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PVP Ppl are rude


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Yeah I really cant stand the Leet gamer crowd that seem to descend into PVP, so when i come across a few that think there way is the only way i make use of some very good skills, like, grab the hutball run it to your own zone and pass to the opposition, Guard a turret and just sit on the floor.


This behavior generally tends to fuel the rage, hopefully to the point that the LEET player(s), smashes there PC up.....Because you know that type of player is highly likely to do that.


Its one thing to have rage and anger, its another thing to have calm and patience, and i can sit at that turret all f***ing day :-)

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Sorry man, but this a very stupid generalization... :jawa_tongue: Competitive games (ranked arenas in SWTOR)? Maybe... Normal games? Not at all.


Stupid generalization?


'Kay. I've only been playing MMOs since Ultima Online was a new idea, but I'm sure you have secret knowledge that invalidates seventeen years worth of observation. Sure, it's all anecdotal, but so is my very anecdotal observation that water is wet and that it hurts when I get sunburnt.


There's a very good chance that I've been gaming longer than a growing and significant number of the people pvping have been alive.


Stupid generalization?


Humans tend to have two legs too. There's another generalization for you.


Most people eat food. Yet another.


Pvp tends to attract competitive people, and since there's never really any attempts made to suggest let alone truly enforce sportsmanship, it's usually a moshpit of horrible people being horrible at eachother.


I'm sure they're having a blast though. Clearly, only a fool wouldn't be able to see all the positive effects that spill over into so the rest of these games from the mentalities most commonly attracted to and fostered by pvo.


Oh wait, that was actually stupid and wrong - there are crappy people in all playstyles, but no playstyle more than pvp demands and rewards it.


Find me one example of a pvp game or component of a game that isn't chock full of the most unfriendly and socially violent people.


Pvp-centric games have been struggling for years, and largely failing, to try to find ways to contain and mitigate the magnificent toxicity of pvpers.


It perhaps you'd like to suggest that league of legends' many stunning examples of trying and failing to get their players to even be noticeably nicer to eachother is just a stupid generalization?


Perhaps you'd like to attempt rationalize why, waaaay back when, Ultima Online has to make Trammel; a no-pk 'dimension' of the original pk-enabled felucca; to give these games any real future at all?


Pvp has been destroying things since Ultima Online, and directing the expenditure of resources to mitigate the damage it's asylum-bred 'community' do to everything they touch, everywhere they go!


Stupid generalization?


There's no disputing that pvp games have a solid market, but girlfriend, have your ever pvp'd anywhere at all?


The ocean is mostly water, and most pvpers are not there to have fun if that fun isn't at someone else's expense. Nobody plays a pvp games because they're just looking to play on a team and cheer eachother on and so 'good game' to the other team if you lose.


How do I know? What magnificent audacity do I possess that I dare allege the things I say?


I suddenly feel a complete lack of desire to tell you.


If it isn't pretty self explanatory, you're way past the place where words in any language could possibly even matter.


No pvp games or environments in MMOs have ever suffered from the problem of people getting along too well, caring too much about keeping it fun for everyone or being too decent too eachother.


Not. One.

Edited by Uruare
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*****... (not a rude word just... a version of /shocked) :o

I get it you don't like PvP and PvP players and i don't even want to talk about it.


I just want to add - you can create your own environment with yout friends, or you can blame everyone around you instead. 2/3 of my PvP group mates are nice and fun people at least in my games. It is your choice after all... :rolleyes:

Edited by Glower
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Same could be said for PvE...this has to do with people, not PvP.


this is true even though i don't do ops i seen enough rage threads over " bad players" evensome of the FP i did ( mostly jsut kdy) have had few rages in them to .


this applies to that as well.


Nah it's not just pvp people in swtor. It's pvp people in general :D. (there are exceptions though) I just ignore them raging and screaming all over the screen. :p


This is correct ^


I guess you never played a moba ...if you do always mute everyone by default or you have to listen to them throw temper tantrums regarding who you pick , the team comp if you happen to be losing and omg if you actually lose a match they self destruct.


Some just don't realize its just a video game just have fun during the match if you win great if you lose its really isn't the end of the world there is always another que.

