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Combat Changes in Fallen Empire


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level sync ruins all the fun in being high level character on low level planet. this is why i hated guild wars every single zone kept owning my character because there was some rtard npc that owned everyone. i dont like that at all. i play on pve server and lvl sync has no point there as you cant kill other unless they are flagged for pvp so i think on pve its absolutely useless. i do want to go to taris and murder every single raghoul with one slash i rly do
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I've already posted some reasons why I disagree with scrapping Level-Sync (Source) (Source), I've summarized my argument against and utter detest for the suggestion to make Level-Sync toggleable (Source), and I've shown how Level-Sync could be made optional (but not directly toggleable), but consequently with many less pros (Source), but I have not actually stated what the pros are. Allow me to fix that problem.


Pros of Level-Sync:


1. Makes lowbie content engaging for max-level characters bored of endgame activities.


2. Allows overleveled (including max-level) characters to actively participate in lowbie content and earn decent rewards from it.


3. Lowbie ganking won't be as easy.


4. Resolves the stupidity inherent to the current system (being able to strip my skinny sniper bare and stand in a nest of K'lor'slugs on Korriban, take a shower, come back to the game, and still be alive just because I have a cute little number which says so).


5. Allows players to help other players level without hurting their experience gain.


6. Gives players many more options for leveling (I can take my level 60 Scoundrel and go level with Corellia's planet story if I want, since I've never finished it. Likewise I can take a 60 Sorcerer I don't want to level via KotFE story and instead level through sidequests on Dromund Kaas. This is a huge improvement in PLAYER CHOICE and will vastly improve our SWTOR experience).


7. Requires (or at least encourages) players to group for group content (heroics, ETC), as that's what the content was originally designed for.


8. Allows BW to implement these Weekly Heroic missions and the terminals pertaining to them (as well as the awesome priority transport feature included).


9. Presumably allows BW to implement the feature into places like Ilum and Rakghoul tunnels so they won't have to rebalance the content for future xpacs, thus reducing resource consumption.


10. Makes World Bosses challenging even for max-level players, so they actually feel like fearsome foes.


11. Allows BW to make the Gathering Skill changes they did without fear of players running right past enemies' faces and getting Gathering nodes for tons of materials.


12. Alleviates the concerns of players who felt like too much Experience caused them to be overleveled and therefore unnaturally powerful in combat during their class stories and the local side-quests.


13. Allows BW to create future events on lowbie planets without fear of scaling issues.


14. Allows lowbie guildmates to have (pretty much) as meaningful an impact in conquests as their greatly-overleveled buddies (assuming the lowbies aren't BELOW the level of the planet, of course).


15. Keeping players from blazing through lower-level Daily Areas like Ilum will very likely lower inflation, though it's hard to say by how much.


16. High-level characters won't be able to utterly control rare/special lowbie mobs (including World Bosses) by farming them easily and selling the rare drops on the GTN.


17. Companion side-quest missions (each class has one companion with these, I think) will be relevant again and give XP, which is awesome since I've never been the level of these things (always too high or too low).


18. Allows BW to use the old planets for new KotFE content without having to worry about getting killed by trash mobs in KotFE related areas (since I doubt all areas will be instanced).


19. Makes it so our Class Story final boss isn't a complete pushover (which in the vast majority of the stories is very unrealistic)


20. Allows BW to integrate new endgame content into lowbie planets (beyond just Heroic missions). For example, instanced raidbosses like the one we have on Ziost and Makeb, but a new one could be put on, say, Belsavis or Tatooine.



I'm sure I've forgotten several benefits, but there's the first 20 I could think of.

Edited by idnewton
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^ Completely agree with that list :p

Unhelpful comment is unhelpful but i have next to nothing to add to that.



Shame that for what appears to be a significant number of us, most or all of that list offers no actual benefit.


(Note that I said "significant number", and made no claims about majority either way -- which is certainly something that none of us actually know, whatever might be claimed.)


They might be of benefit to other people -- will be, based on the comments made in these threads -- which is why I keep pushing for optional-sync as the first solution to the problem at hand.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Shame that for what appears to be a significant number of us, most or all of that list offers no actual benefit.


(Note that I said "significant number", and made no claims about majority either way -- which is certainly something that none of us actually know, whatever might be claimed.)


They might be of benefit to other people -- will be, based on the comments made in these threads -- which is why I keep pushing for optional-sync as the first solution to the problem at hand.


