not be abandoned. Turns out, the Quesh quest helped explain something that didnt make sense in later quests on Voss.


If you enjoy the storyline, I recommend you just run them even if they are gray. If all you care about is power leveling as fast as you can.. Well, you are missing out.

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I decided to run some of these grayed out quests that could not be abandoned. Turns out, the Quesh quest helped explain something that didnt make sense in later quests on Voss.


If you enjoy the storyline, I recommend you just run them even if they are gray. If all you care about is power leveling as fast as you can.. Well, you are missing out.


A valid point, but only if it is your first character. I don't want to listen to 3 hutts argue 3 times.

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Has there been any official response on a fix incoming soon?


I have 8 quests now that I cannot abandon (not class quests). I've been leveling up pvp mostly as this will be my 6th level 50. I have no desire to do the non class quests.


It would be really helpful if there were some kind of time frame in which we can expect a fix. It gives us hope, which is a very good thing :)

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I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


Seeing as the main quest this bonus is related to is completed and cannot be returned too it's just there indefinitely. Good thing we can untrack them so we don't have to see them on the active quest list.


I ran into the same problem with my Jedi Knight on Nar Shadaa when you had to raid the Imperial Lab. The Bonus is "Imperial Lab Raid", but I didn't realize I hadn't finished it until an hour after finishing the Main Quest it was a part of.


Sent a ticket and everything but never got a response.

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field trip mission bugged for me ...the second location no matter where i stand says i am close enough ...the are could be on the cliff or under it but have tried in a many many places above and below and it never works ....the other three i got no problem ...i have reset the mission i have restarted the game and i have restarted my computer as if that should have anything to do with it ...i can not abandon cause i guess you can not abandon the planets main story line ...i reported it and it was closed and got zero help ...not even a response pertaining to the issue
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Greetings everyone,


Patch 1.2 will be addressing a variety of different bugs that have been reported by players. If you are interested in seeing if your particular issue is being fixed, you can go check out the 1.2 Patch Notes and the 4/06 Patch Notes Update. Please keep in mind that Patch Notes are subject to change and may not include every item that is being addressed.


We thank the community for helping us target these issues by using the In Game Customer Service Portal to report any bugs you have encountered!


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Greetings everyone,


Patch 1.2 will be addressing a variety of different bugs that have been reported by players. If you are interested in seeing if your particular issue is being fixed, you can go check out the 1.2 Patch Notes and the 4/06 Patch Notes Update. Please keep in mind that Patch Notes are subject to change and may not include every item that is being addressed.


We thank the community for helping us target these issues by using the In Game Customer Service Portal to report any bugs you have encountered!



As far as I've read, nothing in the patch notes addresses a player's ability to abandon a quest chain that's in progress (these are the types of quests that fill up our quest log, and we are incapable of abandoning). I would not call this a bug, per se. I would call this a new feature.


Once again, the feature request is the ability to abandon ANY quest...(if need be, maybe not until it is grey), even if it is part of a chain of quests, so long as it is not our class quest.

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Hello and congratz on 1.2 BW. Sadly, the quest 'Stay frosty' still stays in my questlog, unabandonable and the content says 'undefined'. Please address this issue as it should've been fixed on 1.2 release.


Yeah, not just you. Its still clogging up my quest list as well, despite being explicitly flagged as fixed in the patch notes.

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