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Can't Abandon Quests?


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I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


I have to say, if I got that, I would keep it, and share it with all my mates and hopefully bug for them too.



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I have collected enough of the unabandonable missions now to where I have little to no room in my quest log for anything else. I have over 14 missions that I cannot abandon, and can only collect 25 quests in my quest log at a time.


I'm currently level 40. Do I really have to go back to each planet to do these practically unrewarding quests just to clear out my quest log?


I reported this 3 times now on the 22nd, 27th, and now the 31st. All the tickets are closed, and obviously multiple people are having the same issue. Please fix this...

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Ok so I took the time to do one of the unabandonable quests on Tatooine called The Last One Out. Even with driving around on my 100% speed increased speeder I spent 30 minutes on this quest, going from point A to point B, back to point A, to point C, ect.


I finally finish the quest to get 5 xp and 800 creds... Woohoo! And to top it off it automatically gives me ANOTHER UNABANDONABLE QUEST!


This really pisses me off...

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Ok so now I completed the 2nd quest called Field Trip which gave me a 3rd quest that was automatic, however the 3rd quest says its abandonable, but when I click the button it doesnt abandon!!! That makes no sense! So the abandon button is bugged out on the 3rd quest called The Thing Czerka Found


So I just spend over an hour on these unrewarding quests... and now I have to do part 3...

Edited by chriscshunter
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I don't know why everyone is freaking out about this, but the quests you can't abandon are the planet story quests or are pertinent to the planet story. This was extremely obvious to me after Taris (Republic), and I don't see why so many of you are clueless.


*Unless*, you're talking about a bug that doesn't let you abandon random quests, then that's a different story, but right now it just seems like people aren't even aware that there's a planet arc to go along with your character story arc.


EDIT: Case and point the above poster: "The Thing Czerka Found" is the planet arc for Tatooine. Bioware wants you to do that story line to actually understand what's going on on the planet and to have a compelling story beside just your character story.

Edited by Santaner
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EDIT: Case and point the above poster: "The Thing Czerka Found" is the planet arc for Tatooine. Bioware wants you to do that story line to actually understand what's going on on the planet and to have a compelling story beside just your character story.


If I can pick up the quest, then I should be able to cancel it. If its that important then it should be flagged as a class quest so I can know to do it. Now because of it, I have to spend hours doing old quests with no reward, just to clear out the quest log.


I don't care whats done, just so long as something is done.

Edited by chriscshunter
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I don't know why everyone is freaking out about this, but the quests you can't abandon are the planet story quests or are pertinent to the planet story. This was extremely obvious to me after Taris (Republic), and I don't see why so many of you are clueless.


*Unless*, you're talking about a bug that doesn't let you abandon random quests, then that's a different story, but right now it just seems like people aren't even aware that there's a planet arc to go along with your character story arc.


EDIT: Case and point the above poster: "The Thing Czerka Found" is the planet arc for Tatooine. Bioware wants you to do that story line to actually understand what's going on on the planet and to have a compelling story beside just your character story.


It's still a stupid feature. Not everyone plays the game to do EVERY storyline.

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You don't have to do ALL of them - just the ones that, if you don't do them, would cause plot holes and complication further along


Look people, this is a bug reporting topic. Stop trying to defend against something you have no clue what your talking about. Obviously its not causing plot holes if I can skip something from 30 lvls ago and then I'm forced to go back to it. If its not a class quest, then it should be abandonable. If I can accept the quest I should be able to cancel it too. This is a bug!

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I have a grey bonus quest from a one time only trooper instance taking place on a ship out in the middle of space that cannot be abaddoned. The quest objective is to "Stay Frosty".


Seeing as the main quest this bonus is related to is completed and cannot be returned too it's just there indefinitely. Good thing we can untrack them so we don't have to see them on the active quest list.


I have the same exact problem with Stay Frosty since I blew it.


Not my only UN-abandonable quest. I have one on tatooine that is a side quest.

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I found that its usually quests that you pickup at the space stations before you go to the planet. At the end of the conversation you are even given a choice to "[Refuse Quest]", however once you accept the quest you cannot abandon it. This is extremely annoying, and is yet to be addressed. Hopefully they get the next patch out this week with this involved.
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I'm 39 now, and have 2 un-abandonable quests that I'd love to abandon (and I'm not going to back to do them).


They are both bonus series quests (the main one, not the sub ones). From Balmorra and Tattoine (I believe the 2nd is Tat).


Every other gray quest I've been able to abandon, but not these 2. I tried the reset option, hoping that would do something, but it didn't seem to do anything (except remove the reset option as clickable).

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Well - I found 2 that I couldn't abandon - one was an area quest - I'd killed 17 out of 18 - went back, killed the last one - that was it


Can't work out why that had to be completed


The other one was "paladins" on alderaan - and that had the end of the story arc attached to it.


Quickly did them - end of problem.

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Certainly the quests I can't abandon have no bearing on the planet storylines. These are bonus quests from inside insianced areas - kill X of Y - that you get automatically by killing the first of that type of mob.

What is 'supposed' to happen is when you finish that quest it auto completes or abandons the bonus quest. This isn't happening in some cases and the quest can't be completed because the instanced area is locked (red) due to me completing the questline in there.





Got quests in log that cannot be abandoned or completed = Bug.

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Beside the main storyline quests (aka class quests) there are other quests, that are actually a quest chain and not single isolated quests.


Upon finishing one of the quests in such a chain you will get the next step automatically (without the need to pick it up somewhere). You can only get a follow-up quest by finishing its predecessor quest. If you would abandon such a follow up quest you would never be able to pick it up again. (As you already finished its predecessor and the predecessor is not repeatable).


Therefore you cannot abandon them to make sure no quest chain will get broken.

There are 3 sorts of quest chains that I currently know of: Class Quests, Planet Storyline Quests, and Planet Bonus Series Quests.

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I can, and have, abandoned quests. Must be a bug that affects some players/quests and not others?


That is indeed the case. I had one on Balmorra I couldn't abandon the one from Darth Lacheris (or whatever her name is), I had to complete it for it to go away.

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I'll add myself to the list of people who's game play is impacted by this immersion breaking bug. It seems the only way to remove them is to complete them.


I love this. People know immersion is important to Bioware, so the claim that it is ruined with the tiniest thing to make it seem far more impotant than it is. I work in a company that runs on SLA's and KPI's and if any of your customers find out what your policies or key terms are, they will use them for every isssue, regardless of if they apply or not. Nice to see it is unversal.

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