Just say it offers "you" no benefit. That way you can't be wrong or mis-speaking.

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Three, perhaps four of those points offer any sort of benefit to me. The rest are simply laughable. I mean, really, what possible 'decent' reward comes of popping some trash mob on a low level planet? And trouncing a certain story boss's old oversized rear end after all his bluster I found to be IMMENSELY satisfying.
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People's opinions constantly change, better to stick with what you know such as yourself only.


Just from this thread alone, I'm comfortable leaving it exactly as I said it.


I know it's "common wisdom" among the pro-changes crowed whenever there's an issue like this, that people will "like it once they try it" or "put up with it and keep playing", but... I tend to take people at their word when they give their opinion on a matter.

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i was always happy when i overleveled cause it made it easier for me i dont want to have struggle to exp to be stuck on one guy and cry for help in chat. this is just ridiculous... ye i can see pvp server benefit in low lvl areas but as i said if im on pve it gives me nothing absolutely nothing. its no fun for me if i cant have the benfit of high level
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While some people have put forward some valid arguments for it, I still see little to no actual benefit in a mandatory level sync. It allows high level characters to effectively lose everything that makes them high leveled. As for the role-playing benefits, I personally am a role-player and must say that playing a max leveled character on a lower lvl planet is still enjoyable even if you can one-shot everything in sight. All the sync would do is render the level system that has been the backbone of this game's structure obsolete. This system would remove all incentive for even leveling and make it so that a player would have to be on a max level planet to even play the max level character with the stats that they put in so many hours to obtain. After all, why struggle to level up if you can't even play at that level on most planets?

This sync either needs to be OPTIONAL or it needs to be NONEXISTANT.

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I do have questions on level sync with planets. I don't see where it was answered so I will ask.

1) with the sith story line on both the inqiz and warrior, you are required to finish off at korraban. that is a max level 10 planet, with the sync how are we to kill the bosses that are lvl 50?

2) with flag ships needed to kill commanders on worlds that have multi levels how are we to kill a lvl 60 commander when everyone is synced to level 28/34/45 ect...

3) does the sync happen when you land on a planet or when you take a quest on that planet?

4) if it is synced on taking a quest, how can we defend ourselves against pvp in illum or tattooine against non questers? (ie outlaws den while questing for HK parts or illum on the gree event)


syncing will make the game play much harder for people that solo, I can understand those at lvl 65 that have the gear and are bored and want a challenge, but what about us that don't want that challenge? what happens to us that have worked hard the last few years to be able to walk around without getting attacked by those that are lvl 1-5 on a planet?

the only advantage I can see is for the pvp players, atleast you know that the guy that is attacking you will be on the same level as you....kinda....

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I believe that the whole level sync thing is good and stupid.

It good because things can still be a challenge and it would allow players to explore.

However I love to just one shot weak enemies in an area I revisit, this would ruin that.

I believe that it should be an option to level sync, except for pvp.

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The Level Sync is absolutely stupid and should not go forward with that.

If I want to return in a lower zone, I want to stay as I am. I've worked hard to level up to have this kind of advantage.

So doing a mission there is purely for fun and I don't need it to be challenging. There are enough challenges elsewhere.

I agree with some comments saying this is good for a PvP server, but not for PvE.

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Pros of Level-Sync:


1. Makes lowbie content engaging for max-level characters bored of endgame activities.

Pretty sure 16 character slots (default) for a subscriber takes care of that.


2. Allows overleveled (including max-level) characters to actively participate in lowbie content and earn decent rewards from it.

Pretty sure 16 character slots (default) for a subscriber takes care of that; also, what's wrong with playing "at-level" content?


3. Lowbie ganking won't be as easy.

Roll on (or transfer to) a PVE server to avoid ganking; alternately, BW could just convert all PVP servers to PVE (I play on a PVP server, and the amount of good OWPVP is so minimal that removing it would (IMO) be better than level syncing).


4. Resolves the stupidity inherent to the current system (being able to strip my skinny sniper bare and stand in a nest of K'lor'slugs on Korriban yet take no damage because I have a cute little number which says so).

Why is that stupid? I can make my character look just as naked as not wearing armor while wearing armor.


