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PVP Ppl are rude


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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


What? You think that's a TOR issue? That's a MMO issue on every MMO. :p

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I think it's RP and they are horribly confused.


But yes, on a serious note, I actually think the lack of competitive sports in schools is partly to blame - as much as "just the internet". One of the things it taught us was how to win and lose well.

Edited by leehambly
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It's not fair to make blanket statements like this just cuz a few people aren't nice. They are the minority and just cuz they have the loudest voices doesn't mean they represent everyone else.


I'm sorry you've had some bad experiences, use /ignore of course, but what I'd also recommend is that if you notice a player who's actually trying to help lead and/or help with specifics then ask them to be /friends so they can help you learn if you're struggling with stuff. And I'm not talking about the passive-aggressive people that are like "so, let's just kill stuff, who cares about the huttball, am i rite?"


Look for legitimate players who seem helpful and go from there.


Mean players the minority and helpful players the majority? Nah, it's the other way around. You clearly keep your head buried deep in the sand. It's not a few people with attitude problems, it's nearly every other person and their grandmother with an attitude problem. I can't count the times on both hands over the years where I've asked for help with a heroic or some other quest in game, only to be told by 50-60 to just skip it, hear some blatant lie about how they solo'd the mission at a lower level or be told point blank that no one helped them so they're not helping anyone else. Real helpful. That's not saying there aren't genuinely helpful players, as I do see them from time to time ask if anyone needs help, but they are very rare gems.


Also, one would have to be on a whole new wave of sensitivity to call the highlighted passive-aggressive.

Edited by Aeristash
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Lol just take the rage in and get a good laugh out of it. I just play pvp for the daily on low level characters or just to have fun, I don't care about being the best or following some try hard as he commands people what to do... I couldn't care less if I win as long as it's enjoyable.
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Ignore list does wonders op. I am not defending them but you need to understand something


I never ever except in extreme cases rage on pvp chat, but just the other day it took everything in me not too. When I saw a shadow that would only use one ability while we were trying to kill an imp. It gets better the same shadow tried rp/toy with the imp later on in the battle, giving the imps time to send in reinforcements. When long term pvpers see that kind of stuff it is extremely aggravating.

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I suggest you learn to play because whatever it is you did/not do, must have caused a reaction. If you guarded a node and didn't call - FOR EXAMPLE - you may as well give up in PvP altogether, because that has nothing to do with 'learning your class' but straight forward common sense.
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PvE people are very rude as well,
I've seen numerous people being kicked out of FPs/OPs because they don't know the fights or cause wipes



ARE YOU SERIOUS? i'd toss you out of a airlock if you caused wipes in my group.

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Agreed when it comes to WZs (i.e., make sure your character is bolstered 2018), Ranked (have your character in WZ gear), being properly geared in general for PvE and knowing the fights for HMs and NiMs. But not in terms of knowing the fights when it comes to SM/TacM FPs and Ops. This is absolutely the main reason I do not do Ops. In SM, I want to see the story. I do not want either a) to have researched guides to the point where I know it backwards and forwards as if I had already done it or b) have my hand held the entire way and be told where to stand and when and what to aggro (or not aggro) and when to do so (or not do so).


Ah, there is a happy medium, as in being aware, but not knowing every little thing. Even on SM mode, Operations have tons of puzzles and mechanical things that when you do not know the idea of a fight, and are not a part of a pioneer group researching what needs to be done (which is really only a handful of players who do that) you will simply end up going Huh? Where is everyone going? What the...? and shooting at random.


An Operation's story is told through the fight, and you need super-human awareness to get it without some foreknowledge.


By the same token, having some awareness of what is going to happen in a match in PvP makes it far more enjoyable as well. Not jumping into exploding pylon, not standing in the open, not yoloing into the entire enemy team, not leaving a node unguarded, watching the timers.... all helps to act intelligently in a zone, and actually, like, turn it into an intellectual exercise pitching mind vs mind. Which is why PvP is so attractive. Well, to me anyway.


That is by no means excusing anyone who cannot contain the bile.

Edited by DomiSotto
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i only do pvp dailies but still have seen ton of insults i got insulted couple of times so i know what you mean...if the team is losing some kids will start bsing themselves...just put them on ignore or best ask the team to report the kiddo if he gets banned he will think twice before he open his mouth.

losing and winning is the very nature of pvp..if you want to win help your team mates as simple as that.

