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slicing is becoming pointless


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Just wait until the crafting changes and some brand new level 15 just finishing their capitol planet can go to the endgame planets and harvest nodes lol.


This 4.0 is a disaster on so many levels I almost can't wait to see these forums once it's live.


I think the new thing where you can slice boxes anywhere and get level relavent rewards is going to help out a lot. You'll have the same problem, just more spread out with a few key areas. The good news is that slicing is nice for missions too.


Uh, no. Please read the changes to gathering again.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Just wait until the crafting changes and some brand new level 15 just finishing their capitol planet can go to the endgame planets and harvest nodes lol.


This 4.0 is a disaster on so many levels I almost can't wait to see these forums once it's live.




Uh, no. Please read the changes again.


Maybe, I must admit that did cross my mind as level-sync should work both ways. However I am sure I read somewhere that items gotten will still be based of the skill level of craft (in this case slicing) so a low level will not get the same as a high level. So as such if and I do say IF it works the way I think it will is should not make a difference because a level 80 (as in level 80 slicing) will get the same amount on Yavin as he/she would on courcant. OK I probably am wrong but that's the impression I took away from the blog on this.

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Maybe, I must admit that did cross my mind as level-sync should work both ways. However I am sure I read somewhere that items gotten will still be based of the skill level of craft (in this case slicing) so a low level will not get the same as a high level. So as such if and I do say IF it works the way I think it will is should not make a difference because a level 80 (as in level 80 slicing) will get the same amount on Yavin as he/she would on courcant. OK I probably am wrong but that's the impression I took away from the blog on this.


XP and quest rewards are level synched. Nodes still give materials appropriate to the level of the node.


Harvesting and Mission Skill Changes

Similarly to the Crafting Skill changes. We have made adjustments to both Harvesting and Mission Skills, including some quality of life changes:

•All unlocked Crew Skill Missions are now fully visible and no longer randomized.

• Crew Skill Mission unlocks have been aligned with the new Grade system from above.

• Crew Skill Missions will now grant slightly more materials than they did previously.

•Harvesting Nodes can now be harvested regardless of your skill level.

• Harvesting Nodes will now grant Skill Increases regardless of the Node or your skill level.

• Harvesting Nodes grant different amounts of materials based on the player’s skill level. Players that are below the skill level of the node will receive fewer materials, and those higher than the node will receive more.

•All Harvesting Nodes now have a chance to grant both sets of materials for their respective Grade.

• Archaeology Crystals now grant Fragments and Crystals in addition to Color Crystals.

•The completion time for Crew Skill Missions has been greatly reduced.


Nothing there about node drops being level synched

Someone with 500 in slicing will get more from a node than someone with 50, but a tier 1 node always drops tier 1 mats, and a tier 8 node always drops tier 8.

Edited by HarleysRule
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Just wait until the crafting changes and some brand new level 15 just finishing their capitol planet can go to the endgame planets and harvest nodes lol.


This 4.0 is a disaster on so many levels I almost can't wait to see these forums once it's live.




Uh, no. Please read the changes to gathering again.


Yeah but higher levels can go to lower levels planets. Like I said, the problem will still be there, but it will be more spread out instead of one major slicing location. What about the changes says I'm wrong in my guess that it will get a bit better?

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Yeah but higher levels can go to lower levels planets. Like I said, the problem will still be there, but it will be more spread out instead of one major slicing location. What about the changes says I'm wrong in my guess that it will get a bit better?


The lower level planets still have the lower level nodes that are NOT level synched

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XP and quest rewards are level synched. Nodes still give materials appropriate to the level of the node.




Nothing there about node drops being level synched

Someone with 500 in slicing will get more from a node than someone with 50, but a tier 1 node always drops tier 1 mats, and a tier 8 node always drops tier 8.


The lower level planets still have the lower level nodes that are NOT level synched


Yes, but slicing rewards lockboxes of credits, not a different material. Now whether it scales to what yavin lock boxes reward remains to be seen.


Edit: Once we see how exactly it scales, then we can determine if it actually is going to help or not. I wonder if lower levels will go to higher planets and get the same grade of mats, just fewer of them in quantity?

Edited by Bobs_YourUncle
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Yes, but slicing rewards lockboxes of credits, not a different material. Now whether it scales to what yavin lock boxes reward remains to be seen.


You would never be able to go back and farm lower level materials with the nodes scaled to your level. What if you want to farm tier 4 nodes at level 60 for a certain tier 4 schematic, or to craft gear for alts? You'd be SOL. It talks about getting more materials if you're higher than the node, so it sounds like they don't synch. I doubt they'd make the effort to make slicing nodes any different than material nodes when it comes to synching, anyway. If you slice a tier 4 node you'll get a tier 4 cash box.


I wonder if lower levels will go to higher planets and get the same grade of mats, just fewer of them in quantity?


It specifically says that's exactly what happens. Get ready for a bunch of level 15s slicing on Yavin.

Edited by HarleysRule
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I don't buy it. We all play this game, and we all visit Yavin. Yes, there are a lot of folks gathering, but if you want slicing boxes, you'll get them. If you want to gather them, you can do so just like everyone else. They respawn far too quickly for anyone to monopolize them (unlike the security chests).