5. Allows players to help other players level without hurting their experience gain.

Grouping with chars your own level does that as well...given that level syncing will still leave the twinker substantially more powerful than the twinkee, all this does is make it more irritating for the twinker (and thus makes the twinker less likely to twink at all, regardless of whether or not the twinkee wants the XP or not).


6. Gives players many more options for leveling (I can take my level 56 Commando and go level with Corellia's planet story if I want, since I've never finished it. Likewise I can take a 60 Sorcerer I don't want to level via KotFE story and instead level through sidequests on Dromund Kaas. This is a huge improvement in PLAYER CHOICE and will vastly improve our SWTOR experience).

Your level 56 commando can do Corellia without level sync. Your sorc can do all sorts of level 60 activities to get XP without the KotFE story. BW could just give you XP for time spent playing the game regardless of what you do (which is essentially what you are advocating) without having to negatively affect other peoples' experience.


7. Requires (or at least encourages) players to group for group content (heroics, ETC), as that's what the content was originally designed for.

Not sure what you mean by "ETC.", since FPs are getting solo modes. Yeah, make it even easier not to group for FPs but make it harder to solo heroics -- that makes sense. LOL, maybe instead of optional level sync, BW could just give us a GSIsus droid for open world / heroics.


8. Allows BW to implement these Weekly Heroic missions and the terminals pertaining to them (as well as the awesome priority transport feature included).

Haven't heard of these, but I'm not sure how level sync would help with this. People can currently run Heroics once a day, I'd assume that BW was upping it to once week to encourage people not to cherry pick the easiest / most profitable missions.


9. Presumably allows BW to implement the feature into places like Ilum and Rakghoul tunnels so they won't have to rebalance the content for future xpacs, thus reducing resource consumption.

If by "Ilum" you mean "The Gree Half of Ilum", BW could just instance it (like the Tunnels already are) and just implement the level sync there. No need to implement it everywhere (and incur, in theory at least, the additional resource cost to review and test all the other locations).


10. Makes World Bosses challenging even for max-level players, so they actually feel like fearsome foes.

World bosses are already appropriately fearsome. My level 10-16 char fears a level 18 world boss -- my level 60 who just defeated Revan Reborn and a Jedi Master possessed by the Emperor -- not so much.


11. Allows BW to make the Gathering Skill changes they did without fear of players running right past enemies' faces and getting Gathering nodes for tons of materials.

I haven't seen an official list of crafting skill changes, so I can't comment; but what I have heard makes me think of a saying about throwing good money after bad.


12. Alleviates the concerns of players who felt like too much Experience caused them to be overleveled and therefore unnaturally powerful in combat during their class stories and the local side-quests.

LOL, I've felt like that since launch, and everything BW has done since then has been to make leveling even easier. Capping characters (in both senses of the word) is not a good solution to the problem of bad level design. A good solution would be readjusting the missions themselves to make it so that following the "obvious" story path and side quests provided the right amount of XP to allow characters to level "as expected".


IMO, there was a disconnect between the devs (who wanted to provide enough missions to give players playing multiple characters a sufficient diversity in which missions to run) and the players (many of whom are used to trying to experience *everything* on the first playthrough). It's way too late to correct that for the current players, so level sync just frustrates them, and rebalancing XP (and making it clear that not every mission needs to be run) would do just as well for new players.


13. Allows BW to create future events on lowbie planets without fear of scaling issues.

There are also much less invasive techniques to accomplish the same thing, and TBH, at some point they will need to use/develop these techniques to avoid overcrowding the maps and the servers.


14. Allows lowbie guildmates to have (pretty much) as meaningful an impact in conquests as their greatly-overleveled buddies (assuming the lowbies aren't BELOW the level of the planet, of course).

Conquest is just a zergfest, this just makes it worse. Conquest was won by crafters, many of whom were likely lowbie alts, now it looks to be won by PVP, which was already level-insensitive.


15. Keeping players from blazing through lower-level Daily Areas like Ilum will very likely lower inflation, though it's hard to say by how much.

"will likely" + "hard to say by how much" = "you have nothing here" -- that, and you don't even explain what you mean by "inflation". I can make over 10M / week on one char in just a few hours w/out leaving my stronghold. There are no dailies that can compete with that.


16. High-level characters won't be able to utterly control rare/special lowbie mobs (including World Bosses) by farming them easily and selling the rare drops on the GTN.

There are other ways of handling this issue (assuming it is an issue) that are less invasive than adjusting the level of every character on the planet.