Edited by bahramnima
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The problem is people believe that they can use the internet as an excuse to be rude, hateful, condescending, etc. Yes there are people on both sides that can do this and some will say you have to spend time offline reading these guides, etc.


The problem is they fail to take into consideration some people would like to learn these fights firsthand for themselves, without spending time off line reading all these guides. Some people do not have that kind of time to spend off line reading every single guide out there for every single fight and really they shouldn't.


I spend enough time in my paralegal class studying and learning all the different aspects of the law and the statutes that reading another guide just to do a pve mission or even pvp is something I don't have the time to do. A game is supposed to be fun, not something I need to spend hours studying.


Thankfully I have found some wonderful individuals who enjoy playing the game and they don't need to read every single guide out there to make the game seem more like a job than fun.


When someone says it is their first time doing something the first thing a person shouldn't ask, is did you read the guides? Actually people should help each other learn the missions or the pvp maps.


The problem is people complain there is not enough pvp players, operation players, flashpoint players but yet they don't want to take the time to help someone learn. They want to yell, etc or say read the guide. Maybe they have more time in their schedule to do that but not everyone does nor should they expect them to.


My opinion.


Have a good week.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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It is actually hard to teach during a zone. It takes an incredible player with very high spatial. I know that because I was coached by someone who not only played, he also was watching me and giving me quick run-downs of what I am doing wrong. Along with pulling me out of the tight places. He also recorded some vids for me, so I saw how he moves and how he looks.


I would answer any questions or chat after, and I always try to ask before the zone about the quick group strats and to get a feel for who is reading the chat and will respond to calls. If I see a question on the fleet I would answer as well. Or on the forum.


It goes without saying that I would never-ever allow myself any crude comment. Ever. No matter what. I close the game if I get frustrated.


I came into the first warzone clueless, then I came to the forum with questions, then I watched a video of every warzone during a business trip. I still watch and read during my commute to understand how different classes work and what people do. Zones are too fast to understand what has happened when you get a really good player, and some of the things you would not really pick up on your own (like stunlock video in the recent week, for example).


Obviously, different folks enjoy different way of playing, but I have never derived any enjoyment of doing content unprepared. Not that first Flashpoint where I just loaded up, 'cause I decided to see what it was about, went to see what is going on around the corner and wiped the group, nor falling through the cracks in the bridge in an op, nor that first warzone where I got lost in a map, nor being carried....


No matter how hard I try, I am a bad player as far as the awareness/reflexes go, so I prefer to clear up everything I can off-line, aka gear and information before joining any group content, so I can pass for an average.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Nah, it's not just PvP people in general, it's people on the internet.


There is an element of truth to this. The anonymity of the internet allows some people to be bigger ***** than they'd ever be in real life, face-to-face scenarios. There is no place in the real world where people are ever as rude to one another as frequently as they are online. Trolls and the people doing the most vulgar/obscene flaming are all basically cowards. They're all saying those things only because there are no consequences for it, unlike the real world.


Even so I think PVP sort of cranks up the douche level a few notches. The competitive aspect brings out the worst in some people. There is a subset who takes it too seriously and/or just can't handle losing. Sports is a good example of this off line, where some fans can get more than a little carried away with fans or players of opposing teams.

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Nah it's not just pvp people in swtor. It's pvp people in general :D. (there are exceptions though) I just ignore them raging and screaming all over the screen. :p

This is correct ^


I guess you never played a moba ...if you do always mute everyone by default or you have to listen to them throw temper tantrums regarding who you pick , the team comp if you happen to be losing and omg if you actually lose a match they self destruct.


Some just don't realize its just a video game just have fun during the match if you win great if you lose its really isn't the end of the world there is always another que.

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I suggest you learn to play because whatever it is you did/not do, must have caused a reaction. If you guarded a node and didn't call - FOR EXAMPLE - you may as well give up in PvP altogether, because that has nothing to do with 'learning your class' but straight forward common sense.


People learn through mistakes. Why the OP has to give up PVP because of a mistake or if he can't play his class well yet?


Players CAN NOT insult/harass other players because of that. It's not the reason or excuse.

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Just show them that you don't care and that makes them even more upset. The rage fuels me, One time I rp walked around and my god the anger was great. Play how you want, Ignore them or provoke. Both can be fun.


Why ruin it for others by rp walking? Provoking them makes you just as bad imo.


I do wish /ignore worked while in war zones.

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I was doing the hk51 quest for the first time last night on my 51 powertech. There were 3 level 60s camping the vendor in the outlaws den that you buy the first piece from.


