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Can't Abandon Quests?


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I am very surprised this hasn't been fixed yet. Several months in and nothing. I talk to tech support a month ago and they said they would manually delete my quests based off the names I gave them.... nothing.



I put in a ticket today and I am told to just go complete them....



I understand bugs can be hard to fix... but what is going on with this? This should have been a top priority.... why should I play a game and pay money for it when there is an issue that forces me to spend more time doing what i don't want to do. I have a bud who can only have 5 quests at one time due to all the grayed out quests.... he quit playing... for that and other issues.


I really want to continue and I understand there are many bugs at the launch of a game.... but it sounds like nothing is being done to work on this issue... not when I'm told by tech support... "if you are unable to abandon a mission, in most cases the simplest way to free up space in your mission log is to return to the planets and complete these missions."

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Incorrect. The missions that I have which cannot be abandoned are inconsequential to the class storyline. So there really is no reason why a player shouldn't be able to abandon them (for instance, some of them are the "Bonus" missions for Darth Lachris on Balmorra).


This. Usually it's a bonus quest, but not always.


"if you are unable to abandon a mission, in most cases the simplest way to free up space in your mission log is to return to the planets and complete these missions."


Except, you know, when the mission takes place in a phased area now locked out.


Being on the same planet doesn't help. Hell, I'm standing next to the questgiver, and it'll let me reset the mission back to the beginning, but not abandon it. (Why the freak would any mission not on the class storyline EVER be marked as "cannot abandon, player is doomed to do this mission or else"? Let alone the bonus ones.)

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I actually started a thread earlier about this but it didn't catch for some reason. I assumed it was an issue that only effected me and a few others. I'm glad to see a decent size thread about it. It's extremely annoying.


Obviously we cannot abandon class quests. This isnt' about that.


The issue is Planet storyline quests that REQUIRE completion and hours of your time if you want to get them out of our restricted (25 max I believe) log space.


At least make the quest markers for these a diferent color... would it really be that hard to do? That way we can avoid logging them if we are about to leave said planet.

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I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


Seeing as the main quest this bonus is related to is completed and cannot be returned too it's just there indefinitely. Good thing we can untrack them so we don't have to see them on the active quest list.


I had this one in my previous trooper on another server.


Thankfully, when I rerolled a new trooper on a more populated server, I just finished that mission on that ship, didn't win the bonus, but the quest properly removed from my log when the mission finished.


So, the good news is, they fixed it. The bad news is, the remnants of the broken triggers still exist on our mission log, until they clear it.



On another note, I always avoid the Fowler missions on Tatooine for the Republic side now because they also can't be abandoned once you start down the road with him. You never get a chance to refuse any further quest, and it just drags you all over Tatooine to fix it.


Just run past the little droid in the entrance way of the Anchorhead spaceport, if you've already done them and don't want to complete them all again.

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This happened to me in the past with my commando. What I ended up doing was finding someone else who was doing that same mission, grouping with him and then going into that closed off area and finishing off the mission. Otherwise, I couldn't get back into the area because it was a bonus mission.


You can even do it with your class quests (as long as you find someone else doing the class quest).


I put in a ticket and they promptly closed it, which is the crappiest customer service you can give. And I'm someone who loves this game, but that was pretty much the lowest of the low (and that's coming from a happy customer).

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Yes. Complete them.


On a serious note, it's annoying and there's no other way to get rid of them other than above.


Some of them you actually can't complete. I've had bonus quests for class missions I've completed stay indefinitely with no way to get rid of them. If you're a trooper you better "Stay Frosty".


I also hate how you can't abandon the beginning Alderaan world quest chain. And there is no option in the starter conversation to turn down the quest.

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its because those quests are vital for the storyline


Then they should de-bug them.


I have 4 missions that I couldn't complete (2 on Voss, 2 on Corellia) that I couldn't complete due to bugs. I reset them and still nada. I can't abandon them, and obviously they aren't crucial to my storyline since I finished my class (although as a BH, my loading screen still says Act 3 after finishing my class quest) and I am a level 50 already.


I can't delete or abandon them, and CSR's do nothing about it. Just closed tickets.

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Some of them you actually can't complete. I've had bonus quests for class missions I've completed stay indefinitely with no way to get rid of them. If you're a trooper you better "Stay Frossty".


Good to know I am not the only one that couldn't get credit for this quest. On my Trooper I killed everthing in the instance, found all the traps, and still it didn't clear. I moved on and now can't go back nor delete.

Edited by Urael
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I have a Hoth quest I cannot complete or abandon.

I aready have completed it. The game wont let me complete it again, but won't let me abandon it either


People should stop trolling and saying 'just complete it if you cant abandon it' Dont you think something so simple will have already been done.