17. Companion side-quest missions (each class has one companion with these, I think) will be relevant again and give XP, which is awesome since I've never been the level of these things (always too high or too low).

Once you start KotFE, your class quests are closed, so most people won't benefit from this. Also, there is no real lack of experience in this game. Do the quest if you want to experience it, not because you want XP.


18. Allows BW to use the old planets for new KotFE content without having to worry about getting killed by trash mobs in KotFE related areas (since I doubt all areas will be instanced).

You'll have to explain this a bit better -- people running KotFE w/out level sync wouldn't be worried about trash mobs (in fact, level sync is causing them worry). Lowbies walking into the "wrong area" should stop doing that after the first death, and if the devs are good at their job, those areas would be clearly marked (like they have been for Heroic Areas since launch).


19. Makes it so our Class Story final boss isn't a complete pushover (which in the vast majority of the stories is very unrealistic)

The Final Bosses are in instanced areas, which could be level synced without having to do so for every other area in the game. That said, level sync will apparently allow for *some* overleveling, and some of the most common advice in gaming is either "learn to play" or "level/gear up", so taking "level/gear up" away isn't really a good answer.


20. Allows BW to integrate new endgame content into lowbie planets (beyond just Heroic missions). For example, instanced raidbosses like the one we have on Ziost and Makeb, but a new one could be put on, say, Belsavis or Tatooine.

If they are instance, the whole planet doesn't need to be level synced.


I'm sure I've forgotten several benefits, but there's the first 20 I could think of.

Well, you're 0/20, so get back to the drawing board :)

Edited by eartharioch
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If I want to return in a lower zone, I want to stay as I am. I've worked hard to level up to have this kind of advantage.

So doing a mission there is purely for fun and I don't need it to be challenging. There are enough challenges elsewhere.

I agree with some comments saying this is good for a PvP server, but not for PvE.


Ditto. Although it won't really help in a PvP server either because the higher level players still have the ability advantage.

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Shame that for what appears to be a significant number of us, most or all of that list offers no actual benefit.
Three, perhaps four of those points offer any sort of benefit to me. The rest are simply laughable. I mean, really, what possible 'decent' reward comes of popping some trash mob on a low level planet? And trouncing a certain story boss's old oversized rear end after all his bluster I found to be IMMENSELY satisfying.
So an addition to the game is laughable simply because you don't benefit from it? Such selfishness. You should care about the health and well-being of the game as a whole, rather than you personal preferences. To date I have never once bought the Cathar unlock, created a Cathar or used a Cathar, and yet I supported the addition. Why? Because it benefited the community as a whole.
Summon random pet and random mount... look, here's the thing. As a user, I don't care. Never wanted it, never asked for it. However, as a member of the community, I *am* really glad they added this as I know it's been a requested feature for a VERY long time. Also, it's free... thank you. As it should be. I wouldn't put it past them to charge for something like this, so I'm glad they restrained themselves >_<
Why so selfish? Support the overall benefit of the game rather than your personal gains.
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So an addition to the game is laughable simply because you don't benefit from it? Such selfishness. You should care about the health and well-being of the game as a whole, rather than you personal preferences. To date I have never once bought the Cathar unlock, created a Cathar or used a Cathar, and yet I supported the addition. Why? Because it benefited the community as a whole.Why so selfish? Support the overall benefit of the game rather than your personal gains.


Cathar has absolutely no comparison to level sync. Cathar is completely optional; level sync as we know it is not. Cathar is completely cosmetic; level sync is not.




Quote for truth.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I just wanted to point out a few of my own concerns.


1. Level Sync: At first this was good news to me. Then I remember that some of those Heroic(4)s were still impossible for me to solo even 5 - 10 levels later. And finding groups for some of these are near impossible because A) others avoid them like the plague because they are so difficult, or B) simply no one likes doing heroics with pugs. So if I want to do them I have to over-level them by a huge margin, then go back and do them. I really don't think the level sync will improve the viability or popularity of the heroics. They will be done even less than they already are and I would really like heroics to stay but this would ensure their death.


2. Mastery: I'm really not sure what this is about. Is this so that we don't see Juggs running around in Cunning gear? Or PTs running around in Strength gear? Is this really that much of a problem that it all has to be rolled into a catch-all stat that will benefit you no matter what you gear yourself with?


