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Actually it does have an effect, depending on the percentage. Let's say there are 500k subscribers. Now with this release let's say 25k people quit over it giving this as the reason. That is a 5% drop in subscriptions, any business will take note of a 5% drop in a revenue source. Is this going to happen? Don't know, not my issue nor do I care, but to say that it doesn't effect Bioware is disingenuous. Every drop in subs will be reflected in a metric somewhere that some bean counter is watching. They are taking what they think to be a calculated risk at adding new players over losing old players, only one way to see if it works out. That's to wait and see.


You are missing one key part. How many new subs coming because of a change. If more players join the game and spend money on it than they lose do their change than they made the right move. Only time will tell.

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I remember when reddit/r/squaredcircle raged after the WWE royal rumble last year and started a #cancelwwenetwork that did absolutely nothing.


Its controversial, but I truly believe the vocal minority often confuse themselves with the majority. I feel like BW is making these moves because the majority of their consumers are lax and casual..its incredibly grey and inbetween dark and light to have to "sacrifice their incredibly passionate and devoted" smaller fanbase..but hey...what is best for business is best for business.


Lots of times these "rage fits" are just fads in my opinion. One person moans, and it becomes contagious. Its why some people are saying just wait and see, especially if your subscription runs through the expansion dropping. If you make your judgment on the product after that, make your voice heard.


That's because the rage was because Roman Reigns won the rumble and fan fav Daniel Bryan was regulated to sideline duty. They had that same rage when Brock broke the streak. Completely different situations....Now if their were raging because all of a sudden WWE Network showed everything EXCEPT PPV's, THAT would be similar to the situation here.

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Bru....THIS came to mind when I read yo comment. You don't continue to financially support a business who makes major changes you don't agree with. You do exactly what the op said....speak with your wallet.


There was ( key word "WAS") a sports bar me and my patnaz used to go to several times a week for years. Especially if there was a good fight (boxing, mma, WWE) PPV on. We'd go because as long as you ordered food (which was average tasting at best btw) you could watch the ppv. Well....they got bought out, and the new management stopped getting the ppv because they felt it wasn't a big reason people came anyway. When we'd mention to the new manager this is one if the main reasons we've been eating here for years, we were ignored. So we stopped going there at all, and spread the word about why we stopped. They were out of business within about 4mo.



That's how you "speak with your wallet....

Me personally....I'm willing to give all the changes a shot.

But if enough people quit, and they have similar reasons, and they make it known in the "why did you unsubscribe" box, as well as here and other forums.....BW WILL take notice.


Cool story about how you helped sink a business, but that's just wrong.


They might take notice, but not in the way you would expect. By "financially support," are you or anyone you know making out nice juicy endowments cheques, or hosting fundraisers for BW? ... We are customers. We pay for a product and service, and we receive such. That's it. Real simple.


I'm gonna go ahead and qualify myself here: I majored in Business Administration with a minor in Management and Sales. And I tell you that business is all about communication. True, in your example, the new management failed to listen to his customers, and as such, failed to retain his customers in a highly-competitive market. You did the right thing, which was to give feedback and suggestions. And, he did the wrong thing, which was to ignore you.



But one question though about "speaking with your wallet." ... Why do people think that the first response to a perceived inadequacy of a product/service offering is to end the business relationship altogether?



Regardless of a stated reason, hitting the panic mode DEFCON 1 button and ejecting yourself from a business relationship (in this case B2C) is a final measure to indicate overall dissatisfaction with that business' products/services or customer relations. It's too broad of a scope that implies a holistic migration away from the business. So, parallels cannot be realistically drawn. That is... A business will endeavor to retain their current customers while attracting new ones. If you bail, you cease to be a customer, and, therefore, are outside of the scope of customer service and retention. Your 'reasons for leaving' are filed away for future reference for some data analyst to comb over someday. Assuming law of averages play out on the mass-market of successful retention and sales vs. lost customers, you may end up at best in a niche market for future sales efforts, but that's about it. And, in that case, it may not even be worth the expense of that business in pursuing. So your reason for leaving actually works against what you hope to achieve.


The best effect that you, me and everyone else here (i.e. customers) can make is to communicate with BW and tell them -- in a constructive manner (no threats of financial reprimand, unsubbing or the like) -- what part of their product or service you are unhappy about. And then, let them communicate back and address those concerns.