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome to competitive play. It's the nature of the beast. It can't and won't change. Take it away and it is no longer competitive. Problem as I see it, is there are far to many thin skin persons in the world that can't handle both being called a poopie head, or that maybe just maybe there skills are not up to snuff yet. Take the "rude" and learn something from it. Get better, learn some more, grind some gear, learn some more, augment the gear, learn some more. Then after a lot of LEARNING come back and destroy them.


Maybe that is really the thing. PVPers are "rude" because whimps need not apply. I mean PVP isn't about fair play or sportsmanship, it never has been. It's been about out smarting / out matching someone else, tea-bagging their corpse and moving on to the next. You wait fair play join a little league team. And some days you are the tea-bagger, others your are the tea-baggie. Again nature of the beast. Can't win them all.


I myself have no issues with new players to PVP that "suck" so long as after 2 weeks of seeing them ruin every game you enter because they don't learn, never listen, are always in the wrong place doing the wrong thing over and over again. Yup I will lose my **** from time to time. Just like I think anyone would in any walk of life doing any such competitive things.


Honestly if BW / EA would do something to fix the way they do random ques allot of this could be avoided. Keeping the less experienced players together so they can learn at there own pace before advancing. While giving the more hardcore the experience they want. But like the quote goes. -


“You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”.”


So at the end of the day, does it really matter? Nope not even a little. Welcome to life, it goes progressively down hill from here.

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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


How exactly do you feel "threatened" by someone no where near you?


Here is a tip, if you want to PvP, step-1 is to develop thicker skin. Monitor and use the Ops channel for need to know information; but other than that ignore anything that is not objective related.


These people do not know you and who cares, seriously, what they think?

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It isn't the PVP crowd here. It's the PVP crowd everywhere.


Any multiplayer game where you compete against other players comes loaded with lots of trash talk and/or nerd rage from people who forget its only a game. Also a certain percentage are sore losers, so any loss in a team match is never their fault and they'll rant and rave about how Republic/Empire/Player X sucks.


PVP is a lot of fun, but playing PVP anywhere definitely requires mentally filtering out the clowns. And there are a lot of clowns.


^Pretty much. :(

The only thing you can do is not let them get to you. And ignore the worst of the douches.

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Just show them that you don't care and that makes them even more upset. The rage fuels me, One time I rp walked around and my god the anger was great. Play how you want, Ignore them or provoke. Both can be fun.


OMG I am crying with laughter at the mental picture here. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


These people better be glad they're young, because when they get older they're going to give themselves a stroke acting the way they do. (In a match in a game, that, at the worst case, wastes maybe 15 minutes of your life if it goes south. It is not the srs bsns they make it out to be. Heck, I'd hate to see these people in a *real* emergency.)

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Should of played World War II Online then. The closer you get to something resembling real life competence that reflects prowess...you really get some human behavior bs.


What's that saying? Something like:

Never have the stakes been so high because the importance is so low.


Something like that.

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There's no real "competitive raiding" as it exists in WoW, so this type of people either leaves or gravitates towards PvP. I've met both unfriendly and quite nice PvE people on this game, meanwhile I got insulted and called a troll for asking someone who was ON MY TEAM something about the map we were playing.


It doesn't help that the game seems to be set on making both teams as imbalanced as possible, haven't seen a single game where one side didn't stomp the other side hard, often times gloating over their premade stomping the randoms on the other side after and sending insults.

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^Pretty much. :(

The only thing you can do is not let them get to you. And ignore the worst of the douches.


Oh, c'mon. Douches are the best. Just troll them in return, and see them ragequit if you do it good :p


I mean, it's not like you can win with "U ARE ALL *********** NOOBS I CARRY YOU" teammate.

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I'm somewhat an helpful player I think, I spend quite some time giving answers to people from questions like

how do i respec

where's the pvp terminal

how do i go back to my starter planet

where's my ship

to more complicated ones when I can explain how things work or why it's like this or that.


I also recently started to call people stupids or re***d while pvp'ing, though I never openly name someone.


So I guess I'm rude.


Why I do it ? because it's somewhat tiresome when some people refuse to listen to advices given in a friendly tone and they refuse to listen over and over.

You tell them there's an "Introduction mission to warzones" from fleet or pvp terminal, mission that gives earpiece/implants/relics and that without all slots filled they make themselves weaker, mission that only requires to participate in 1 warzone and yet you are grouped for 2 hours during 6-7 warzones/arenas with the same people with empty slots.