Then, the datacron decorations... will we still be able to get the ones we have not yet been able to get after 4.0 hits or are the decos going away too?


3. Secondary/tertiary stats: Since Shield and Absorption rely on each other, will they be equally compensated or reworked like Critical and Surge? I mean if they are going to share the same slot, they need to be reworked or drastically improved. I have no idea about defense. Or will tanks get the defense they need from their own class buffs?

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Pretty sure 16 character slots (default) for a subscriber takes care of that.
16 slots by default as a sub? What game are you playing? Not only are you wrong, but the number of slots an account can have by default OR at max has no relevance whatsoever to the point I made.


Pretty sure 16 character slots (default) for a subscriber takes care of that; also, what's wrong with playing "at-level" content?
Again, your number is laughably wrong, nice guess, but it's a guess, and therefore it's pathetic, and it already shoots your entire post in the foot (twice). I'll tell you what's wrong with playing "at-level" content -- it gets boring, especially after doing it on 16 characters (using your own number). Variety is the spice of life. I'm sorry you haven't played enough to realize that, as is evident by the things you're saying.


Roll on (or transfer to) a PVE server to avoid ganking; alternately, BW could just convert all PVP servers to PVE (I play on a PVP server, and the amount of good OWPVP is so minimal that removing it would (IMO) be better than level syncing).
Yeah, because 22 of my 23 55+ toons definitely aren't on PvE servers... oh wait, they are. Why are you assuming I'm as selfish as you? I support this change for the good of the game, not just personal benefit.


Why is that stupid? I can make my character look just as naked as not wearing armor while wearing armor.
Because invisible armor is still armor, it still has stats and it still affects your character's numbers. No character should ever be able to sit in a giant pack of enemies with no gear on and survive for minutes on end without player input.


Grouping with chars your own level does that as well...given that level syncing will still leave the twinker substantially more powerful than the twinkee, all this does is make it more irritating for the twinker (and thus makes the twinker less likely to twink at all, regardless of whether or not the twinkee wants the XP or not).
Except you may not have a level 18 or a 25 or whatever is the level of the person you want to help. It's nice to be able to use a level 60 to help a guildmate and still get XP towards 65.


Your level 56 commando can do Corellia without level sync. Your sorc can do all sorts of level 60 activities to get XP without the KotFE story. BW could just give you XP for time spent playing the game regardless of what you do (which is essentially what you are advocating) without having to negatively affect other peoples' experience.
No, it's not what I'm advocating, and I'm humored that your mind can't understand it. Admittedly the 56 on Corellia was a poor example, as I would still gain minimal XP from higher-level Corellia missions, but not from 48s, and I'd be getting nothing from there in 2 more levels -- certainly nothing as a 60. You completely disregarded core principle of the statement, as well as my Sorcerer gaining XP from lowbie missions, which are much more interesting to do as I haven't already done them 10 times in the past 6 months. As I said, "Gives more players options FOR LEVELING", not just 'doing'. You ought to actually respond to the examples I gave and, ideally, stretch your brain a little and understand the core principle I'm getting at with said examples.


Not sure what you mean by "ETC.", since FPs are getting solo modes. Yeah, make it even easier not to group for FPs but make it harder to solo heroics -- that makes sense. LOL, maybe instead of optional level sync, BW could just give us a GSIsus droid for open world / heroics.
The only Flashpoints getting solo modes are the story-heavy Flashpoints, and Heroics are not story-heavy (they have story like everything in the game does, but they are not central to the general story of SWTOR throughout the leveling process). Soloable stuff is story, story, story. It's the constant throughout the changes you mentioned, and it's very obvious too. I'm starting to wonder if you miss these points on purpose just to claim I'm "0/20" and stroke your ego.


Haven't heard of these, but I'm not sure how level sync would help with this. People can currently run Heroics once a day, I'd assume that BW was upping it to once week to encourage people not to cherry pick the easiest / most profitable missions.
Hahaha, wow. Such a good summary of your post. I'll save this one to the end.


If by "Ilum" you mean "The Gree Half of Ilum", BW could just instance it (like the Tunnels already are) and just implement the level sync there. No need to implement it everywhere (and incur, in theory at least, the additional resource cost to review and test all the other locations).
You're suggesting this and then citing resource cost as a reason for the idea? Level-Sync has and is already being tested. It doesn't require "additional resource cost". What does require additional resource cost would be taking out a whole chunk of a planet and copying it into its own phased area and bugtesting it (it'd be incredibly broken).