Further qualification: I've been subbed fully for nearly 4 years straight (since a couple of weeks after launch). I've had issues. I've voiced them, and I totally 100% feel that BW had listened to them and had actioned a solution that solved those issues 100% of the time. How? Because, I communicated with them the issues I experienced, and allowed them the necessary time to address my concerns. I was not unreasonable in my expectations (like filling a ticket and expecting a resolution in under an hour thereafter, or asking for the impossible, or some other nonsense), nor was I demanding or threatening. I stated the issue, they got back to me, and they resolved it, or explained it to my satisfaction. Done. And I'm a satisfied customer.


As for communication goes here, realize that between us and BW, we have (outside of phone support) asynchronous communication as our primary means. So, unsubbing is like handing in your letter of resignation. If you want to employ heavy-handed gestures of 'speaking with your wallet,' then save that for your cell-phone provider (they use synchronous communication), where they can get you in touch with a retention agent to save you before you leave for good.

Edited by PifferPuff
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Already done right after the notorious livestream my friend.


I don't think you did, Not sure about you but when I quite a game I don't stick around to grab attention. I just let the company know in the "Why are you leaving" section of the cancel sub and be done with it.

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Cool story about how you helped sink a business, but that's just wrong.


They might take notice, but not in the way you would expect. By "financially support," are you or anyone you know making out nice juicy endowments cheques, or hosting fundraisers for BW? ... We are customers. We pay for a product and service, and we receive such. That's it. Real simple.


I'm gonna go ahead and qualify myself here: I majored in Business Administration with a minor in Management and Sales. And I tell you that business is all about communication. True, in your example, the new management failed to listen to his customers, and as such, failed to retain his customers in a highly-competitive market. You did the right thing, which was to give feedback and suggestions. And, he did the wrong thing, which was to ignore you.



But one question though about "speaking with your wallet." ... Why do people think that the first response to a perceived inadequacy of a product/service offering is to end the business relationship altogether?



Regardless of a stated reason, hitting the panic mode DEFCON 1 button and ejecting yourself from a business relationship (in this case B2C) is a final measure to indicate overall dissatisfaction with that business' products/services or customer relations. It's too broad of a scope that implies a holistic migration away from the business. So, parallels cannot be realistically drawn. That is... A business will endeavor to retain their current customers while attracting new ones. If you bail, you cease to be a customer, and, therefore, are outside of the scope of customer service and retention. Your 'reasons for leaving' are filed away for future reference for some data analyst to comb over someday. Assuming law of averages play out on the mass-market of successful retention and sales vs. lost customers, you may end up at best in a niche market for future sales efforts, but that's about it. And, in that case, it may not even be worth the expense of that business in pursuing. So your reason for leaving actually works against what you hope to achieve.


The best effect that you, me and everyone else here (i.e. customers) can make is to communicate with BW and tell them -- in a constructive manner (no threats of financial reprimand, unsubbing or the like) -- what part of their product or service you are unhappy about. And then, let them communicate back and address those concerns.


Further qualification: I've been subbed fully for nearly 4 years straight (since a couple of weeks after launch). I've had issues. I've voiced them, and I totally 100% feel that BW had listened to them and had actioned a solution that solved those issues 100% of the time. How? Because, I communicated with them the issues I experienced, and allowed them the necessary time to address my concerns. I was not unreasonable in my expectations (like filling a ticket and expecting a resolution in under an hour thereafter, or asking for the impossible, or some other nonsense), nor was I demanding or threatening. I stated the issue, they got back to me, and they resolved it, or explained it to my satisfaction. Done. And I'm a satisfied customer.


As for communication goes here, realize that between us and BW, we have (outside of phone support) asynchronous communication as our primary means. So, unsubbing is like handing in your letter of resignation. If you want to employ heavy-handed gestures of 'speaking with your wallet,' then save that for your cell-phone provider (they use synchronous communication), where they can get you in touch with a retention agent to save you before you leave for good.



It has been communicate with BW that there are players that dislike some of the choice that BW has made. The forums has been full of threads about how unhappy some players are about their choice the dev have made. Mandatory level sync has been discussed for over a month. From it just being rumored to it was said it was mandatory in the stream. BW has failed to reply or even communicate at all about it. Rob Hinkle said very little about it in the dev blog about combat changes. Rob Hinkle could have made a blog explaining why BW felt a mandatory level sync was the way to go. But there has been nothing from the dev; they aren't communicating with the player base. How long should I keep paying for a service I am not happy with; as I wait for the dev to communicate?


