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I Love you Bioware, and I Love SWTOR


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Since everyone is making all of these rage threads filled with hate and childish complaints, that means i can express myself as well, and i would just like to say Thank You Bioware for making an MMO that is far ahead of the competition even now as it currently stands. (been out for a few days) I have faith that you will continue to work hard on this fantastic game and listen to the very scarce educated feedback and opinions that believe it or not can be found somewhere on these forums.


With that being said, i'm off to play SWTOR.

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No, no, no you are doing it wrong. New threads on this forum are specifically for the following:


1. Bashing the game because it is not enough like WoW

2. Bashing the game because it is exactly like WoW.

3. You don't like the game and/or are unsubbing and somehow think everyone on these forums needs to know it.


But seriously. I like this game a lot as well. And the constent queues seem to suggest that a lot of other people do as well.

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Yeah, i love BW too. But only (constructive) critisism and boatloads of cash will fix and improve this game. (BW has both now)

The ragers love Star Wars, MMOs, and (probably) BW too. Thats why they are so pissed. And impatient. It seems there are SO MANY things this game would have to change/upgrade to be hailed by most people that you have to wonder how BW can pull it off.

I only worry because of the example of Dragon Age 2. Very good looking and shiny but lazy from a nuts and bolts perspective compared to DAO. If they would have dropped the DA moniker and called it something else without previous history it may have been considered better.

Star Wars. Same thing, although there hasnt been a truly AWESOME SW game, people expect more. And though I dont like to critique others' livelihoods, the problems with this game are nuts and bolts laziness (or something).

Its the polish first mentality which hurts.

Point: EVERY Jedi in EVERY screenshot, press release, cinematic all have cool heavy armor with their hood down. Look over in the JK forum, NO ONE has seen these armors and they ALL have hoods up where you can barely see their face ever. No hood toggle.

Yes BW CAN change this. They CAN change it all. We all hope they do.

We just wonder how all this stuff could have "slipped through the cracks".

We all want to be able to say with a straight face that this game is awesome. That is all.

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Filled with hate? Just because someone disagrees, or criticizes something it doesn't mean they are "filled with hate". They are also not "childish complaints" just because they are point out a flaw in the game you like.


See, that paragraph I wrote up there. Do you honestly believe that I "hate" you just from reading that?

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