World bosses are already appropriately fearsome. My level 10-16 char fears a level 18 world boss -- my level 60 who just defeated Revan Reborn and a Jedi Master possessed by the Emperor -- not so much.
Ah, I see your mind is still trapped in the system of level numbers. :rolleyes: You should really try and break out of that BS mentality and think about what is enjoyable for the community as a whole, rather than your character's epeen (and, consequently, yours).


I haven't seen an official list of crafting skill changes, so I can't comment; but what I have heard makes me think of a saying about throwing good money after bad.
I specifically referenced gathering skills, not crafting skills. Are you literate? These were specifically referenced in the stream and its summary, neither of which you read/watched as you've already shown. Stop playing dumb and trolling -- this is a serious topic and your BS is not welcome in this thread.


LOL, I've felt like that since launch, and everything BW has done since then has been to make leveling even easier. Capping characters (in both senses of the word) is not a good solution to the problem of bad level design. A good solution would be readjusting the missions themselves to make it so that following the "obvious" story path and side quests provided the right amount of XP to allow characters to level "as expected".


IMO, there was a disconnect between the devs (who wanted to provide enough missions to give players playing multiple characters a sufficient diversity in which missions to run) and the players (many of whom are used to trying to experience *everything* on the first playthrough). It's way too late to correct that for the current players, so level sync just frustrates them, and rebalancing XP (and making it clear that not every mission needs to be run) would do just as well for new players.

Oh, you mean the changes they're making in 4.0 to leveling? You have guts to be so bold about a topic you know nothing about. Such ignorance, at least have done your research before joining the conversation. You are why we can't have nice things.


There are also much less invasive techniques to accomplish the same thing, and TBH, at some point they will need to use/develop these techniques to avoid overcrowding the maps and the servers.
Yeah, much less effective ones. This "technique" is only "invasive" because of your ego. Also, overcrouded maps/servers is not relevant to this topic at all.


Conquest is just a zergfest, this just makes it worse. Conquest was won by crafters, many of whom were likely lowbie alts, now it looks to be won by PVP, which was already level-insensitive.
After all the focus given to Heroics, you're honestly going to tell me that PvP will be more effective in conquests than Heroics? Oh wait, I forgot, you didn't even read up on the changes to Heroics. I'm sorry. I expected you to be educated on the topic -- my bad.


"will likely" + "hard to say by how much" = "you have nothing here" -- that, and you don't even explain what you mean by "inflation". I can make over 10M / week on one char in just a few hours w/out leaving my stronghold. There are no dailies that can compete with that.
Oh, great, you failed ECON-101. Is using a dictionary really that hard?


There are other ways of handling this issue (assuming it is an issue) that are less invasive than adjusting the level of every character on the planet.
This is not the primary reason for Level-Sync. If it was, it wouldn't be a sufficient one. However, it's not, and it is a relevant side-benefit. Your "this isn't sufficient reason to implement Level-Sync" is a pretty stupid argument to make when I listed 19 other reasons.


Once you start KotFE, your class quests are closed, so most people won't benefit from this. Also, there is no real lack of experience in this game. Do the quest if you want to experience it, not because you want XP.
These quests are in the Companions category of the Mission Tracker. Do you even play this game? I doubt it.


You'll have to explain this a bit better -- people running KotFE w/out level sync wouldn't be worried about trash mobs (in fact, level sync is causing them worry). Lowbies walking into the "wrong area" should stop doing that after the first death, and if the devs are good at their job, those areas would be clearly marked (like they have been for Heroic Areas since launch).
It appears I do have to, because apparently it wasn't obvious enough. Clearly, people without Level-Sync (which is a hypothetical non-existent situation, because Level-Sync is coming and you can't stop it) wouldn't be scared about trash mobs, but lowbies in the area would. However, with this change, the KotFE NPCs would be the level of the planet too (yes, a lowbie planet's level, cry me a river and get over level numbers), as would the players, allowing lowbies and high-level players alike to kill these mobs with reasonable effort (not difficult, but not an utter pushover). This is not hard to understand.


The Final Bosses are in instanced areas, which could be level synced without having to do so for every other area in the game. That said, level sync will apparently allow for *some* overleveling, and some of the most common advice in gaming is either "learn to play" or "level/gear up", so taking "level/gear up" away isn't really a good answer.
So, you mean, players will either have to play better or -- oh no, what a tragedy -- actually group with someone else in an MMO? I hope you're joking.