Look at some of the other change that are made in crafting and CM and the Dev have comment on the changes and explained better or said they aren't going to make the change because of player feedback. When it comes to level sync the dev are saying a word. How long should I give them money when they can't even communicate with the community?


Side note: He didn't sink the business, the new management did.

Edited by Warrgames
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Loss of revenue is always the fastest communication a business will understand.


But it's just unfocused communication, and will require a business to invest the time/money to investigating the cause -- if the loss is even big enough. That said, BW's target market is very broad: it appeals to a mass-market (with cross over to usage and behaviorals: Star Wars fans, KOTOR fans, and MMO Gamers), so it will be playing the law of averages to balance everything out: new and retained customers vs. lost customers. Unless the lost customers far exceed the retained and new ones, it's not impactful.


So, why not just explain the issue without leaving? ... Is it seeking attention? Is it ego? Is it pride? Is it out of a sense of self-validation, or the validation of others? What's gained in someone's absence? Why even leave? ... Just explain with the methods of communication at your disposal. Enough players saying the same thing will garner BW's attention -- and fast. Trust me on this.

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It has been communicate with BW that there are players that dislike some of the choice that BW has made. The forums has been full of threads about how unhappy some players are about their choice the dev have made. Mandatory level sync has been discussed for over a month. From it just being rumored to it was said it was mandatory in the stream. BW has failed to reply or even communicate at all about it. Rob Hinkle said very little about it in the dev blog about combat changes. Rob Hinkle could have made a blog explaining why BW felt a mandatory level sync was the way to go. But there has been nothing from the dev; they aren't communicating with the player base. How long should I keep paying for a service I am not happy with; as I wait for the dev to communicate?


I don't know... about a week. That's when 4.0 drops for subs, right? And then... we will all know for sure how these changes take shape. Right now, it's all mere speculation; because, it's not yet a real thing. It is unreleased, so there is nothing to intelligently base a discussion on, or to make any justifiable decisions. That's why the Dev's are as tight-lipped about it as they are. And why making decision at this stage is premature.



Look at some of the other change that are made in crafting and CM and the Dev have comment on the changes and explained better or said they aren't going to make the change because of player feedback. When it comes to level sync the dev are saying a word. How long should I give them money when they can't even communicate with the community?


If you find that the changes in 4.0 are wholly dissatisfactory to your overall gaming experience, and unsubscribing and leaving the game for good is the only recourse you deem appropriate for yourself, then that is your personal decision to make, and no one will deny you your right to that choice. But do understand that any reason you give will likely fall on deaf ears.



To tell the truth, I 'm personally from the camp that would like the level sync to be optional too ... even if it were a buff that you get from an NPC vendor to cancel out the level sync (like the NPC buff to cancel out the 12x EXP thing) for a limited duration.


But... I do not know for 100% that the level sync will play out like everyone thinks it will. They may have already implemented an "optional" mode or buff or whatever already ... Or they are working on such a solution for a future patch. It's not confirmed 100%, until the product is released.

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But it's just unfocused communication, and will require a business to invest the time/money to investigating the cause -- if the loss is even big enough. That said, BW's target market is very broad: it appeals to a mass-market (with cross over to usage and behaviorals: Star Wars fans, KOTOR fans, and MMO Gamers), so it will be playing the law of averages to balance everything out: new and retained customers vs. lost customers. Unless the lost customers far exceed the retained and new ones, it's not impactful.


So, why not just explain the issue without leaving? ... Is it seeking attention? Is it ego? Is it pride? Is it out of a sense of self-validation, or the validation of others? What's gained in someone's absence? Why even leave? ... Just explain with the methods of communication at your disposal. Enough players saying the same thing will garner BW's attention -- and fast. Trust me on this.


Why pay for something you aren't happy with?

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I don't know... about a week. That's when 4.0 drops for subs, right? And then... we will all know for sure how these changes take shape. Right now, it's all mere speculation; because, it's not yet a real thing. It is unreleased, so there is nothing to intelligently base a discussion on, or to make any justifiable decisions. That's why the Dev's are as tight-lipped about it as they are. And why making decision at this stage is premature.





If you find that the changes in 4.0 are wholly dissatisfactory to your overall gaming experience, and unsubscribing and leaving the game for good is the only recourse you deem appropriate for yourself, then that is your personal decision to make, and no one will deny you your right to that choice. But do understand that any reason you give will likely fall on deaf ears.



To tell the truth, I 'm personally from the camp that would like the level sync to be optional too ... even if it were a buff that you get from an NPC vendor to cancel out the level sync (like the NPC buff to cancel out the 12x EXP thing) for a limited duration.


