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Combat Changes in Fallen Empire


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This is what I want to know.


Which powers do said companions get?


Does Elara Dorne keep her Medical Droids?

Does Dark Jaesa keep her Dark Lightning?


Do Republic Force using companions have different animations/fx for their healing abilities than Empire Force using companions?


They will keep their unique animations for what they are now. Dark Jaesa for example, her DPS skills will go unchanged, she will get the Generic Dark Force healer skill set, and Xalek skill set for Tanking. Light Jaesa will get the Generic Light Force healer skill set, and Generic Light Force tank skill set.


It's only the added roles that will get new but commonly shared skills/animations.

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Don't know what others will think of it, but I don't think we should scale down in level by going to another planit. I like working to the max level gearing up then going back and fight such as world bosses and stuff like that. So why do we have to scale down by going to a planit
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They will keep their unique animations for what they are now. Dark Jaesa for example, her DPS skills will go unchanged, she will get the Generic Dark Force healer skill set, and Xalek skill set for Tanking. Light Jaesa will get the Generic Light Force healer skill set, and Generic Light Force tank skill set.


It's only the added roles that will get new but commonly shared skills/animations.



Let us hope you're right.

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Just here to voice my extreme dissatisfaction at this level sync business. I think forcing it is a terrible idea and I won't continue playing (or paying) because of it. Which is a shame because I was looking forward to some of the other changes you've announced.


I know you don't care and other user are happy to flame me for it, but if you read this, add me to the list of dissatisfied and departing customers, whether it be long or short.

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I get both sides of the level synching. If I am our picking up datacrons, or something, I really don't want to deal with mobs too, especially since practically every datacron involves a bunch of platforming, and I honestly despise that. Make it a good combo, some platforming, maybe a small puzzle, a hard to find place, but constantly requiring 10+ jumps that really stink, just frustrating (off topic there a bit) Easiest way to do deal with some of the issues, make it optional. if you are mentoring/helping someone level, OK, you go down in level.


If you aren't, then you don't.


Want to limit griefers, make it so they can't attack someone a certain number of levels lower.


I like companions being able to fill multiple roles, but instead of making it so gear related, make it a crafting thing. Certain crafters can make stuff to improve tanking, healing, DPS. Also, maybe give some companions a bonus on those roles. Seems you can satisfy both sides there, as no one will be completely happy.

Edited by Strensk
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Let us hope you're right.


I hope he is, also. i think I heard that clarified in a stream, but until they put it in a blog so i can verify it for sure I'm not holding my breath. I appreciate their streams, i really do, but for people like me having a written page of information is a LOT easier to disseminate information from.

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J I think forcing it is a terrible idea


Terrible why?


and I won't continue playing (or paying) because of it. .


Given it is coming out in just a few days... Bye. But then I don't believe any of the 'I'm quitting' claims and threats one bit.

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If I am our picking up datacrons, or something, I really don't want to deal with mobs too, especially since practically every datacron involves a bunch of platforming, and I honestly despise that.


LMAO mobs an issue with Datacrons? Seriously? They are base level trash that die in seconds even with on level characters.


I really see no argument against this that compare to the arguments and benefits for the change.

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LMAO mobs an issue with Datacrons? Seriously? They are base level trash that die in seconds even with on level characters.


I really see no argument against this that compare to the arguments and benefits for the change.


Yeah I did my datacrons as i leveled up. That's actually how they were DESIGNED to be done. They were made accessible so that as you arrive on a planet, and as your leveling brought you into an area, you could snag that datacron while you were right there. Datacrons are the easiest side project in the game, so while I agree with some of the other observations people have made against Sync, I call BS on datacrons completely.

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Wow! I am LOVING the changes. The companions are simplified so we don't have to obsess about micro-managing their armour/weapon stats on top of ours. Also, THANK YOU for giving all the companions all three "styles". I have always seen/treated companions as a style preference and not so much a tactical combat preference. I hated HAVING to play a certain companion because only he/she can heal (or do whatever), despite the fact that I hated his/her looks or views or simply I found them super annoying, while what my heart really wanted was to run around the galaxy with another companion who has all the the skill sets I totally DON'T need. Again- thank you!!!


I also LOVE the "scaled experience" changes. Now I don't have to feel disappointed about having skipped certain quests in low level planets.


There are still too many stats and stuff which confuse me (sorry), but I am thankful at least that you simplified the main stats into just ONE stat. For the few out there who may complain that you developers are "dumbing down the game too much", well they can go suck it. You may enjoy highly technical games all you want, and that's your prerogative, but making this game too difficult for casual/new players to dive into and grasp would mean the death of the game, and I/we DON'T want that.


