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One step forward two steps back x(


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I get all excited about the future of Swtor only to realize the end is near with each each of the recent and upcoming changes unlike changes they made in past that actually improved Swtor and put it on right track awhile back. I notice a lot of people have left and I feel it's because bioware has continued to do with Swtor what they did with both mass effect and dragon age franchises and slowly stripped away a lot of the RPG aspects and meaningful content that fans of the genre expect and that helped make Swtor an RPG. Recently it has looked like bioware is trying to turn Swtor into something more simple, casual, and more on the action side then the RPG side that's for sure.


If you remember they did same with both RPG of the year mass effect and dragon age origins where they started off with these great true RPGs but with each sequel they stripped away a lot of the RPG aspects and started to develop both franchises into something that felt even more simpler, casual, linear, and more on the action side then the first titles were and looked less costly and easier for them to develop as well. Even for example the the upcoming change to companions Swtor where you will no longer be able to outfit your companions with actual and meaningful gear but now only outfits that are purely cosmetic and meaningless happened with the mass effect franchise as well. If you played and remember with Mass effect (RPG of the year that year) you could just like Swtor gear up your companions with meaningful gear like yourself but no longer suddenly could with Mass effect 2 and it became purely cosmetic and pretty much a skin like it will be in Swtor.


They are stripping away a lot of the both big and minor but important aspects to a true RPG that help keep players more involved, immersed, and allows different experiences for everyone with RPGs and essentially what makes and sets the RPG genre apart from other genres and helps make the RPG experience more meaningful and fun unlike other simpler easier to play genres where fun is all that you can expect. Some of these aspects are why it might take someone hours instead of minutes with certain aspects and content of an RPG and helps give RPGs a lot of replay value.


When it come to RPGs more is always better not less and people like to have choices with every approach.People like to being able to do more in RPGs not less and for example each class,race,crafting skill is not suppose to be the same and flavorless so to speak but interesting and more true to what it is or the lore as that helps separate each craft, class, race, and etc from one another while adding to the immersion people expect to find and get with RPGs as well. Anything from a race, to craft skill, class, or etc is suppose to be interesting and different from one another and have their advantages and disadvantages over one another and not be simple, identical, or the same. The way the things are going next we won't even have an in game inventory or even be able to do something as simple as looting wait they already did that before too more so with mass effect and somewhat with dragon age lol while it didn't start that way with either franchise it sure did lead to it with sequels so wouldn't be surprised if it happened in Swtor. So by looks of things Swtor is turning into one huge PvP mode where the aspects that make up an RPG or the immersion no longer matters and everything is simple and completely the same why bother even have different classes/roles while your at just make everything the same and basically one flavor.


Now think about it why take away alot of what makes an RPG like Swtor special, interesting, and fun in first place and that sets it apart from other games and genres and turn it into just another casual/action game that are a dime a dozen nowadays and doesn't require much thought or effort on the players end to play. It looks and sounds like to me that they are trying to make the MMO into something easier and more affordable for them to maintain so that they can sink even more of their effort and creativity into the cash shop then they already do. So if you think about it basically they are trying to make their jobs easier and an MMO that costs even less to maintain. So the players get less for their money but they earn the same or more profits from the cash shop and game now talk about a bad deal on our end.

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Seriously!? You're comparing Single player RPGs to an MMORPG? :confused:


I didnt read his post


but seriously you think this completely soloable game shouldnt be compared to single player games?


90% of the game experience is single player experience

so why would you not compare them?


Your objection makes about as much sense as what people saying the OP wrote

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I didnt read his post


but seriously you think this completely soloable game shouldnt be compared to single player games?


90% of the game experience is single player experience

so why would you not compare them?


Your objection makes about as much sense as what people saying the OP wrote


In a Sp game you're forced to solo everything in this game it's a choice to go solo. Despite what some people like to claim it isn't impossible to get groups for things. While I was leveling my Guardian I ran almost all of Taris with the same group.

Edited by Anaesha
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In a Sp game you're forced to solo everything in this game it's a choice to go solo. Despite what some people like to claim it isn't impossible to get groups for things. While I was leveling my Guardian I ran almost all of Taris with the same group.


who cares if it is or inst impossible to get groups.


Outside of Ops and Warzones you DO NOT HAVE TO GROUP!


Everything can be soloed and in 4.0 you can add flashpoints to the soloable list


This game is very much a single player experience so again I say


Why wouldn't you compare it to a single player game?


I know I have been soloing EVERYTHING expect Long Shots/AC in Section X for over a year now


Yavin/Rishi (solo except Rishi flashpoints/ops and Yavin ops/walker boss)

Oricon, solo but ops

CZ, solo (including FPs)

Makeb Solo (except for big droid fight in its own instance)

everything below that, all soloed


4.0 is completely soloable

Ziost is soloable except for big world boss fight in its own instance and the other world boss near it in playable world


So tell me, what is all this group content you think there is (outside of ops, Some flashpoints, and some world bosses)


Cause I been here since day 1 and certainly not seen it

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I don't care if I ever beat the game, make "friends", or hit max level. As long as this game provides a storyline structure that is interesting and an open world I am free to explore at my leisure- I am a satisfied customer. I like to have the option to group up if I want to but don't want to be forced to talk to any other player.
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