But... I do not know for 100% that the level sync will play out like everyone thinks it will. They may have already implemented an "optional" mode or buff or whatever already ... Or they are working on such a solution for a future patch. It's not confirmed 100%, until the product is released.


12 days for the change to take effect. How is it premature? I don't like level sync in games. I don't play games with it; its not what I want in my games. Its reason I don't play GW2.


With expansion dropping in less than two weeks; why be tight lipped about it? Why close thread where people post there dislike? Why move threads where people express dislike to off-topic? Sad thing even Eric admits communication is one thing they need to work on but has made zero effort in that department. People have expressed concerns and these concerns have fallen on deaf ears. I also play other games and when people express concern about something like level sync the dev talk to the players. Here in SWTOR we get zero commutation from the dev. Why would I keep paying someone who doesn't listen? I might have kept and active sub if the dev team said this is why we feel mandatory level sync is needed. We will look and talk more about making it optional after the holiday; that way you player can try it out see how you like it.

Edited by Warrgames
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Cool story about how you helped sink a business, but that's just wrong.


They might take notice, but not in the way you would expect. By "financially support," are you or anyone you know making out nice juicy endowments cheques, or hosting fundraisers for BW? ... We are customers. We pay for a product and service, and we receive such. That's it. Real simple.


I'm gonna go ahead and qualify myself here: I majored in Business Administration with a minor in Management and Sales. And I tell you that business is all about communication. True, in your example, the new management failed to listen to his customers, and as such, failed to retain his customers in a highly-competitive market. You did the right thing, which was to give feedback and suggestions. And, he did the wrong thing, which was to ignore you.



But one question though about "speaking with your wallet." ... Why do people think that the first response to a perceived inadequacy of a product/service offering is to end the business relationship altogether?



Regardless of a stated reason, hitting the panic mode DEFCON 1 button and ejecting yourself from a business relationship (in this case B2C) is a final measure to indicate overall dissatisfaction with that business' products/services or customer relations. It's too broad of a scope that implies a holistic migration away from the business. So, parallels cannot be realistically drawn. That is... A business will endeavor to retain their current customers while attracting new ones. If you bail, you cease to be a customer, and, therefore, are outside of the scope of customer service and retention. Your 'reasons for leaving' are filed away for future reference for some data analyst to comb over someday. Assuming law of averages play out on the mass-market of successful retention and sales vs. lost customers, you may end up at best in a niche market for future sales efforts, but that's about it. And, in that case, it may not even be worth the expense of that business in pursuing. So your reason for leaving actually works against what you hope to achieve.


The best effect that you, me and everyone else here (i.e. customers) can make is to communicate with BW and tell them -- in a constructive manner (no threats of financial reprimand, unsubbing or the like) -- what part of their product or service you are unhappy about. And then, let them communicate back and address those concerns.


Further qualification: I've been subbed fully for nearly 4 years straight (since a couple of weeks after launch). I've had issues. I've voiced them, and I totally 100% feel that BW had listened to them and had actioned a solution that solved those issues 100% of the time. How? Because, I communicated with them the issues I experienced, and allowed them the necessary time to address my concerns. I was not unreasonable in my expectations (like filling a ticket and expecting a resolution in under an hour thereafter, or asking for the impossible, or some other nonsense), nor was I demanding or threatening. I stated the issue, they got back to me, and they resolved it, or explained it to my satisfaction. Done. And I'm a satisfied customer.


As for communication goes here, realize that between us and BW, we have (outside of phone support) asynchronous communication as our primary means. So, unsubbing is like handing in your letter of resignation. If you want to employ heavy-handed gestures of 'speaking with your wallet,' then save that for your cell-phone provider (they use synchronous communication), where they can get you in touch with a retention agent to save you before you leave for good.


I didn't sink the business .. Poor decision making by egotistical management sunk the business. There are a LOT of other places we can spend our money. Just like there are a LOT of other games people can play. If you don't listen to your customers, you WILL loose customers. And unhappy customers are very loud. Point blank period.....


I'll go ahead and qualify myself... I currently run 2 successful businesses, and haven't worked for anyone but myself for the last 15yrs. And I'm in the process of starting a new business. (Which will be mainly for my kids so hopefully they won't have to work for anyone but themselves). I KNOW how to be successful. ;) I've also been a sub since 1mo after launch, and I've stated numerous times that I'm gonna give the changes a shot before I decide if I'll keep my sub.