Again, THANKS for the companion and combat changes!! :))


Congratulations. You're the eight year-old cell phone gamer they were aiming the changes for.

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Terrible why?




Given it is coming out in just a few days... Bye. But then I don't believe any of the 'I'm quitting' claims and threats one bit.


You can believe it. They pulled this nonsense with Cataclysm in WoW and after six years of LOVING that game far more than I like this one I quit and never went back.

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I hope there's still some devs reading this thread..

I've got a few questions about crit, lvl sync and old H4

How Exactly will crit work with autocrits?

Think there are 2 options:

1. Let's say you have 30% crit chance and 60% crit dmg; when you autocrit you'll get 100% crit chance and 90% crit dmg

2. Let's say you have 200 crit rating, let's say it's split equally over crit chance and crit dmg (100 rating each); when you autocrit, all 200 rating will be for crit dmg


I think the 2nd option is the most likely, but an official answer is appreciated :)


Another question about crit:

If I have an autocrit, and I use force potency (increases crit chance by a lot), would that increase my crit dmg? And by how much?


Question about lvl sync: what happens to higher lvl content on low lvl planets, with lvl sync?

the problems I can think of now:

-bonus questlines (eg alderaan, lvl 40)

-daily areas (eg belsavis, lvl 50)

-conquest commanders (anywhere, lvl 65)

-base defenses, for achievements (anywhere, lvl 65)

-multiple classquests

-worldboss nightmare pilgrim (voss, lvl 50)

What would be perfect is if you could raise the lvl synced lvlcap depending on your area, instead of planetwide (as Eric suggested on the stream)


And about heroics:

Did you remember to change the mechanics on some of them? (looking at you section x :p) and are they soloable, purely mechanicwise?

Ow, and do you still have the option to manually pick up and hand in the heroics? (So you can see the story)


Hope you'll at least answer a few of these questions, or all of them ofcourse :)

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That's actually how they were DESIGNED to be done.


So what?


I don't say that to be dismissive, actually, I just really, really don't understand why some people care so all-fired much about "as designed" and "as intended".


It's a game, who cares as long as someone is having fun and not trying to ruin other people's fun?

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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This could be a serious issue if your aggro radius doesn't decrease you are going to get swarmed by NPC's the same level as you and your going to get slaughtered


This happens to you when you're doing on-level open world content a lot?


I mean, seriously, the way people are going on about level sync, you'd think that the game was unplayably difficult if your synced power level was equal to the open-world mobs' power level. Much less if your natural power level was equal to the open world mobs' power level. Which can't be the case, otherwise nobody would be able to complete on-level single-player content. Any anti-level-sync argument that includes "and then I'll die" is inherently absurd, because that would suggest that the on-level character wouldn't be able to hack it. So we're down to arguing about invincibility. I'm going to say it until I've worn the letters off my keyboard, but characters should never be invincible to a challenge when there's a reward at the end. There should always be an element of risk, when there is a chance at a reward. It doesn't have to be a particularly large challenge, but it should be something that needs effort to overcome. If you want optional level sync, they you get NOTHING when you're not under sync. No XP, no cash, no mats, no achievement progress, no datacrons, no nothing. And you can't toggle it on/off while you're on the planet to weasel around the restriction. It's done at fleet/ship.

Edited by IanArgent
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This happens to you when you're doing on-level open world content a lot?


I mean, seriously, the way people are going on about level sync, you'd think that the game was unplayably difficult if your synced power level was equal to the open-world mobs' power level. Much less if your natural power level was equal to the open world mobs' power level. Which can't be the case, otherwise nobody would be able to complete on-level single-player content. Any anti-level-sync argument that includes "and then I'll die" is inherently absurd, because that would suggest that the on-level character wouldn't be able to hack it. So we're down to arguing about invincibility. I'm going to say it until I've worn the letters off my keyboard, but characters should never be invincible to a challenge when there's a reward at the end. There should always be an element of risk, when there is a chance at a reward. It doesn't have to be a particularly large challenge, but it should be something that needs effort to overcome. If you want optional level sync, they you get NOTHING when you're not under sync. No XP, no cash, no mats, no achievement progress, no datacrons, no nothing. And you can't toggle it on/off while you're on the planet to weasel around the restriction. It's done at fleet/ship/stronghold.


I will laugh at anyone who gets killed by Kor'slugs or Flesh raiders.

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What was the need for mastery? Seriously? Is this to pander to the retarded Sorcs and Mercs that somehow managed to run around with cunning and strength gear?