If they are instance, the whole planet doesn't need to be level synced.
Not really. There's no reason to put a random arbitrary instance on a lowbie planet unrelated to anything else (like they did with Nightmare Pilgrim, which wasn't even the original goal, that was supposed to be the EC boss inbetween Vorgath and Kephess in the cave). Naturally there would be KotFE-related story content in that area, and that would lead to a raid boss on the same planet.


Well, you're 0/20, so get back to the drawing board :)

On the contrary, you are 0/20 at proving me wrong, and 14/20 at trolling and/or being uneducated and/or having no understanding of the topic or the adjacent topics.



8. Allows BW to implement these Weekly Heroic missions and the terminals pertaining to them (as well as the awesome priority transport feature included).
Haven't heard of these
This perfectly summarizes the reason you don't belong in this discussion. You have neither watched the stream nor even read the typed summary on dulfy.net. I apologize for considering you a rational member of this discussion. Your points hold no substance, no merit, and therefore no place in this thread. If you wish to re-join the conversation, feel free to educate yourself on the recent information of KotFE, on the basics of economics, and on the fundamentals of reading English.


I believe you've done a sufficient job of showing you're not in this thread to agree with anyone, but rather to troll, to create disruption and to provoke negative reactions. As such, I am reporting you for trolling and ignoring you until you can prove to me that you're in this thread for the benefit of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Have a fine day, gent, but try focusing on actually improving the game, for once.

Edited by idnewton
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Cathar has absolutely no comparison to level sync. Cathar is completely optional; level sync as we know it is not. Cathar is completely cosmetic; level sync is not.
Doesn't matter. My point is that I support things for reasons beyond self-benefit, and he does not.
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Dear BW.


As a Tank, i am slightly concerned about having to stack Defense rating on every Mod and especially on every Enhancement. Will there be enhancements that have Power and Shield/Absorb aswell?


If so, is the idea behind this that tanks get slightly higher DPS by using Power and Shield/Absorb enhancements?


I do not know any tank that would put Defense on every single piece of gear, as that way, you will hit the Def rating cap rather quickly, or are there any changes to how Def rating is calculated aswell?


Thank you for your answers.


PS: to anyone who thinks Accuracy Rating is no longer required, yes it is, it just means that your basic attacks will now "never" miss, if you hit that 110% Accuracy chance (10% bonus accuracy or 9% from gear and 1% from companions) in PVE against same lvl opponents.


PPS: Im quite sure that every single item in the game will have its stats changed to the new system. It would be a bad idea to have two types of gear (pre 4.0 and post 4.0) , in my honest opinion. If i would have to make a guess, all items will be changed to Mastery and Crit switched for Power on the first stat slot... but i dont know about the other stat slot. My guess is Battle Enhancement will now have Power / Crit from previously Crit / Surge, but thats just a guess.

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dont sit on a high horse castigating other people who are concerned that WHAT THEY ENJOY ABOUT THE GAME IS CHANGING just because it doesnt directly bother you.

Point 2:

Be careful what you wish for.


It's funny in a ironic way when those same people told Pvpers, Raiders, Duo'ers, among others to buzz off. Too me it's a taste of sweet delicious irony. Be careful what you wish for indeed :rolleyes:

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PPS: Im quite sure that every single item in the game will have its stats changed to the new system.

Every item with a mainstat, yes, which is the vast majority of equippable non-Cartel-Market items. However, there are some exceptions naturally, like empty gear shells (craftable orange gear, for example).


That's just the reality of the change. It's not a big deal. The point brought up (some time ago, though perhaps by you as well -- I didn't check) about how Crit and Surge are being changed on each modification is rather interesting, however. If you have a Strength/Endurance/Crit Mod, what's going to happen? Crit's becoming a Tertiary stat, which Mods don't have. Yes, it'd probably be converted to power, as I believe (if I'm not mistaken) that'll be the only DPS/Healer Secondary stat. However, in that case, what's the difference between a Deft mod and a Potent mod? One has Crit and one has Power but only on live servers. It seems they'll both have the same stats in 4.0 :confused:


Not that this really matters since we'll all be upgrading our gear anyway :D But it is fun to theorize about :p

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