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Anyone else bummed you can't gear up your comps?


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I don't really have a strong opinion on it.


I think it's good that I don't have to mess with my companions' gear. It saves me money and time.

I think it's bad that I can't mess with their gear, because less options is always a bad thing in my opinion.


Time will tell, but for now I'm indifferent about this particular change.

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Not really the cost on moving mods around could get high quick. The only real concern I have is our droids, I do not know about the rest of. I kinda had fun building my droids. Not to mention with this change cyber tech takes a significant hit. As for the flesh and blood companions nope dont mind it at all.
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They will be just as effective. No worries there :)


  1. Never has anyone ever needed a companion for endgame content. Endgame content is group stuff.
  2. The player does most of the work anyway. Companions were just along for the virtual company, and maybe the spot heal here and there.
  3. One argument I always heard was that people "had uber-geared companions that they worked so hard on", but it doesn't matter how much you geared a companion, if that companion made so much difference in a fight that you could not survive the battle without him/her, then you definitely weren't playing your character right at all.


Now we have a guarantee that no matter how the companion is dressed, they will be on par with our level, so I see a LOT of good stuff coming from this. :)


These changes really are bloody awesome. FINALLY I can not only have the companion of my choice by my side, playing the role I need, but they can also be dressed how I want them to be dressed.


Sounds like you've never pushed your solo game. ( fyi, soloing group content IS the end game content for solo players)

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Not really the cost on moving mods around could get high quick. The only real concern I have is our droids, I do not know about the rest of. I kinda had fun building my droids. Not to mention with this change cyber tech takes a significant hit. As for the flesh and blood companions nope dont mind it at all.


I wouldn't worry about the mods. Most players right now are sitting on PILES of basic comms, so I'd just forget about the mods on old gear and just focus on new mods and just purchase new ones as needed.

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They will be just as effective. No worries there :)


  1. Never has anyone ever needed a companion for endgame content. Endgame content is group stuff.
  2. The player does most of the work anyway. Companions were just along for the virtual company, and maybe the spot heal here and there.
  3. One argument I always heard was that people "had uber-geared companions that they worked so hard on", but it doesn't matter how much you geared a companion, if that companion made so much difference in a fight that you could not survive the battle without him/her, then you definitely weren't playing your character right at all.


Now we have a guarantee that no matter how the companion is dressed, they will be on par with our level, so I see a LOT of good stuff coming from this. :)


These changes really are bloody awesome. FINALLY I can not only have the companion of my choice by my side, playing the role I need, but they can also be dressed how I want them to be dressed.


I don't do Ops / endgame, so I'm rarely without a companion. I've learned the hard way that on-level Ops are more trouble than they're worth. I hate waiting around to fill out groups, I hate watching people ignore simple instructions and cause repeated wipes. I hate mechanic/gimmick-heavy boss fights. Etc.


There are places where certain characters having a tank or healer companion along make a big difference -- see, the commanders in the H2 mission on Oricon. Take Khem -- having him soak up stuns and knockbacks and attention from those commanders does make a difference, better gearing makes a big difference on whether he holds agro, and no, it's about "playing the character poorly". :rolleyes:


"On par with your level" per whatever Bioware thinks is appropriate, with their own, um, unique view of how to stat out a character. Get ready for Alacrity on tanks... if Surge weren't being removed, we'd get gobs and gobs of excess Surge too. I can't believe they're getting rid of it -- they LOVED Surge.

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That and it never failed ... I'd get a companion, but never use him because I didn't need him, and then get to a much higher level area and be slapped in the face with "You need "x" to do this." Then I'd have to stop and run to buy him gear to do one mission. SOOOOOO glad that will be a thing of the past also.


There's a certain JK mission that sets up like you might need to prepare all your companions. So I geared them all up to current level.


I enjoyed doing that.

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There's a certain JK mission that sets up like you might need to prepare all your companions. So I geared them all up to current level.


I enjoyed doing that.


Yeah I just spent the last few weeks getting the 192 sets from Yavin weeklies for all companions on all of my characters. just for kicks :)

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The main thing I see that I'm not so sure I like is, as said, the cookie cutter archetypes.


There are some DPS companions who have very little AoEs and there are some that have half their abilities as AoEs. When using CC I have to turn off the AoEs. On the companion that has one AoE, there is not a lot of DPS loss. On the companions that I have to turn off half their abilities because they are AoEs, it's a severe DPS loss. So if I need CC I use the DPS companion with the smallest amount of AoEs. Making them cookie cutter will eliminate being able to make these kinds of decisions.


Since I have no idea what abilities the new companions will have per archetype (Healer, Tank, DPS), I have no idea how many AoE's, defenses, etc. they will have and the ability to use. I'll have to wait and see. But Now instead of being able to choose which companion would be better for a situation, I'll have no choice but to use whatever is given to me be it a benefit or not.


Granted, this means I don't have to use the companions I don't like to use but if we are now able (when 4.0 hits) choose different companions, ones we like more, this situation becomes moot because we won't have companions we don't like.


Granted again... we can mentally switch companions and 'pretend' one is a healer, another is a DPS and yet another is a tank.


I always geared up at least two. One for the role I needed in soloing and one I may need for groups. For instance, I ran with my healer companion when solo but since my friend I played with most was a healer, I would run with a DPS when I was grouped with her.


False choices suck. As you said, if the character's DPS is mostly AoE, you have to turn off most of their DPS to avoid breaking CC, and another has all but one of their abilities available; then it's no choice - you use the one with mostly point target attacks in fights where CC is a concern, or you handicap yourself.


However, I just took a look at all the comps I have access to (JC, JK, Trooper, Mako, Khem Val, Kaylio, and Corso. They are all basically mechanically identical for role, with a small amount of difference between the force users and tech users in the same role (forcetanks heal on an AoE, techtanks weaken the enemy, that sort of thing). There are very slight mechanical differences between comps in the same role that are not explainable by force/tech difference (Summon Holiday is strictly, if minorly, better than anyone other healer CC, and T7 has a channel attack that other comps have as an instant, but I think the damage is the same overall). The animations differ a lot, but the movesets are mechanically identical for the non-premium companions.


They state:

Companions that use the same weapon type will share the same ability sets (so every companion that uses Blaster Pistols will have the same ability sets).

This is already the case, then, that mechanically the role/mainhand of a companion determines their mechanical moveset.

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Alacrity speeds CDs Companion tanks NEED to speed the CDs on their taunts, because they're not so effective at holding aggro. And a LOT of companion tank attacks have CDs as well - I noticed that when I was doing the spreadsheet for my previous reply. Companions don't have player movesets, they have different needs for stats.
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I'm happy... for two reasons.


First I can dress up my character and not impact stats. (TY BW)


Second I don't have to bother mailing around those dang Yavin Legacy sets of gear and then try to recall which of my 22 toons each with 6 companions is wearing said gear. Now where is that Cunning gear... araggg... :eek:

Edited by dscount
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Nope. It always felt like a pain because I could only afford to gear one at a time while leveling and I could only pick the companion who's roll matched with the character I played even if I didn't like them. Now I can use whatever companion I want, whenever I want.
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I wouldn't worry about the mods. Most players right now are sitting on PILES of basic comms, so I'd just forget about the mods on old gear and just focus on new mods and just purchase new ones as needed.


But their point with the change was new players not old ones sitting on piles of Comms.

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