Needless to say it was not a fun experience, and I honestly don't know what those guys get out if 2 shotting anyone that tries to use the vendor, other than self satisfaction for their undersized *****s.

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I was doing the hk51 quest for the first time last night on my 51 powertech. There were 3 level 60s camping the vendor in the outlaws den that you buy the first piece from.


Needless to say it was not a fun experience, and I honestly don't know what those guys get out if 2 shotting anyone that tries to use the vendor, other than self satisfaction for their undersized *****s.


Why not just switch to another instance?

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Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


PVP is awesome. It's the internet mang. 73.2% of people using it are ******es and 94% of what you read on it is b.s.

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DomiSotto;8485242]It is actually hard to teach during a zone. It takes an incredible player with very high spatial. I know that because I was coached by someone who not only played, he also was watching me and giving me quick run-downs of what I am doing wrong. Along with pulling me out of the tight places. He also recorded some vids for me, so I saw how he moves and how he looks.


I am going to disagree with this comment. Since a little after launch I have been doing hard mode flashpoints and operations and I always have been able to explain things to people in the operation or flashpoint. In fact, I have seen quite a few people do this when we know we have a new person that has never done things. Maybe it depends on the server you are on but there are quite a few people very capable of doing this on my server and they have been doing it since day one. We also never ever tell them to go read a guide, that to me is rude as we are infringing on people's real life time and we will not do that.


I would answer any questions or chat after, and I always try to ask before the zone about the quick group strats and to get a feel for who is reading the chat and will respond to calls. If I see a question on the fleet I would answer as well. Or on the forum.


The people I have run with will answers questions before, during and after as we know people have to learn some place. We do not get upset about questions during the operation or flashpoint. I am a medic and I tell them see those circles, stay out of them and most of them listen to me. The only time I got upset was the one time I told a person not to stand in them and he did 5 times but after the 6th time he learned not to as I let him die. I can heal through them but I am not going to waste my energy on a dps that wants to act like an idiot.


Obviously, different folks enjoy different way of playing, but I have never derived any enjoyment of doing content unprepared. Not that first Flashpoint where I just loaded up, 'cause I decided to see what it was about, went to see what is going on around the corner and wiped the group, nor falling through the cracks in the bridge in an op, nor that first warzone where I got lost in a map, nor being carried....

Maybe you like having everything understood but I think it is actually boring to already know how the flashpoint or operation is going to go. Most of the people I run enjoy learning and have learned by doing it and learning from there. I refuse to tell a person go read a guide. How dare we presume a person should go read a guide in their offline time. Why would we presume that a person should devote their offline time to something we can help them with. The problem I see is people are lazy and do not want to help people and that is a group I will not run with. If a group starts telling a new person go read a guide I inform them this is not a group for me and I leave and I tell them why.


No matter how hard I try, I am a bad player as far as the awareness/reflexes go, so I prefer to clear up everything I can off-line, aka gear and information before joining any group content, so I can pass for an average.


I seriously doubt that. My best friend was like that. I took the time to help her and she is awesome dps on her shadow and a terrific medic on her sage. She listened and learned what I suggested with her gear and we didn't tell her to read the blasted guides, we helped her learn the mechanics and the flashpoints ourselves.

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I was doing the hk51 quest for the first time last night on my 51 powertech. There were 3 level 60s camping the vendor in the outlaws den that you buy the first piece from.


Needless to say it was not a fun experience, and I honestly don't know what those guys get out if 2 shotting anyone that tries to use the vendor, other than self satisfaction for their undersized *****s.


Don't worry, level synch will separate the lions from the poser cubs.

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I am going to disagree with this comment. Since a little after launch I have been doing hard mode flashpoints and operations and I always have been able to explain things to people in the operation or flashpoint. In fact, I have seen quite a few people do this when we know we have a new person that has never done things. Maybe it depends on the server you are on but there are quite a few people very capable of doing this on my server and they have been doing it since day one. We also never ever tell them to go read a guide, that to me is rude as we are infringing on people's real life time and we will not do that.


A warzone flow is different from the Operation, it would be a bit like giving extended tips during the Underlurker fight not before it. Just imagine having to explain the rocks falling and the green spaces behind & the push-back, and the run to the cross just when the UL started to channel the collapse.


A warzone is dynamic as well, so there is no pre-set mechanics, like in an op. There is logic to it, of course, but explaining why a DPS should do an AHG node check at 40 sec before the blast, and where the timer is... and then what the blast is... etc... it is really hard during the zone. So, there is out of necessity the short-hand that is going on in a chat when things go well. One of the reasons I strongly dislike the crude rants from death is that they distract and interrupt that short-hand.


