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4.0: Trading loyal subs for noob F2P?


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How about another option and that is attempting to lure former subs who got tired of the game after asking for more story based content a long time ago. If 4.0 was just another operation and a couple of flashpoints, i bet the state of the game would remain the same.


Besides, the Cartl Market was what saved this game after it bled subs, not the endgame the loudest people on the forums request and will eventually get next year anyway.

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Some people have said there is an expected rush when the movie comes out so the tie-in will be 2 month down the road.


This isn't a movie tie-in game...


It's not even in the same universe... or the same time period... as the movie.

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Hate to derail, but I am. ME3? I was fine with ME2 mechanics, but I felt ME3 mechanics were not up to par.


As far as ME3 the whole game wasn't up to par. Except for two portions. The Geth and Krogan story. The rest was mediocre at best.


I think the best bet for 4.0 is wait till it comes out. Then make your decision. I do agree there should be a option for LS. There is nothing wrong with giving players a choice. If you like LS then you don't have to use the option. If you don't then you can use the option. Win Win situation. I will use LS when it first comes out. That's me.

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How about another option and that is attempting to lure former subs who got tired of the game after asking for more story based content a long time ago. If 4.0 was just another operation and a couple of flashpoints, i bet the state of the game would remain the same.


Man new story content is good obviously problem with that you do it once per toon and that's all, it runs out fast, new endgame content assures you to repeat the same thing many times, lack of it hurts this game even more...


But you are right game is NOT gonna remain the same i can assure you that.

Edited by psikofunkster
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This isn't a movie tie-in game...


It's not even in the same universe... or the same time period... as the movie.


It doesn't matter, it's Star Wars, it's free, and millions of people will be grabbing anything with the logo on it whether it is directly connected to the movies or not. If enough people pick up the game, some will stick around to spend money on it. If they're smart they'll put costume armor and weapons on the CM that are enough-but-not-too-much like the crappy lightsaber, villain's armor and so on from the movie and make a huge profit from it before people realize this isn't the fallen Empire from the movie and drift away.

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They stopped caring when the game bombed and they had to go F2P. They only focus on "metrics," and profits.


The players are worthless.


You say that like it is a bad thing. Money makes the world go round. Them making profits is good for us.

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SWG made the same gamble with the NGE and that didn't go so well.


The marketing team seem to have made no effort to market the game. Other than sending out e-mail to old players with a link to the trailer I don't see how the low IQ folk that found ToR to complex will realize that the game is being dumbed down for them. Possibly unlikely they will be able to read any marketing for it but maybe some pictures showing Crafting wah wah its too hard, Group Content wah wah its too hard, End Game wah wah its too hard, skills tress wah wah its too confusing, Gearing comapion wah wah its to hard. And then showing 4,0 where you don't have to do any of that and they go back to chasing parked cars. Not sure if that will help the subs though.


That said the community team don't appear to want to defend the game or changes either. Its likely they realize they can't defend this and will lose any credibility by saying the changes are good. But all they do at the moment is post a blog and then ignore it.

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A lot of us that have said that 4.0 is the final straw and will stop paying or $15/mo to become preferred have been told that it don't matter because we will be replaced by current preferred resubbing and new players. So here's the question(s)


1) Does BW think this will result in a net gain of subs?

2) Does BW even care about the number of subs anymore because the money is in F2P and the CM?

3) Does BW believe 4.0 will not create a mass exodus of subs to preferred?

My opinion?

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes. Previously released information indicates that subbed players are also the majority spenders on the CM.
  3. Yes.


I believe that BW has underestimated the number of players upset enough with the changes to actually stop paying and/or leave. I also think there's a high probability that some unhappy folks are overestimating the number of people deciding to quit because of 4.0. The changes aren't of the same scale as those of the NGE. A "mass exodus" of that magnitude seems pretty unlikely to me.


That said, I don't think these changes will have either the draw or the retention effect on new players that BW is hoping for. Folks excited enough by the new movie (and who aren't already playing because Star Wars) would probably have tried the game anyway -- and they'll leave in numbers not unlike the current ones, because there's always churn in an MMO's population, and even repeatable content *with rewards* is still repetitive. For many players, once they've played through the story, there's not much left to interest them.

Edited by SelinaH
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A lot of us that have said that 4.0 is the final straw and will stop paying or $15/mo to become preferred have been told that it don't matter because we will be replaced by current preferred resubbing and new players. So here's the question(s)


1) Does BW think this will result in a net gain of subs?

2) Does BW even care about the number of subs anymore because the money is in F2P and the CM?

3) Does BW believe 4.0 will not create a mass exodus of subs to preferred?


1) Yes they believe that.

2) No they don't, if there were only 5 players buying hundreds of cc crates each day that will make them happy.

3) yes they think that. IMO there isn't any mass right now so no max exodus. In order to have a mass exodus you need many many players game is more or less empty. That mass exodus happened a couple of years ago.

Edited by psikofunkster
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A lot of us that have said that 4.0 is the final straw and will stop paying or $15/mo to become preferred have been told that it don't matter because we will be replaced by current preferred resubbing and new players. So here's the question(s)


1) Does BW think this will result in a net gain of subs?

2) Does BW even care about the number of subs anymore because the money is in F2P and the CM?

3) Does BW believe 4.0 will not create a mass exodus of subs to preferred?


Werent you suppose to leave already? or is your NEXT mmo not arrived yet? you don't seem very loyal to me. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=793245

Edited by SaerethDL
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A lot of us that have said that 4.0 is the final straw and will stop paying or $15/mo to become preferred have been told that it don't matter because we will be replaced by current preferred resubbing and new players. So here's the question(s)


1) Does BW think this will result in a net gain of subs?

2) Does BW even care about the number of subs anymore because the money is in F2P and the CM?

3) Does BW believe 4.0 will not create a mass exodus of subs to preferred?


you still will buy some stuff from cartel shop im almost certain of this, which most likely nets them more income then subs. and anyway im almost certain if you are not subbed you wont be able to access content past level 60.

Edited by xxIncubixx
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Metrics: money show content is what the player base wants...period.

Do I like it ...nope.

Will I stay subbed..yep, for a while.

I want group content, the rest is great but how ling do you think this new xpac will take???

We have what 9 chapters, and more to come.. SoR took you like 3 days to do.....


We shall see what we shall see. then I make a choice. I am subbed and will hang out until at least nov 30.

Then if I like this new change I will stay or go. Hard to tell on the info we have thus far.

We are all making statements and choices on things we do not yet know 100% on and will not know until we play it.

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A lot of us that have said that 4.0 is the final straw and will stop paying or $15/mo to become preferred have been told that it don't matter because we will be replaced by current preferred resubbing and new players. So here's the question(s)


1) Does BW think this will result in a net gain of subs?

2) Does BW even care about the number of subs anymore because the money is in F2P and the CM?

3) Does BW believe 4.0 will not create a mass exodus of subs to preferred?


What gets me is its been said by devs in other games, that forum posts usually only encompass about 1% of the WHOLE population....so when you said A LOT of people leaving? Even if everyone on forums left which all wont, that's not a huge amount, just saying.

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What gets me is its been said by devs in other games, that forum posts usually only encompass about 1% of the WHOLE population....so when you said A LOT of people leaving? Even if everyone on forums left which all wont, that's not a huge amount, just saying.


Actually it was 5%-30%

not 1%

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Actually it was 5%-30%

not 1%


Bzzzt! You would be completely incorrect.








Unless you have something to show that offers different numbers? I've never seen a reference suggesting anything higher than 20%.

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