I really don't see the need to remove Willpower etc, I really don't.

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What was the need for mastery? Seriously? Is this to pander to the retarded Sorcs and Mercs that somehow managed to run around with cunning and strength gear?


I really don't see the need to remove Willpower etc, I really don't.


I don't see the reason to keep it. You never had to balance the 4 stats on the same character; it just meant that of any given treasure roll that included statted gear, you have (had) a chance to pull gear that you can't use on your character. More if the secondary stats aren't compatible with your role (shield/absorb for a non-tank, crit for a tank, etc). Likewise for a crafter, half the schematics you have for armor/weapons, and 3/4 of the mods, aren't relevant to your character. And that's not even touching the system mastery trap part of it where you could equip something whose stats literally didn't contribute to your effectiveness.

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What was the need for mastery? Seriously? Is this to pander to the retarded Sorcs and Mercs that somehow managed to run around with cunning and strength gear?


I really don't see the need to remove Willpower etc, I really don't.


So you can have a full set of Legacy armor bouncing around on all your toons that have the best mods you can get.

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The only change I take exception to for the combat changes is the mandatory "level sync". While trying to get those unrealistic achievement goals for each planet, which weren't in the game until AFTER I leveled up 8 toons to max thus missing all the kills credit, it's a lot easier and quicker to do at 60 then at the planet's level. It's bad enough it's hours of grinding out worthless kills, which I would've already had had they been there from the start, now I have to do it at a lower level the game thinks I should be at? Now level syncing as an option is great idea, lot of other MMOs have a similar thing where you can be the level of whoever you're grouped with and that lower level person actually gets an XP boost from you doing so, but mandatory just creates more of a needless time sync. (incase the pun is lost on you, sink is spelled sync on purpose)

All that aside, what determines the level the game thinks you should be? A couple of the worlds have a really wide range of level from the main planet arc to the bonus series arc. (i.e. Alderaan & Nar Shaddaa) Unfair to de-level players leveling up to a lower level or boosting them up to a higher level and a mid point would make them over-powered from the starting point and under-leveled for bonus.

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Unfair to de-level players leveling up to a lower level or boosting them up to a higher level and a mid point would make them over-powered from the starting point and under-leveled for bonus.


We do not know how they handle the bonus areas, since they have a higher level then the regular content I am sure they have thought of this and make it possible to do the bonus aswell.


When the new leveling style releases I will actually take the time and level one character through the planets main story and all bonus aswell.

Edited by Icestar
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The only change I take exception to for the combat changes is the mandatory "level sync". While trying to get those unrealistic achievement goals for each planet, which weren't in the game until AFTER I leveled up 8 toons to max thus missing all the kills credit, it's a lot easier and quicker to do at 60 then at the planet's level. It's bad enough it's hours of grinding out worthless kills, which I would've already had had they been there from the start, now I have to do it at a lower level the game thinks I should be at? Now level syncing as an option is great idea, lot of other MMOs have a similar thing where you can be the level of whoever you're grouped with and that lower level person actually gets an XP boost from you doing so, but mandatory just creates more of a needless time sync.


This. This right here. Thanks for punishing me, a returning player who now has a much more tedious grind through old content I already 100% completed just to get achievements.


OPTIONAL is the only way to give the minority what they want without punishing the rest of us.

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I'm really not surprised that no one from Bioware has responded to this thread yet...


Anyways, since you claim to read all of our comments, here's what I have to say:


WHAT were you thinking when you reduced the 4 main stats to one? How hard was it for new players to figure out what stat they needed? This is really too simple.... And were you completely neglecting operation groups when you decided this? Everyone's going to be rolling on almost everything. The only difference will be from tanks and everyone else. And what about armor that's supposed to be geared towards one class or another? I guess everyone just uses something different cosmetically anyways so I guess it does not matter...


Also even though the changes to companions are somewhat nice, I'm going to miss gearing up all my companions. It added another layer of complexity to the game, and gave us something else to do rather than only look for gear for our main character.


This change is going to make some of the companions not make any sense, like skinny little Mako being a tank? What...


And when you said all companions with the same weapon are going to have the same abilities... What about unique companions like droids, and HK-51 and Treek? Are they going to be streamlined too so that they're completely the same as everyone else? Rubbish...


About the crew skills that are being overhauled to become more streamline... I think it's a decent idea, but you're taking it too far. How does it make any sense that a synthweaver is going to have to make gear for Troopers/BH or Smugglers/IA...


Honestly I'm glad Bioware is finally making a move for "more storytelling", but I feel like a lot of these changes aren't going to be for the best, and a lot of people are going to be unhappy...

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