You tell DPS to attack the healer which is marked and the only one marked, yet during 2 arenas (5 rounds), they always attack others.

You tell them to never leave a turret unguarded, especially if they went there to cap it, yet they take it and leave everytime, letting the other side retake it right after.


I'm only a decent player, I make mistakes, I didn't learn all I know in one day but I understand a competitive environment requires to try to be better, to listen to advices, to get gear, to learn your class, to learn objectives and maps...


so maybe I'm rude but what about thoses people ? isn't it rude also to discard all advices, even friendly ones ? isn't it rude to get into PvP and say things like "uh, I skip gear until 65 anyway..." or "**** with your objectives, I play how I want" ? Isn't it rude to enter a team activity and just do your thing, ignoring the activity rules and dismissing the consequences for your teammates ?

Edited by Nyla
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and that is why I don't do PVP .


It isn't about getting a thicker skin . If you were at a Movie , would you close your eyes or put your finger in your ears because some idiot behind you is talking in his cell phone during the Movie ? no ! you would ask him to shut up or leave (or both ) . You paid to watch a Movie and this guy is ruining it .


I don't see why , on the Internet it should be different . Paying doesn't entitle you to ruin others peoples games and there should be consequences in doing so .


But as long as many still think it is just a matter of getting a thicker skin , it will never change .

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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:

Nub :mad: Go play Hello Kitty. SWTOR`s PvP is for PROs only!

Edited by iankalo
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I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR.


This simply isn't true. Have you played WoW? Back when i did, arenas included, when we lose,i was the angriest person you have ever seen. People usually outgrow this type of stuff though.


A little toxicity now and then in SWTOR is nothing compared to what happens in LoL, CoD, WoW, etc..

I am so used to it that when people are not toxic i find it unnerving.


Strangely i can't think of a time when some1 was this way to me personally, and i am on a PvP server, but i see occasionally such exchanges between other people. It's just a background ''noise'' you get used to.

Edited by Kaedusz
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This simply isn't true. Have you played WoW? Back when i did, areas included when we lose, i was the angriest person you have ever seen. People usually outgrow this type of stuff though.

WoW`s PvE is even worse :D With this "Gear Score" and "DPS meter" , they will kick you even before your loading screen is done.

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WoW`s PvE is even worse :D With this "Gear Score" and "DPS meter" , they will kick you even before your loading screen is done.

Y u lying? Kicking people from a Dungeon or Battleground before their loading screen is done isn't even possible, it plainly doesn't work. The mechanics in place often times make it too hard and too much of a bother to try and kick anyone in the first place.


Having recently quit WoW for good, the PvP community there has it's share of pretty nasty people but the SWTOR one basically has ONLY THOSE LEFT. It's worse than the CoD or LoL community for that matter.

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I suggest you learn to play because whatever it is you did/not do, must have caused a reaction. If you guarded a node and didn't call - FOR EXAMPLE - you may as well give up in PvP altogether, because that has nothing to do with 'learning your class' but straight forward common sense.

seriously, this. chances are the OP probably didn't call enemy incoming, left a node/pylon open to be capped or blatantly ignored the objectives and went "derp i just wanna kill "



people in pvp don't rage out because we are all meanie bears, we rage out if someone did something which will lead to the team losing. Stop being a drain on your team and maybe you won't get yelled at.

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It is actually hard to teach during a zone. It takes an incredible player with very high spatial..


this is such BS or you are really a bad player. Warzones 8v8, despite being player vs players, is ENTIRELY BASED AROUND OBJECTIVES.


the worst players in pvp are those who ignore objectives with" LOL I WANNA JUST HAZ FUN BRO" or "I CARE ABOUT MY DEEPZ ONRY"


By simply playing the objectives, you ensured your team is gong to win.these objective aren't rocket science, it is easy to get as the game quite literally spelled it out to the players TWICE (1st on the loading screen and 2nd on the prematch 2 minutes start up)


even if your dps, healer or tank skills over your class is bad, by simply doing the objectives, you are quite literally better than 2/3 of the team that does its own thing.



objective play>>>>getting medals at the end

Edited by astrobearx
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People learn through mistakes. Why the OP has to give up PVP because of a mistake or if he can't play his class well yet?


Players CAN NOT insult/harass other players because of that. It's not the reason or excuse.


then stay out of pvp just as would would stay out of HM/NiM ops.

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