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Why pay for something you aren't happy with?

Is your overall experience with this something what you are not happy with? ... Or is it just one part of this something? Is this one part the deal-breaker, or your overall experience the deal-breaker? Are you trying to send a message, or simply going for the exit?


If it's a message, talk to them. If it's an exit, it's seen as a final decision on your part. Before you act, feel out the whole situation, and then make a valued choice that you are happy with.



12 days for the change to take effect. How is it premature?


Because it's unreleased content, and the Dev's are limited to how much they can officially comment on unreleased content. Just like with "datamined" information on such content -- y'know, 'cuz it's against the TOS. The Devs can't be breaking their own rules now, can they?...


I don't like level sync in games. I don't play games with it; its not what I want in my games. Its reason I don't play GW2.


With expansion dropping in less than two weeks; why be tight lipped about it? Why close thread where people post there dislike? Why move threads where people express dislike to off-topic? Sad thing even Eric admits communication is one thing they need to work on but has made zero effort in that department. People have expressed concerns and these concerns have fallen on deaf ears. I also play other games and when people express concern about something like level sync the dev talk to the players. Here in SWTOR we get zero commutation from the dev. Why would I keep paying someone who doesn't listen? I might have kept and active sub if the dev team said this is why we feel mandatory level sync is needed. We will look and talk more about making it optional after the holiday; that way you player can try it out see how you like it.


I believe that, shortly after 4.0 is officially released, the Devs will begin commenting, communicating with the community and addressing any concerns we have; because, then it will be released content.


So you can't wait a couple of weeks for 4.0 to drop?


Okay... that's your call, and you bring up valid points for yourself to support that call.

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... I currently run 2 successful businesses, and haven't worked for anyone but myself for the last 15yrs. And I'm in the process of starting a new business. (Which will be mainly for my kids so hopefully they won't have to work for anyone but themselves). I KNOW how to be successful. ;) I've also been a sub since 1mo after launch, and I've stated numerous times that I'm gonna give the changes a shot before I decide if I'll keep my sub.


You run 2 successful businesses? Cool beans. So do I. And, a big up on setting one up for your kids! That's very forward thinking. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

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Is your overall experience with this something what you are not happy with? ... Or is it just one part of this something? Is this one part the deal-breaker, or your overall experience the deal-breaker? Are you trying to send a message, or simply going for the exit?


If it's a message, talk to them. If it's an exit, it's seen as a final decision on your part. Before you act, feel out the whole situation, and then make a valued choice that you are happy with.


Level sync is the straw that broke the camels back for me. The lack of doing anything about ranked pvp queue timers. Lack of communication about anything game related. Are too other major area of dislike for the dev team.



Because it's unreleased content, and the Dev's are limited to how much they can officially comment on unreleased content. Just like with "datamined" information on such content -- y'know, 'cuz it's against the TOS. The Devs can't be breaking their own rules now, can they?...


You can't call it unreleased they showed in a stream and said it going to be that way. Doesn't matter whether its in game or not. Once the dev put the information out there is official. The only thing stopping them from talking about it is themselves; BW is making the choice not to talk about it. Its not like Marvel Heroes when they are about to release a new hero. The need to get Marvels approval before they can release details. BW simply refuse to provide information. They don't need outside source permission to release information. EA/BW choice not to talk to the player base.


There is a different between someone taking a peek at unreleased information and someone creating it. The person peeking doesn't see the full pictures. Dev see the full picture.


I believe that, shortly after 4.0 is officially released, the Devs will begin commenting, communicating with the community and addressing any concerns we have; because, then it will be released content.


So you can't wait a couple of weeks for 4.0 to drop?


Okay... that's your call, and you bring up valid points for yourself to support that call.


My sub runs out in Dec. I do 6 months at time. I've been here long enough to know that even after the expansion drops the dev aren't going to say anything. One huge area of frustration with this game is lack of communication to the player base.

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You can't call it unreleased they showed in a stream and said it going to be that way. Doesn't matter whether its in game or not. Once the dev put the information out there is official.


Can you log in and play 4.0 KotFE right now? ... No?... Then it's unreleased.


The only thing stopping them from talking about it is themselves; BW is making the choice not to talk about it. Its not like Marvel Heroes when they are about to release a new hero. The need to get Marvels approval before they can release details. BW simply refuse to provide information. They don't need outside source permission to release information. EA/BW choice not to talk to the player base.


There is a different between someone taking a peek at unreleased information and someone creating it. The person peeking doesn't see the full pictures. Dev see the full picture.