This is a thread on bugs! If there was a work around or it wasnt a bug such as a 'story' quest it would have done.


What people have done though is drive this thread to an inconsequential thread that the devs wont even bother with now.

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On another thread someone started Artthen(BW community representative) immediately closed and directed them to this thread.


So they obviously know this problem exists and still fail to do anything about it. I currently have 13 quests that i cannot abandon. Telling me to go back and do the quests to get them out of my quest log is not only a cop out, but a poor customer relations decision.


BW Lead Dev: Hey Jim what did you have planned for today?


Jim(junior dev): I noticed some quests couldn't be abandoned and i figured i'd take a couple hours to copy that line of code onto the other quests.


BW Lead Dev: Why?


Jim: If players aren't able to abandon quests then their logs will fill up and they won't be able to pick up any more.


BW Lead Dev: Their logs won't fill up if they finish the quests...


Jim: You really expect everyone to do every quest they're given?


BW Lead Dev: Yes...


Jim: So what about the people who out level their quests and have no desire to do them anymore?


BW Lead Dev: Look Jim, you're the junior developer here. We have much more important things to worry about.


Jim: Oh you're talking about fixing the bugs like ability delay, random disconnects to character select screen during warzones, the Eternity vault Soa fight where not all the platforms show up at the beginning of the fight, or people who have been in the WZ queue for a while have to leave queue then requeue again becuase people who queued up after them are getting into warzones before them right?


BW Lead Dev: No...


Jim: Then what important things are you talking about?


BW Lead Dev: All the sweet new shinies for the players with 1.2 bro!!!



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Well I don't feel so bad only having 8-9 quests now. And on every one of them, the only way to finish them would be to go back, and do grey quests for no worthwhile reward for hours on end. This thread was started before launch and the issue is still not fixed.
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On another thread someone started Artthen(BW community representative) immediately closed and directed them to this thread.


That was mine :). I'll paste it below to add my argument;


As early as December Players reported issues with not being able to abandon quests from their quest logs. My first characters' levelled PvE only so it wasn't too much of an issue because I did all the quests, but the issue was still present. I am now levelling an Operative through PvP and Flashpoints mainly as well as doing my class story quests. My levelling does involve picking up random quests as well but with the PvP and FP's I am out-levelling the quests and planets.


This leaves me practically with a 25/25 quest log all the time and some quest acquisitions that I have to constantly juggle just because some quests cannot be removed. There is no mention of a fix in 1.2 and we are three months into the game. Fix this please.

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Yes. Complete them.


On a serious note, it's annoying and there's no other way to get rid of them other than above.






The thing is most times after you've gone back to complete these quests, soon as you turn them in, they automatically issue you a new quest. So you're still in the same spot.


Bad idea on BioWares part to have it where you can't abandon them.

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I have 14 unabandonable quests atm on my second level 50 character, I had just as many on my first character. On my first character I eventually did most of em to open up space for new quests(it took me several hours, and the quests were all grey). I refuse to do the same boring grey quest grind over again. The argument that these quests are class defining quests are just rubbish, most are silly bonus quests.


I have 2 times written tickets about this, and there has never been a good answer to the topic. "We are aware of it, we appreciate your feedback"...blah blah blah. Last time I spoke to a person in the ticket chat ingame I told him to report this to whoever could have a clue of how to handle the issue. He answered me that he was only a droid, lol. Awsome support!


I actually see this as gamebreaking, and if such a small issue cannot be handled within months of release I seriously start having doubts about this games future.

Edited by Jadamasa
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Ok ... SWTOR Dev Team... This is for you!


Yesterday my son and I went to see if we could "complete" the stay frosty mission. He has a 50 Trooper with the unabandonable quest... I had a 25 trooper with a undone quest on Travis ship.


I also have a 25 trooper with an unfinished unabandonable stay frosty ... we tried doing it with both toons and the 50 ....


On the toon with the quest unfinished we completed it and when I turned in the Travus Quest on my ship... Viola ... got the bonus and "Stay Frosty" was gone... Heres the problem


The turn in happens on the ship... so.... You cant take a friend so he gets the quest... It says you can re-set after 2 minutes... That is a lie.


One of several things need to happen regarding this quest... Make it a stand alone so it can be done and finished in the instance..... Drop the quest all together ... it dosent giv that much xp and or best shoice.... make it abandonable or make it go away like many others if it dosent get done by turn in.


In any case... Please solve this issue.



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I have a Bonus quest that i killed 24/25 mobs, there was not another mob in the area or maybe i didn't get credit for one of them IDK.l but I completed the main quest which was behind a story door ( green Door) and now that door is red. I have reported this issue and bioware said they are aware of the issue and are working on a way to abandon them all.
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