And, don't forget that in a week's time, things are going to look a lot different for gathering nodes. You should be able to do your gathering anywhere you want and have the results be appropriate to your (skill) level whether on Coruscant or Yavin. Perhaps they did not modify the slicing boxes to be this way, but I don't see why they're any more or less special than the other skill nodes.


It's hilarious that you don't buy it, since the general chat in Yavin can become quite flooded with it, right down to "I have to do this to feed my family", so an obvious gold farmer. It's so bad that some of them are obviously bots, and I can tell, they ride up, dismount, and try to gather a node just as it disappears into my inventory. What is that, if it's not a bot? Just unlucky? Poor timing? Happening once or twice, I could buy it, happening consistently? Not so much. I do get my share, and I laugh when I do, sometimes in chat, just to piss off the slicing bots. It's funny, to me, that you don't think this happens, when in game experiences, and the very existence of this thread suggest otherwise.

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on yavin 4 some guilds whos names i wont say are on day and night in every instance farming the boxes it has become impossible to level slicing buy collecting boxes i have had to send companions off


also when i click on one i do find some one comes along and ninjas it as my companion is going to it

or as im fighting i have also gotten allot of abuse from a rusian guild for collecting said boxes with comments like ( this is our area to farm F off ) i blame this inpart to the over inflated GTN prices this is what happed to the security chests


i mean at 2 am gmt there is a gang of 8 people on yavin farming boxes change instance there is another lot from same guild not trying to be a dooshbag about this but this is unfair to the rest of us we all need credits but this is getting stupid in 3 hours of trying to level slicing me and a mate got 4 boxs and they was still trying to grab them from us as we was collecting them with spamming duel challenges and then standing in the mobs we are fighting so we ardently hit them and then they all jump you



It just depends where you are trying to farm at?

I don't give a damn about the Temple ruins area, there a lot more slicing boxes in the Temple training grounds any way.

All you have to do is drive around the block several dozen times and learn the lockboxes pattern.

And if you're farming, too, if someone has a box, go to the next one.

Don't be a sore loser, they can't grab all the boxes at once.

And check the Instances population. If I'm right , if you're doing it at 2 am GMT time, you're right at prime Time for all US zones.

Here's a hint, if I farm, I'm doing it at around 10 p.m. US West Coast time and I'll farm until I get tired of it or when my eyes say time for bed.

I've farmed for as long as 5 hours and made 2 to 3 million.

Just because there's a so-called guild farming Yavin 4 is a poor excuse for giving in to them.

heck, I might even be one of those nice guys. NOT!!!!!

Screw them. get on another instance and another area.

get on your speeder and beat them to the next box and farm on the training grounds not the Ruins.

The training grounds you fight the npcs mobs not the Massassai warrior mobs. LOL

Learn the cycle pattern and just drive around.

Edited by IslanderRebel
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someone said there on the same time i posted and they see people but not from same guild


im on red eclipse server the EU server so maybe thats why as for the sub 40 HP comments not all of us grind our life away getting gear as some DONT do OP'S me and my mate play for fun AT the moment this may change later i also dont pvp i have no pvp gear or anything


also for some of us slicing is the only way to make some cash seeing as the cost to unlock doors in yavin 4 stronghold was made so high so i go to yavin to farm a few boxs a day i dont do it all day i make 12 to 20 round trips then go



the point i was trying to make is in the 12 to 20 round trips im lucky to get 5 boxs due to the insain farming going on im curranty saving some of my credits until i have enough for a rankor mount but with the farmers and botters this is becoming impossible to get anywhere. not to mention the 5+ emals im getting a day from goldsellers no matter how many i report i get a shed tone more next day



as for the whining comments its funny when pve's whine about something in there game they get told to stop QQ but its ok for pvp's to whine when there game is unfair in there opinion..


every one gets there own enjoyment out of a game it maybe crafting or there stronghold or there pvp'ing i like others pay my sub and try to get my enjoyment out of the game i play i have limited time to play and some days no time at all so when i do come on i have to get done as much as i can and sadly right now slicing is being somewhat of blockage to said enjoyment but i hope with the changes coming things will get better will see .....

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Being told by a guild it's their farming area is hilarious..makes me want to farm there more. I'm not phased by ninja's there is plenty of lockboxes spawning.


If i'm unlucky i'll start slaughtering the locals who drop credits anyway, the large Masassi dudes drop around 1k of credits yet everyone avoids them, so I farm them too.

Edited by aSpitefullRetort
Because I can
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on yavin 4 some guilds whos names i wont say are on day and night in every instance farming the boxes it has become impossible to level slicing buy collecting boxes i have had to send companions off


also when i click on one i do find some one comes along and ninjas it as my companion is going to it

or as im fighting i have also gotten allot of abuse from a rusian guild for collecting said boxes with comments like ( this is our area to farm F off ) i blame this inpart to the over inflated GTN prices this is what happed to the security chests


i mean at 2 am gmt there is a gang of 8 people on yavin farming boxes change instance there is another lot from same guild not trying to be a dooshbag about this but this is unfair to the rest of us we all need credits but this is getting stupid in 3 hours of trying to level slicing me and a mate got 4 boxs and they was still trying to grab them from us as we was collecting them with spamming duel challenges and then standing in the mobs we are fighting so we ardently hit them and then they all jump you


You just got to be quick and tactical about it. Ignore distractions, taunts and other crap, and go straight for the loot. It's how it is.

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