That's right! You nailed it right there. The Devs see the full picture, and we (the customers), right now, currently have only gleamed a peek at unreleased information. So, the Devs talking to us about something that we are mostly ignorant of is just opening up a can of worms that'll just add to unnecessary confusion. As you say, we don't see the full picture. And until we do (i.e. until 4.0 goes live), we won't be able to truly understand KotFE in its entirety. We have to wait until 4.0 goes live before we are at the Devs level, so that we can have meaningful discourse on the subject. And, that's the core reason what's stopping them from discussing it further with us right now.

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Can you log in and play 4.0 KotFE right now? ... No?... Then it's unreleased.




That's right! You nailed it right there. The Devs see the full picture, and we (the customers), right now, currently have only gleamed a peek at unreleased information. So, the Devs talking to us about something that we are mostly ignorant of is just opening up a can of worms that'll just add to unnecessary confusion. As you say, we don't see the full picture. And until we do (i.e. until 4.0 goes live), we won't be able to truly understand KotFE in its entirety. We have to wait until 4.0 goes live before we are at the Devs level, so that we can have meaningful discourse on the subject. And, that's the core reason what's stopping them from discussing it further with us right now.


I have no idea what you are trying to say. Unreleased information? Level sync has been released. Seen on stream and briefly talked about in blog. The information we don't have is because the Dev aren't giving us information. You have post about is commutation and that is one thing that isn't being done on BW end. They aren't talking to us. They aren't telling us anything. This whole wait till 4.0 release thing you keep going on is stupid. BW has the information and reason. They can tell us since it is finalized that its going to be in 4.0 or they wouldn't have told us it is there. There is no reason other than they don't want to tell us.

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The thing is people should voice their concerns and frustrations so they can have the hope that BW will take another look at things and try not to hurt the game they really like.


Writing down your concerns is more immediate and can be read before things happen, where as waiting for subs to run out can take time and it could be to late by then.


Of course I'm not saying that all that has been going on, on both sides of the issues is perfectly fine, it does get excessive.



On a side note, have they sufficiently hit every part of the player base to anger with 4.0 changes now?



Oh I agree with voicing your opinions. It's just very clear that Bioware are doing their best to lock/ban/delete negative threads and only keep the ones praising their decisions ('allegedly').

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I don't think you did, Not sure about you but when I quite a game I don't stick around to grab attention. I just let the company know in the "Why are you leaving" section of the cancel sub and be done with it.


Look... I'll explain this again, because some people don't understand.

I'm NOT quitting the game. I'm no longer paying -->>that's what a subscription is<--


I will still be around in the game playing the KotFE chapters because I will unlock the first 9 since my sub runs out after release. If I really like the new chapters I will re-sub at a later date (probably in a few months time or so) when another batch of chapters have been released and I will enjoy that content.


This thread was made for like-minded people. Sure you're free to voice your differing opinion, but there's plenty of threads for that around since those don't get locked or deleted. Case in point is this very thread being moved to off-topic while it's clearly not off-topic.


Please refrain from personal attacks if you disagree. Have a nice day.

Edited by Tahra
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For those who remember, when F2P was announced, the rage was worse than for anything I've seen for 4.0. Everyone was talking about how it was the death of the game, and the servers would be ghost towns the day it rolled out. Everyone on the forums posted all about how they unsubbed. It was the Apocalypse...


Except it wasn't. I saw more people on the week after F2P launch than I saw the entire month preceding it. After a few rage posts in the following weeks, people generally stopped complaining, as it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be, and some even liked the changes.


Just a thought.

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For those who remember, when F2P was announced, the rage was worse than for anything I've seen for 4.0. Everyone was talking about how it was the death of the game, and the servers would be ghost towns the day it rolled out. Everyone on the forums posted all about how they unsubbed. It was the Apocalypse...


Except it wasn't. I saw more people on the week after F2P launch than I saw the entire month preceding it. After a few rage posts in the following weeks, people generally stopped complaining, as it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be, and some even liked the changes.


Just a thought.


I remember that day, I was one of them, cancelled my sub and said I'd never come back.....lasted a whole 2 days before I was buying loads of cartel coins on top of a sub.

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Seems to me the only people raging about Level Sync are those power players that love to overwhelm lowbies, especially on PvP servers. With Sync, they can't go to the low-level worlds are lord over everyone with their mighty lvl 50+s any more.


Seriously, good bye to all of you, the game doesn't need you and we're better off without you.

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