The other thing as well is that a warzone is like a gym, so you might not want to start whispering to that gunslinger that being on the rafters or on the pipes will work better for him/her than crouching in the middle of an open field. It works much better if you approach a player you like that plays the AC and ask after.


Plus, some guides are incredibly well-done, and offer a far better demos than a wall of text in a white say, because they show duels and how abilities actually look like, and what to look for, not to mention the player's interface set up, and field of vision.... Even with the Underlurker, it was not before I saw how Dulfy sits on the back of the Lurker that I understood how to make it in the cross easily.


I really do not see how recommending a great guide could be insulting to someone. There is so much work that went into it, and they are so good.


I dunno. My worst experience in the whole game that I could think of were:


1. I got into my second flashpoint ever via GF, and as my loading times were long I could not go past the doors when the group started fighting w/o me. Someone initiated a kick out vote. I quit the group immediately and never entered GF again till I upgraded my rig a few months later.

2. Solo ranked. Just a barrage of "don't queue, you do not know your class". I stopped queueing ranked, accepting that I am simply not good enough.

3. My friend just got me to do an Op with his guildies. It was ToS before nerf and I was wearing a combo of 156 and 186, and like was reading on the cross mechanics as he was setting the Ops frame up. It took at least 8 wipes for his guild to carry me through. Took me a few weeks to try an Op again, and we did simpler ones first.


I would have avoided the last two bad experiences, if I took more time to research stuff, and if Hottie's guide existed at the time.


I dunno, I want to play this game for fun, and I do not have fun when I am unprepared.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Yeah. But i just can't understand how you can insult others like that, i thought we play games for fun. Some people act like if playing PVP for fun or trying different classes is a crime. :rolleyes:


Dear ShenLongKazamaさん,


Based on your sig and your questions, I'm going to assume you are Japanese (or at least come from an MMO culture much like Japan's).


そういうことじゃなくて。。。典型的な「指示厨」の挙動だけだよ。ww 心配ない


ただ、私の日本語はよくないだから。。。ここからに英語は話ましょうな〜 ;)



II's not just PvP. It's the faults that belie the English-speaking MMO community as a whole. Many years ago, the EN MMO community was very respectful (much like the Japanese MMO community is today). But, over the last 10 or so years, it has exploded into what is commonly known in the Japanese internet vernacular as「指示厨」(pronounced "shi-ji-chu"): "telling like a middle-schooler" (e.g. "Do it like this...", "Stop doing it like that!", "You are bad and here is why...", "Stop liking what I don't like.", "REEEEEEE~~~",etc.).


We don't know exactly for sure what happened, but many believe it may have been the influence of WoW on the generation of kids (starting at around 10 or 12 years old within the time-frame of WoW's first 2 years) who basically grew up on the internet with little parental supervision. So, thanks to WoW's community in lieu of parental figures, they were conditioned to be rude and obnoxious as a coping mechanism to defend their positions and arguments.


By ca. 2010, the infection had taken root, and unfortunately, it is too widespread to do anything about now. Most, however, do grow out of this phase of adolescence, but some do not. This has lead to what we see today as "toxic behavior". Labels affixed to this afflicted behavior: "man-children", "internet heroes" and "internet trolls." They're afraid of being wrong, and want everyone to know that they are wright -- no matter the personal cost or emotional collateral.


They are simply immature and unfriendly people, so you really shouldn't take what they say seriously. Instead, please just /ignore them, and pay them no mind. This way, you'll have a more positive experience in the game. Unfortunately, this is the nature of the English MMO community, and It can't be helped ( しょうがない). We may have some bad apples, but we have a lot of awesome and helpful people too. So, please don't let it get you down. :)

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Same could be said for PvE...this has to do with people, not PvP.


Nah, I had to click [2.PVP] off on my chat. It was never anything but a constant stream of why different players were terrible because pvp. Just a constant flow of hate and spite and bitter rage every time I went into Fleet chat.


Occasionally, you'll see the random Raider raging in chat because some idiot can't tank properly and a raid fell apart because of it, but never ever ever to the degree that PVPers rage at each other. It's hateful and malicious and it never ever stops.


Honestly, I can't even imagine deliberately immersing myself into that sort of community. It's soul-crushingly angry all the time over the dumbest of reasons.

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